Looking at Abeka home school options? many homeschooling parents use this homeschool curriculum option. Check out our visitors Abeka homeschool reviews before you decide if it is right your you. Click here to skip to the most recent ...
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
More resources and support help metro homeschoolers go mainstream ...
[Page 2 of 3] Families turn to homeschooling for diverse reasons, Ray said. "They want customized education, they want more time together, they want strong family ties and they want guided social interactions.
The OMSH Schoolroom - An Update | Pioneer Woman Homeschooling ...
My admiration for homeschoolers increases each time I read your posts. I don't homeschool but I have been homeschooled as a child. My daughter keeps asking me to homeschool her but I don't know if we can handle it! I'm chicken! ...
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Homeschooling: Educating for Success - Homeschool 101 Contests ...
Poetry is something that people generally either love or hate, and homeschoolers probably fit that pattern as well. For those of all ages who enjoy the artistry of words, The Arizona State Poetry Society has numerous options for your ...
Articles.vp.ly - Features Associated With Christian Homeschooling
For Christian children going to school or studying via Christian homeschooling is one of the more important milestones in their lives. The many home school programs that you can find ar.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers: Top Ten Ways to Handle a Bad ...
I can hear all the homeschool moms gasping in a collective shock of disbelief, but it's true. Some homeschooling days are better than others and some homeschooling days just plain stink. So, how do you handle the bad days? ...
Blog Cruise - Making homeschooling affordable at TOS Homeschool Crew
Homeschoolers are like most families, with different styles and different backgrounds. They are also teeming of ideas when it comes to saving money and being able to afford to continue their homeschool ventures. ...
Monday, August 23, 2010
Homeschool Through High School: Ideas, Tips for Highschool Home ...
Benefits to homeschooling the high school years through to graduation. This is a rewarding time in home school life when teens bloom and learning together is fun.
Legitimate Homeschool Socialization Concerns: Is Homeschooling the ...
Some Homeschool families have little trust for government schools and corporate propaganda. Is this a bad thing? Are homeschoolers raising anarchists or whistle-blowers?
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Homeschooling with Thematic Units: Fun Unit Studies use a Theme ...
Learn how to plan a Unit Study Approach lesson plan for all ages (using themes) in your home school. Examples and advice for family learning across the curriculum follow.
Accountability in Homeschooling
Some of us homeschool like lone rangers. We have few support networks and don't have many chances to "talk shop" with other homeschoolers. Others may answer to a local school board or an umbrella school. ...
Banning homeschool teams - update
UPDATE: MathCounts has reconsidered its policy in regards to homeschoolers thanks to Home School Legal Defense Association.
Update to Eligibility Guidelines for Homeschools and Virtual Schools; 09-10 Participants will be Grandfathered into 10-11 Program Year
After taking all concerns into account, a compromise was crafted that would grandfather in homeschools and virtual schools that participated in the 2009-2010 program year to allow them to participate on teams in this year's Competition Program. All new homeschool and virtual school participants must abide by the new eligibility rules that require those participants to register only as individuals.
This compromise was brought to the MATHCOUNTS Board of Directors and approved unanimously. Therefore, for the 2010-2011 school year, all homeschool and virtual school groups that registered for the MATHCOUNTS Competition Program either as teams OR individuals during the 2009-2010 program year will be allowed to register teams or as individuals for the upcoming 2010-2011 program year, following all of the 2009-2010 requirements for participation.
On the MathCounts website there's a letter which claims that homeschoolers were never really banned in the first place. However, their eligibility rules currently on the website (posted below) still states that "Students taking middle school mathematics classes who are not full‑time sixth, seventh or eighth graders are not eligible."
Either way, I'm glad to hear that homeschoolers can participate in most venues.
This is a real nonsensical solution to a problem.
National Math Competition Bans Homeschoolers
WASHINGTON -- Concerned Women for America has confirmed that MathCounts, a national math competition for teams and individual students in grades 6-8, will not allow homeschoolers to form teams and compete in the 2010-2011 school year. The MathCounts board unanimously decided to exclude homeschoolers in response to a few situations in which "super teams" were formed by pulling certain gifted students from public schools and labeling them as homeschool teams. MathCounts has provided unique opportunities for gifted students to compete and to shine. The program is comparable to the National Spelling Bee. Winners on a national level are rewarded and meet the president at the White House. These examples of cheating obviously mar the competition, but homeschoolers as a whole should not be completely wiped from the competition.
Penny Nance, CEO for Concerned Women for America, said, "It appears that the objectionable behavior was committed mostly, if not wholly, by non-homeschool kids, yet the MathCounts board chose to punish homeschoolers. Homeschoolers have excelled in the competition. Is this another example of punishing those who excel so that others can feel good about themselves? These students should not be punished for the misdeeds of a few cheaters. Homeschoolers may still be permitted to compete as individuals, but the reality is that far fewer students will be able to participate if homeschool teams are banned from involvement."
So, let me see if I understand this. Parents with children from various PUBLIC SCHOOLS were combining their children into teams and calling themselves homeschoolers. In essences, they stacked the deck for their team. The board responded by banning homeschoolers who have done nothing inappropriate.
It would have been very easy to require that homeschool teams only allow children to participate who had not been enrolled in a public or private school during the previous calendar year, except for homeschool satellite or homeschool charter programs. That would have taken care of the cheaters.
From MATHCOUNTS Competition Program Frequently Asked Questions
Who can compete?Students enrolled in the sixth, seventh or eighth grade are eligible to participate in MATHCOUNTS competitions. Students taking middle school mathematics classes who are not full‑time sixth, seventh or eighth graders are not eligible. Participation in MATHCOUNTS competitions is limited to three years for each student though there is no limit to the number of years a student may participate in the school‑based coaching phase.
If you would like to share your thoughts about this decision, here's the link to Math Counts.
Here's the names of the board members.
Better yet, here's a list of sponsors who you may want to contact.
Personally, I would contact all the sponsors and encourage them to remove their support from the MathCounts organization and point out how much bad publicity could be directed at their
Friday, August 20, 2010
Curriculum Options for the Homeschooler
If there is one thing about homeschooling curriculum options, it is this: there certainly are plenty to choose from.
The Best Future Benefits Of Homeschooling | Homeschool Ninja
Why let your child learnin the home than post them to university? One do not have to wake them up at six every early morning and bundle them off to school with umpteen numbers of guidelines, and stall with an anxious heart till they ...
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Homeschoolers Count - National Math Competition Bans Homeschoolers ...
Pursuant to the following email I received the other day, the war against homeschooling continues as Math Counts, a national math competition for teams and individual students in grades 6 to 8 are banning homeschoolers from the ...
Homeschool Students and College Admissions - Homeschooling Help
So often I hear homeschoolers ask, "But what about college?" as they consider the option of homeschooling their high school students. "Will they get in?", "Can they get scholarships?" and "What do I do to get them ready?" ...
Free2bMommy: Homeschooling. Is it for you and your crew?
After a summer of researching, praying, and bitching, I decided that the right thing for my daughter would be to home school her for her 3rd grade year. Am I excited about this? Not really, but I am willing to do anything for Monkey to ...
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
An extensive homework and learning resource for students ...
The homeschooling laws are also in the territory of the United States. Since there are many different criteria that states have homeschool studies are times when parents, you need documentation. The documentation includes the ...
The Pros And Cons Of Homeschooling - Headstone
Depending on who you speak to, there are many advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling. While those against it will tel you all its disadvantages, those in favor, on the other hand, will also passionately try and convince you of ...
Does homeschooling violate liberal values? | TINDERBOX
On all sides of the political spectrum of homeschoolers, I tend to see an unrealistically rosy view of families. Parents care more about their kids than anyone else ever could, and parents know what's best for their kids' education. ...
Monday, August 16, 2010
The Homeschoolers Income Makeover: Time Management Ideas for ...
As we're getting closer to the start of the 2010-2011 home school year, I'm seeing a common topic beginning to surface once again in the social networking sites and it's time management for homeschooling families. ...
Homeschool Science: Homeschool Science Has Substance!
Michelle is a new homeschooling mom, using her new blog to document "... the childhood of my precious crawfish pie [her daughter], sharing our memories with friends and family, as well as collect our favorite recipes and craft projects. ...
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Home School Online
After one particularly bad day when he came home in tears and humiliated, we agreed to try homeschooling for the rest of third grade. That was two years ago and it has really worked out for us. ...
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Homeschool Cash - Make A Full Time Income By Homeschooling
6 Month Membership That Teaches You How to Make A Full Time Income Within 6 Months By Homeschooling Your Kids! Great for Home School Moms and Parents Looking For Extra Cash. http://www.HomeSchoolCash.com/affiliates ...
Friday, August 13, 2010
Thirsty for Him: Why are you homeschooling???
This is where I first heard the word "homeschool". There was a whole ROOM dedicated to resources for homeschooling moms, including moms there to talk with others who may be considering it. I was very interested.....but didn't take the ...
mama in high heels: "You Look Like a Homeschooling Mom"
Here I am thinking she's talking about the homeschool group here in G-town. After all SSI is full of vacationers. As she starts talking I realize that she and I are talking about 2 totally different homeschool groups. ...
Homeschooling Option - Catholic Homeschooling
Homeschooling based on Catholic values is no different from other homeschooling curricula in the academic side. Catholic home school curriculum also contains science, math and language training courses that other curricula offer. ...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Home schooling Solution | A Homeschool Curriculum For Dyslexia Can ...
When faced with the challenge of teaching a dyslexic child to read, many parents would opt to homeschool their child, which gives their child the advantage of focused instruction, at his own pace. For the novice in homeschooling, ...
New Study Shows Homeschoolers Succeed in College | HEAV's Virginia ...
Note: You can view the actual study referred to here. Contact: Ian Slatter, Home School Legal Defense Association, 540-338-8663 PURCELLVILLE,
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
A Homeschooling Curriculum For Dyslexia Can Train Your son or ...
When faced while using the challenge of teaching a dyslexic baby to go through, a number of moms and dads would opt to home school their infant, which gives.
A Homeschooling Curriculum For Dyslexia Can Educate Your child To ...
When faced with all the challenge of teaching a dyslexic baby to read, countless mums and dads would opt to home school their little one, which presents their youngster the advantages of focused instruction, at his individual pace. ...
Homeschool Networking Group - Kids @ ZB Library
Homeschool Networking Group. Posted by zblibrary on August 10, 2010. This informal, parent-run meeting is for all homeschoolers and those just thinking about homeschooling. Please bring a snack and a drink, along with a craft or board ...
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Homeschoolers tied to computers? - OCEANS OF JOY
I'm referring to your almost flippant dismissal of homeschooling as an alternative that could bring significant financial relief to parents, without religious or academic compromise. Not only without compromise, but with benefits of ...
Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers: Top Ten Homeschooling Words of ...
The truth is, if you're anything like us, sometime about midway through the first or second year of homeschooling, the socialization problem becomes making sure that you turn down enough social opportunities to actually be able to stay ...
Teens that are homeschooled on the computer? - Has Anyone Ever?
I homeschool my children, but we do not use virtual school. Some homeschoolers do use these programs independently, though. We love homeschooling! I know people that use the Virtual Academies, and they like it. I also know people that ...
Monday, August 9, 2010
Famous Homeschoolers | Pioneer Woman Homeschooling | Ree Drummond
As I've said before and will continue to repeat, I am very careful not to be a proponent of homeschooling here on my site. Th...
Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers: Homeschool Showcase #53
Welcome to the August 9, 2010 edition of Homeschool Showcase, where we spotlight all the encouraging, inspiring and just plain fun ways that homeschooling families live and learn together. This is the first Homeschool Showcase of our ...
Home schooling Solution | Homeschooling With the Right Learning Style
There are a lot of different types of curriculums available on the homeschool market today. Instead of simply trying them all until you find one that will work for you, it is a good idea to take a look at your child's learning style. ...
Corn and Oil - Political Activism and Homeschooling
I should do more posts there, but my angle generally revolves around homeschooling, and I don't want to wear folks out going on about my home education passions. At the same time, I've found that homeschoolers have many ...
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Online high-school homeschooling programs offering accredited classes?
For other children homeschooling really begins their educational journey. Before these children start homeschooling there are various facts that should be found out and dealt with. The most important fact for home school More > ...
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Do you name your homeschool?
In preparing for the school year to begin, how do you establish a school identity? Do you name your school? Do you have a mascot, make student identification cards or school T-shirts? Jacci Howard Bear, About.com guide to Desktop Publishing, has step-by-step instructions on how to make a student ID Card for your homeschool students.
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The Homeschoolers Income Makeover: Back-To-School Related Resources
homeschool buff, social media enthusiast, pursuer of SEO/SEM, mobile digital marketer, and Certified Inbound Marketing Professional. *LOVE* to hear my kids laugh! Work hard to find online gems & jewels to help friends & colleagues get ...