Mom's Homeschool Notebook: Spelling. Spelling can be one of the most challenging skills to convey to the home schooled student. The importance of spelling is often underestimated by many homeschoolers, much to detriment of the child. ...
Friday, October 29, 2010
Blog Cruise - Homeschooling Styles at TOS Homeschool Crew
Homeschoolers are a diverse bunch! The wonderful thing about homeschooling is that we can choose what works best for our family and our students' learning styles too. This week's Blog Cruise question asks TOS Crewmates "What is your ...
Thursday, October 28, 2010
How to Choose Curriculum for Homeschooling | Deosaie Articles
Homeschooling is becoming more and more common place. Some time ago homeschooling was though of as only for religious families. Many different types of families are now making the choice to homeschool their kids.
I Am Homeschooling a Teenager | Pioneer Woman Homeschooling | Ree ...
I am homeschooling a teenager. There are days I look across the table and see her sitting as tall in her seat as I sit i...
Homeschooling with the Seasons of Life
With the coming of fall, we tend toward stories and learning activities about apples and pumpkins. A study of Columbus or the Pilgrims naturally fits well during this time of year. Winter, Spring, Summer, or fall, there's no shortage of ...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up - We Are Clark Kent
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up at Corn and Oil.
Susan starts with:
You are likely thinking this is odd. Let me explain. There has been much talk in the last couple of weeks about the new documentary concerning public school education called: Waiting for Superman. It's a story that pulls hard at your heart in following 5 children and their educational realities. I suspect that like me, many homeschoolers following this issue want to shout: Just homeschool.
But we're a tiny minority compared to the millions and millions who are part of the public school community. What we live and learn every day is hard to explain unless you're doing it. To much of our society, we could be that incognito, even nerdy sort of fellow with the glasses, known as Clark Kent. But we go against societal norms valuing that time where our children often feel like a Superman or Wonder Woman.
Fly on over and see the many ways you are like a Superman or Wonder Woman.
Blessed Life: homeschooling
We have been on a roll with homeschooling these last few weeks... I love that we have some sort of a schedule now, the kids are doing math pretty much every day, reading, science gets done in a variety of ways every day too. ...
An Online Homeschool Offers Many Advantages | Online Home Schooling
An Online Homeschool Offers Many Advantages A lot of parents nowadays are considering homeschooling for their children. You can find a lot of.
Homeschool Online Curriculum | Homeschooling
Answer: There is an on line secular home school program called K-12 for children Also and I do not have experience with them, though. For literature I wholeheartedly recommend the Mosdos ...
What is Homeschooling
Every state has its own laws regarding homeschooling. For instance, in North Carolina, you must first file a 'Notice of. Intent' to start a home school. In this you have to mention if the school is a 'Private church' school or a ...
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Barbara Frank - Homeschooling for Free
But the determination to homeschool for free (particularly at the high school level) seems a little short-sighted. In answer to such parents' enthusiasm, all sorts of online businesses have now popped up offering "free homeschool ...
How To Prepare Homeschooling Students for Life in College
Should homeschooling students even go to college? Yes! This article offers practical tips to get home school high school students ready for :the world.
A farm wife's life...: Beginning Homeschooling--Part 2
Part 2 of my little series will deal with more of the "nuts and bolts" of home education, containing more of the logistics for homeschooling in Minnesota. Keep in mind that some of what I say may be specific to my state; be sure to ...
Pagan Homeschooling - Witchvox Article
Years later, I ran across a used Homeschool store. They did have mostly Christian based books, but over in the corner I found public school books. Jackpot!! I bee-lined for those books and scooped up almost all of them. ...
Monday, October 25, 2010
Kathi's Hippie Haven: Where Are the Books About Homeschoolers?
When I was growing up I knew maybe two people who were homeschoolers. When we first started homeschooling ten years ago, there was already a homeschool support group in our local area with 200 families in it. Today? ...
Frozen Science Experiments for Homeschoolers
Do these science experiments with one child or a small class. Add these hands-on activities about ice to a homeschooling curriculum.
Home School Book Review · "Home Schooling Rights and ...
A blog devoted to book reviews, primarily of children's literature, from a Biblical worldview by a homeschooling father.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Catholic Homeschooling in Delaware: Catholic Homeschooling ...
THE CONTACT LINKS - There are currently 4 active Catholic homeschooling groups in Delaware. One in New Castle County - The 35+ families in Our Lady Queen of Peace homeschoolers, also Aquinas homeschoolers affiliated with the Aquinas ...
Adventures in Mama-Land: It is Jewish homeschool blog carnival ...
Have you visited the first Jewish homeschooling blog carnival yet? I started this hoping to learn about other great homeschool bloggers who happen to be Jewish, or great Jewish bloggers who happen to be homeschoolers. ...
This weekends news, links and happenings... | Home School Learning
Families in Australia interested in Homeschooling can attend free online conferences during that week. Bookings are necessary so register now if you're interested. There is also a get to meet your local homeschoolers park meet up that ... Homeschooling on the Web - - Test-prep for ...
I used to think how great it was that as homeschoolers, my kids could avoid those pesky state-wide standardized tests the public school kids had to endure. (Of course, it depends on the state, whether or not homeschoolers must take ...
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Rules For Homeschooling In Georgia | Keith Frank's Home Schooling ...
I'm going to homeschooling this year and I was involved with the group for Liberian five years of my life. I have to do homeschooling for credit recovery, but I'm not ready to give up the band if I did to do so. I live in Georgia, ...
Christian Homeschool Books For Sale | Homeschooling
Most homeschoolers believe that public schools are not an adequate job of education. Slow learners are falling increasingly behind, while gifted students are not sufficiently stimulated. Home slower learners can draw attention ...
Home School News - 7 shocking facts about Home-Based Education ...
What do you think of when you hear the word "Home School"? Do you think spelling bees and families? You socially awkward? Well, here are some statistics that may surprise you. But beware, this could be the image of homeschooling are the ...
October 22nd - Parachutes, Trains and Nuts
Here's a more detailed list of October Holidays and Events with worksheets, coloring pages and activities to provide teachable moments for October 22nd.
1797 - First Parachute Jump
On October 22, 1797, Andre-Jacques Garnerin made his first successful parachute jump above Paris. He first ascended to an altitude of 3,200 feet in a balloon, then jumped from the basket. He landed about half a mile from the takeoff site unharmed. After his first jump, he included an air vent at the top of the parachutes.
Read Full Post
Cool Great Stuff | Games - Why are people so against homeschooling?
Most parents who want to home school are psychos- religious nuts and the like who want to keep their kids away from progressive ideas. And most parents who do it have a very inflated idea of their ability as teachers. ...
Monday, October 18, 2010
Homeschool Websites Homeschoolers | Homeschooling
Homeschooling means more initiative and responsibility on the part of parents. Parents should have guidelines and other homeschooling more on providing these children a better education. Class plan to holding and management vault &wshyp ...
Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers: Homeschool Showcase #58
Welcome to the October 18, 2010 edition of Homeschool Showcase,where we spotlight all the encouraging, inspiring and just plain fun ways that homeschooling families live and learn together. Pull up a comfy chair, pour yourself a glass ...
Best Deals on Homeschool Curriculum Packages | Help & Teach Our ...
If you're looking for the best homeschooling package for your child can be difficult especially if you're new with home schooling education. When.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
September-October Issue
The September-October issue of Home Education Magazine is still the current issue, and it features an interview with Virginia homeschooling mom Jeanne Faulconer, the articles editor for Home Education Magazine, editor of the VaHomeschoolers Voice, and a speaker on homeschooling and family issues. Articles in this issue include First Year Homeschool Blues, Building Your Home [...]
Homeschool 101 Testing: Does Iowa test score tell the grade my ...
Phoenix Homeschooling |; Mom at the crossroads: Continue with a career or give it up to homeschool? – Phoenix Homeschooling |; How do homeschoolers deal with the controversial ideas about dancing? ...
Free "Why Homeschooling Rocks" eBook from Home School Buyers Co-op ...
There are times when homeschool parents need help in the motivation and inspiration departments. A free eBook called "Why Homeschooling Rocks" is available from the Home School Buyers Co-op. To get the book, just join the co-op for free ...
Friday, October 15, 2010
Everything Home...with Carol: Homeschool Conference
Our family attended a homeschooling conference on Friday. It wasn't a huge, statewide convention such as the Home Educators Association of Virginia or the Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers put on each year. ...
Why Homeschool: Scholarships for homeschoolers - the website
Mission statement: On this blog we explore why homeschooling can be a better option for children and families than a traditional classroom setting. We'll also explore homeschooling issues in general, educational thoughts, family issues, ...
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Debate Show: Homeschooling Pros/Cons | My Home School Companion
The topic of Homeschooling seems to bring out defensiveness on both sides of the issue. Today we had a debate show on the pros and cons of homeschooling. Our.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Features Associated With Christian Homeschooling : Home School ...
For Christian children going to school or studying via Christian homeschooling is one of the more important milestones in their lives. The many home school programs that you can find are an indication of this popularity. - Homeschooling Wins Hands Down
I cannot entirely agree with the ideas I've read about recent in regard to ideas of play-and-learn teaching. In my own experience and seeing children in public, private, and home school.
Public School, Home School and Blessings... - HomeSchool Girls
I had read about homeschooling since she was 4. I had a folder full of great homeschool links and resources. I thought I would love to do it but I was afraid. I was not a certified teacher! How could I possibly teach her? ...
Sunday, October 10, 2010
What is the best homeschooling online program? | Parenting News ...
I'm going to 7th grade and i was thinking of being home schooled. I'm looking for a program that is ONLINE 7TH GRADE HOMESCHOOLING. PS if u get home schooling.
Legalities Of Homeschooling In California | Love Blog
This court ruling surprices even more when you look that the success homeschoolers achieve on average. They score an average of one grade level higher than publicly schooled students their age on national scholastic achievement tests. ...
Isn't homeschooling more regulated?!
I am fairly new here. My wife suggested this forum. I have only posted once or twice. I will try to more often. I thought I would share this new thing I am getting about trying to regulate homeschoolers in my state (Indiana).
What state has the most lenient homeschooling laws & which state ...
Georgia most children live down south or near Georgia if their home schooled. Most kids down here are home schooled, but for some reason the strict ones the came to mind is California. My mom tried to home school me but it so much paper ...
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Does Anyone Know About HSLDA? | Homeschool Ninja
I am wanting to know more about homeschooling and have been made aware of the Home School Legal Defense Association, and have been told good and bad things of HSLDA. Should I join or not join this association? Hello Litadig, From a more ...
Friday, October 8, 2010
Wright Family USA - Are these kids all yours?: Confessions of a ...
4) There are some days that I start off homeschooling and get so off track I don't recover 5) We typically homeschool 3 - 5 days a week- year round Because it is hard work people! 6) I wouldn't trade home schooling for the world! ...
Moments of Awareness: HSLDA | Finnish Homeschoolers Want ...
In Finland, interest in homeschooling is growing. But even though there is an apparent pro-homeschool sentiment in parliament, many families still encounter difficulty with local government officials. ...
Where To Get The Best Homeschool Curriculum Packages
If you're new with home schooling education, finding the right homeschooling curriculum package for your child can be a bit of a challenge. Before you find the right homeschooling programs for your child, assess your kid first. ...
Thursday, October 7, 2010
alternatives to HSLDA | Homeschool Ninja
I appreciate the Home School Legal Defense Association for providing information, advocating for home educators, and standing up for homeschooling rights. I use their site as well as their alerts as a resource. however, ...
HomeSchooling Your Teen | Dr. Mommy Home School Tips
The decision has been made and you have decided to home school your teen. It is not as scary as it sounds. So I will try to ease your fears. I have 2 teens that.
Pros and Cons of Homeschooling your Child | Help & Teach Our Children
Are you thinking of home schooling your child? Choosing to home school your child has its benefits and drawbacks. Continue to read the following.
Bible, Math, Politics and More!: Warnings for Homeschoolers ...
This is the third in a series of posts about homeschooling. If you haven't read the first two, you may want to do that first, but here are a few theses about what I'm going to write both now, and in the posts to come: ...
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
A Guide to Finding High Quality Homeschool Textbooks and Supplies ...
As homeschoolers, we naturally want the best home schooling supplies and curriculum for our children. Each child is an individual though and what homeschool textbooks and supplies may be perfect for one child may not be the best fit for ...
Bottom 10 Worst Parts of Homeschooling - Guilt Free Home Schooling
For those who are genuinely investigating homeschooling for their children's education, I would be remiss if I did not caution you in advance about the uglier moments of homeschooling: the dark days that inevitably occur and that no one ...
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Our Homeschool Journey: About Homeschooling | Homeschool Ninja
So you are interested in homeschooling…. So you have decided to homeschool…BUT you have a lot of questions before you begin….. Let me begin by saying, Relax… take a deep breath… everything can look a bit overwhelming at first.
Start Homeschooling Success Tips for New Homeschooling Families ...
Where there is no vision, the people perish. (Proverbs 29:18, KJV). To start homeschooling your child successfully, you will want to lay a good foundation at the beginning. A sure way to fail at homeschooling is to not plan or set up ...
Home School Myths: Low Education Standards" Myth of Homeschooling ...
Pages posting aboutHome School Myths: Low Education Standards" Myth of Homeschooling in
Monday, October 4, 2010
Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers: Homeschool Showcase #57
Welcome to the October 4, 2010 edition of Homeschool Showcase, where we spotlight all the encouraging, inspiring and just plain fun ways that homeschooling families live and learn together. We've been enjoying our first taste of fall ...
The Pros and Cons of Homeschooling Online | Help & Teach Our Children
In olden times schooling was more of a household affair. The parents or family members schooled children at home. The times have changed now, but.
Wise Up Journal - - Homeschoolers Interrogated by Secret Police ...
Home School Legal Defense Association03.09.2010 Four families who reside in Mahalapye, Botswana face an uncertain future due to an increasingly tense standoff over the issue of homeschooling. The families, adherents of the Seventh Day ...
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Correspondence Schools The Big Secret In Homeschooling | Best ...
Why Homeschoolers are Turning to Distance Learning and Correspondence SchoolsWhile correspondence schools used.
Q & A - Organizing For Homeschooling | Homeschool Ninja
Q: I homeschool two girls ages 8 and 10 and would like to have ideas to organize our home. I don't have a "school room" but I use our dining room and store things around the house. How could I organize our home in a way that our whole ...
Weekend Links - Simple Homeschool
Thanks for visiting Simple Homeschool. If you subscribe to the blog via RSS feed or via email, you'll get helpful tips for homeschooling sent straight to you, for free! A Preschool Education at Home :: Life as Mom Why Teenagers.
Homeschooling and Team Sports | Pioneer Woman Homeschooling | Ree ...
My boy's playing football for the first time this fall. Football in our town doesn't become part of the school system until G...
Reminder - send in a post for the next Carnival of Homeschooling
Don't forget to send in your submission to the next Carnival of Homeschooling, which will be held at Homeschool Curriculum and Parenting Advice.
Go here for the instructions on sending in a submission.
As always, entries to the Carnival of Homeschooling are due Monday evening at 6:00 PM Pacific Standard Time.
Technorati tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, parenting, children, education, Carnival of Homeschooling
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Why Homeschool: Nice article on homeschooling
We explore why homeschooling can be a better option for children, families and society than our current government school system. We'll also explore homeschooling issues in general, educational thoughts, family issues, and some other ...
Nice article on homeschooling has a nice article on homeschooling: Home-schooling parents turn to blogs, Facebook for help.
Several homeschooler bloggers are quoted:
Carolyn Morrison - Guilt Free Home Schooling
Melissa Wiley
Shannon Entin
Friday, October 1, 2010
With the School Year in Full Swing Great Home School Conventions ...
Great Homeschool Conventions is hosting four outstanding conferences beginning in March of 2011 featuring hundreds of exhibitors, amazing speakers and an opportunity for homeschooling families to connect. TUJUNGA, CA, October 01, ...
Homeschool Education : Free Online Home School Resources For Young ...
There are various online home school resources that parents can use in a homeschool curriculum. These educational resources can help parent impart knowledge and skills to their kids in a fun and loving manner.