Homeschooling is a topic that continues to receive quite a bit of attention. The main reason why some parents opt for home education for their kids is their perception that the...
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Homeschooling: Educating for Success - From homeschooler to ...
Homeschooling can be a lifelong adventure for those who choose to give back to the homeschool community once they have graduated from high school and college. For homeschooler, Matthew du Mée, returning to his roots ...
Fitness Kick-Start Check-In ~ Final Check-In | Guiding Light ...
Guiding Light Homeschool - Christian Homeschoolers. ... Susan - Homeschooling Hearts and Minds. Renita - Weighing Hearts. Kathy - Teaching Good Things. How did you do this week? Please leave a comment and let me ...
Great Homeschooling Links: December 31, 2011
Cheryl shares great links around the Internet for when we're cooped up in the house – from creating a snowflake star to cinnamon rolls to a holy calm, and more.
Notes From A Homeschooling Mom: When homeschooled kids hate ...
This blog is the journal of a mom and family in our 9th year of homeschooling. I am passionate about education as a whole and feel that homeschooling can also be used to prevent struggling high school students from being ...
Morning Glories and Moonflowers: R.E.A.L. Homeschool Spanish
R.E.A.L. Homeschool Spanish is written by a homeschooling Mom, Dr. Karyn Williamson-Coria, and she truly knows what is needed to teach your family. Instead of constant drilling of Spanish, you incorporate the language ...
Friday, December 30, 2011
An Accidentaly Homeschooler - Omo Diaries
I actually might like homeschooling. Or I actually might believe in it. Which, coincidentally, isn't really the same thing. Yet…fingers crossed. I mean, I still feel like a complete dork even writing about homeschooling–like ...
Homeschooling - Why Should You Homeschool? | Archaeology ...
For instance, children who homeschool are seen as being less susceptible to peer pressure or bullying. Simply put, however, the opinion that homeschooling can provide a better education versus that of public or standard ...
REAL Homeschool Spanish {TOS Review} - Milk & Honey Mommy ...
We were offered the opportunity to review R.E.A.L. Homeschool Spanish which is a Spanish (Central and South America) curriculum written by Dr. Karyn Williamson, a homeschooling mother of three boys. Although she has ...
Homeschool is a wonderful Child Education Remedy | Prisms Of Flight
If you are contemplating an education alternative, allow some things to do in phoenix consideration so that you can homeschool educating by means of considering the following details. Home Schooled young people are ...
Negative Reactions to Homeschooling?
It's not worth fighting anyone about whether you homeschool or not. They have no input to your children's education. I trust that each parent who is truly interested in their children will help their child learn and be their best in ...
Thursday, December 29, 2011
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up!
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up at Corn and Oil.
The theme for the carnival is Passages.
Susan explains:
2011 will be our family's last full year of homeschooling. Our youngest have steadily moved into their own educational goals and motivations. Their plan was always implanted with great fun such as zoo adventures, jamming with friends and traveling. Definitely not the last our family will see of homeschooling, but our twin boys and their parents will be on a different path come this time next year.
Go enjoy the carnival.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
What you need to Know about Homeschooling and College ...
As children grow out of their little pants and are ready to begin their teens, many parents wonder if they should continue with the homeschooling program. They fear that colleges may not give equal opportunities to a child ...
Tips for Choosing Your Homeschool Curriculum - Submit Your Best ...
More and more parents are choosing to homeschool their kids. Once upon a time it used to be that only the children born in very strict religious families were schooled at home. Homeschooling is now being chosen by all types ...
Monday, December 26, 2011
Homeschooling and vacation
My daughters are scattered around the house today reading books in various nooks. I started wondering if homeschoolers vacation differently than families with children in public schools?
When the topic of homeschooling comes up often we tout the academic advantages of homeschooling. For example we'll mention that children can spend more time studying topics that interest them and being able to move at their own pace. One of the problems government schools really struggle with is how to cover the material in such a way as to engage the whole class. Too often some children mastered the material in the first couple minutes and are bored for the rest of the hour while others spend the full hour and still don't understand the new material. Both groups end up frustrated and often cause trouble. In contrast homeschoolers can cover the material as fast as needed.
In pondering homeschoolers and vacation the first thing that jumped out at me is the flexibility. Over the years Janine and I have greatly enjoyed playing tourist in off seasons which prices are cheaper and lines are shorter. Disneyland is a lot more fun in March and April as compared to August when the lines are long and the weather hot.
Another thing I've noticed is frequently we try to tie some educational aspect of the vacation into the trip. Over the last the last ten years we have gone back East about five times. Every time we've hit historical sites. I'm sure some families with children in public schools try to leverage vacations to further an education purpose, but because education dominates the minds of homeschoolers I would be surprised if the average family with children in public schools comes anywhere close to what average homeschooling families do on vacation.
Do you think homeschoolers experience vacation in any other different ways?
Tips on how to Homeschool
Yου mау notice thаt a youngster іѕ battling tο discover аnd even modify thе course thаt ѕhе οr hе іѕ going, a lot οf people wіll try home school аѕ thе second сhοісе. Homeschooling іѕ educating уουr kids іn уουr οwn home. ...
Homeschooling Considerations - Things You Need To Know ...
How Homeschooling And Traditional Schooling Are Different - Easy To Understand Explanation.
Homeschooling Considerations - Things You Need To Know
The option of home schooling is being accepted more and more in our modern society. Spending time with their kids, and also protecting them from negative.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
What all should you include in a home school curriculum
Homeschooling is a huge responsibility on the parents because it is them who will determine just how and what the child learns. Every parent has the child's best interest at heart but does that translate into a good education? Some forethought ...
Friday, December 23, 2011
4 Reasons Why You Should Homeschool Your Child - Gordon Racing
A recent survey indicated that nearly 30% of American mom and dad genealogy are seriously considering homeschooling their children rather then sending them to institution. Home schooling is a different way of education ...
Homeschooling an Only Child | Home Schooling
Looking around at the homeschool families you know in your co-op, support group, or church, you might observe that most consist of more than one child. In fact, a 2006 National Center for Education report found that families ...
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
I'm thinking of going over to the dark side
Ok, well maybe it is not that bad. But, I am considering using a public school independent study program next year.
When we first started homeschooling nearly 13 years ago, we started with a public school charter program. We were in that program for the first half of kindergarten with our first child. Our district was disqualified from the program and we have just filed the private school affidavit ever since.
Even when we were in the program (during kindergarten), I found myself not utilizing their services much. I mean who can't handle kindergarten? Through the program you could order materials from various vendors. The order process took weeks to a month or more. By the time my order had come in, I had moved on and used something else. Also, they prohibited the purchase of anything remotely religious. You could use religious materials. You just couldn't purchase them with the voucher money. The ES (Educational Specialist) would use a black marker to scratch out the any reference to God in the assignments we turned in.
Today, in our area, there is a good public school independent study program called Ocean Grove. A certified teacher comes to your house once a month and you turn in one sample for each subject for the 4 week period. You receive a spending allowance for products and services of $1800. They have an extensive vendor list which even includes my father-in-law who teaches Lego robotics and chess. Many of the classes and lessons that we now pay for would be covered.
The students are expected do standardized testing twice a year. That's not a problem for me. I currently pay a private school to do that.
Here's my problem. My children would technically not be homeschoolers. They would be independent study students in the public school system.
I just love being separate from the public school system. I just love withholding support from the teachers union. (Note: I don't know if the Ocean Grove teachers are part of the teachers union or not). I like not following the grade by grade curriculum decreed by the state. (Though Ocean Grove is pretty flexible about that.)
Many of my "homeschooler" friends utilize the Ocean Grove program and I still consider them homeschoolers (even if technically they are not).
Would we be selling out for $5400 (3 students x $1800)? That's a lot of music lessons.
Are we on the slippery slope to loosing educational freedom?
Monday, December 19, 2011
Some other homeschooling carnivals
The latest edition of a homeschooling carnival is up at Garden of Learning.
The recent Hands On Homeschool Blog Carnival is up at Mountaineer Country.
A Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival is up at Harmony Art Mom.
Homeschool Showcase #86 is up at Weird, Unsocilized Homeschoolers.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Staying the Course - High School Homeschooling
Staying the Course - Free high school homeschooling resources, help, advice and more.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Great Homeschooling Links: December 17, 2011
Easy Last Minute Ornaments for Kids to Make. Here are some fun last minute ornaments that will you and your children can whip up to decorate your home or give as gifts to your friends and family during the Christmas season ...
Making certain The Stability Of Your Homeschooling Diploma - Find ...
Generally in most states, really the only specifications to supply homeschool would be the need to do so and also the commitment to providing steady and high quality instructions commensurate with the educational ...
Friday, December 16, 2011
Finding Homeschool Support | Hip Homeschool Moms
I live in an area where homeschooling is incredibly popular. Something like 1 out of every 16 families homeschools through at least the fifth grade. Despite apparently being surrounded by homeschoolers I know 3 within 10 ...
Simple Reasons Why Homeschooling Is A Great Choice For Your ...
Homeschool has become a viable option to today's parents who are looking for alternatives to the public and private school programs. The drawbacks for children and parents enrolled in homeschool are greatly exceeded by ...
Facts on Secular Homeschool Curriculum High School | Keyser ...
Facts on Secular Homeschool Curriculum High School. Does the word homeschooling education ever cross your mind? If your answer is yes, are you also afraid that if you do, you'll jeopardize his chances for a bright future? ...
Should I Home School - Homeschooling Programs
To be terribly honest, homeschooling is not for every family or every child even within the same family. It is terribly important to remember that each child is an individual and his or her education should be based on his or her needs, not just is ...
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Reminder - send in a post for the next Carnival of Homeschooling
Blog Carnvial is partially broken. It is accepting submissions, but not forwarding them. It would be easier if you just submitted your post directly via email. Go here for the instructions on sending in a submission.
Next week's carnival will be held at Holy Spirit-led Homeschooling.
This will be the 312th edition.
As always, entries to the Carnival of Homeschooling are due Monday evening at 6:00 PM Pacific Standard Time.
Growing Your Homeschool-Homeschooling With Pinterest | Sam's ...
Growing Your Homeschool-Homeschooling With Pinterest. Today I am talking about homeschooling with Pinterest-especially for new homeschoolers over at Growing Your Homeschool. Fullscreen capture 12102011 81935 ...
Homeschooling Considerations - Things You Need To Know ...
Many parents nowadays are considering home schooling as an alternative to public or even private schools. The drawbacks for children and parents enrolled in.
Learning Situations Regarding Homeschooling | Cheap Home Ideas
Learning surroundings can make an awesome offer regarding difference in the quantity along with high quality associated with points any university student.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Teaching "everything" when homeschooling
Often when people learn we homeschool our children we are asked "How can you teach everything?" There is an assumption that we are the only ones involved in the process of educating our children. They don't believe we are capable of teaching anything higher than 2nd grade. After all everyone knows that only the professionals know the subject material and can thus teach.
- For monologues always state the author of the piece, set the stage and explain the motivation.
- Dress: Be profession, have solid colors, blue and red are good, want flattering colors, no heals, don't do all black or white
- OK to move about during the monologue
- Cold readings - probably will do some from Pirates of Penzance, and the script will be different than the movie
- And once in the play always check with the director before cutting your hair or changing your look
- Bring lots of water, drink frequently, no sweets, bring lots of pencils, there will be changes to the script so need to be able to make changes, but also erase old changes
I was pleased with how the two sessions went.
Statistics Homeschooling Invaders Don't Want You for you to Know ...
Psst....right here are some statistics homeschool foes might desire happened realize. Among 1999 and also 2002, the amount of home schooled college students.
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up
The 311th edition of the Carnival of Homeschooling is up at Teach Beside Me.
Karyn starts the carnival with:
I am excited to be able to host this week. Thanks to everyone who submitted their posts. We had some great entries that I would like to spotlight for you. I have truly enjoyed being able to read through all of them. I hope you all enjoy visiting a few new sites and learning from these fellow homeschoolers.
This is Karyn's first time hosting the carnival. Pop over and see what a nice job she does.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Starting Out in Homeschooling | Cheap Home Ideas
Many people today are choosing for you to home schooling their kids. That is usually the tough choice to create in first, because you can find quite a few.
The actual Benefits and drawbacks Regarding Homeschool ...
Our young children attended a new personal school with regard to 2 and also a 50 percent many years, right up until many of us made the decision in order to Homeschooling them. I am Home schooling to get a 12 months ...
Monday, December 12, 2011
Free Articles Directory | The particular Genuine Home school ...
Homeschooled kids however, arrived within in the 90th percentile. Homeschooling is no extended some thing that's performed on the edge. You will discover extra compared to two zillion children inside homeschool today. ...
Homeschool Co-Ops -
Homeschool co-ops, as the identify implies, are generally cooperatives developed close to a common carefully thread of homeschooling. Co-ops is often as different because individuals within them. Commonly numerous ...
Free Articles Directory | Why Some Households Homeschool
For numerous, 1 in the primary factors for you to home school is perfect for religious causes. This particular does not mean the homeschooling family members is part of the conspiracy or even sect, however typically that ...
Home school, Any Newbies Guide Part VII | Article Directory Hub
When you initial start homeschooling you have a tendency to worry about the little things.Is this curriculum proper for your children?Are you currently teaching enough?What are individuals thinking?How do you reply ...
Wright On Time Review and Giveaway | Hip Homeschool Moms
Since we started homeschooling our children 6 years ago, I have been on the look out for books about homeschoolers. Now I am talking about an actual fiction story, as opposed to a non-fiction resource! Well, I am happy to ...
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Home school Hours | Cheap Home Ideas
How several, precisely how generally when? They are lots of regularly asked queries when it comes to homeschooling hours. Versatility is certainly going to.
Home school : My personal 15 Tips | Cheap Home Ideas
Homeschooling can be tough yet could be consequently fulfilling and so significantly fun. I learn just like a lot concerning teaching as my personal home.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Will certainly Homeschool Build your Youngsters Socially Difficult ...
Many non-homeschoolers provide an image in their brain of the items it's prefer to home schooling children. They might understand several people that homeschool.
Friday, December 9, 2011
The Homeschool Mother's Journal - December 9
One of the things I love about being a homeschooling mom of 12 years is the fact that I'm able to mentor other moms and help them figure out this homeschooling thing. I don't by any means have the whole thing figured out but ...
Understanding The Differences Between Traditional Schooling And ...
Prior to taking your kids out of school to homeschool them, you should know a few things. Here are a few things you should think about before doing homeschooling with your kids. Children who are home schooled may be ...
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Saxon Math Homeschool | Find Money Answer
It is actually a well-known reality in which math concepts is among the the majority of challenging topics in order to homeschooling. Numbers students have got unique designs associated with understanding.
Free Articles Directory | Choosing the most beneficial Homeschool ...
Homeschooling offers grow to be any more popular choice pertaining to many parents nowadays. Home schooling requires just the child and you or possibly a trainer within the never-ending pursuit of expertise. This particular ...
Show off your Christmas projects
Christmas time is a busy time for homeschoolers, but a fun time to do projects and baking with our children. Show off your recipes and projects from the Advent Calendar or any Christmas projects you do together.
Read Full Post
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
How Do I Get Started Homeschooling | Natural Parenting Group
Here are a few of my suggestions on how to take the plunge (or just test the waters) into homeschooling:
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Eclectic Homeschooling | Fishing Japan - Anglers Across Japan ...
The offered meanings with regard to Modern Home schooling tend to be as large and various as the alternatives this offers. Several non-homeschoolers imagine homeschool.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Compassion For Others | Hip Homeschool Moms
Homeschooling affords us the opportunity to help others through community service. Last year the children decided to make and sell homemade soap to people in the community and at our local gym. They raised over $ 70! ...
Greene County Daily World: Blog: Why I Homeschool--Part Two: (I ...
I posted in my last blog that the primary reason I began homeschooling was because I was homeschooled myself. Both my husband and I were raised in conservative Christian homes, although there were slight differences. ...
Why Homeschool: The Carnival of Homeschooling is up ...
Mission statement: On this blog we explore why homeschooling can be a better option for children and families than a traditional classroom setting. We'll also explore homeschooling issues in general, educational thoughts, ...
Jamaica's Prime Minister Defends Homeschooling His Kids : Turtle ...
Jamaica's Prime Minister and his wife recently decided to homeschool their two sons after noticing that their youngest was falling behind. Critics were quick to complain that this suggests that the public and private schools are ...
Friday, December 2, 2011
Harmony Art Mom: The Myth of Accomplishing It All: Homeschool ...
Harmony Art Mom shares a glimpse into a real homeschooling family that values the arts as well as academics. I share my passion for the fine arts and hope to motivate and inspire other homeschoolers to balance their ...
Back to Homeschool Party | ALSC Blog
We've been providing programming for homeschoolers for awhile now and it's a bit hit with our community. This fall, one of my homeschooling moms requested that we do a program for the kids and allow the parents to meet ...
School Choice Ohio Blog - Blog Archive - History of ...
In this week-long Homeschool blog series, we highlight the history, philosophies, myths, and policies related to homeschooling, one of the important options for education in Ohio. An estimated 25000 students are educated at home in Ohio, ...
Thursday, December 1, 2011
My Life on a Taffy Pull: Homeschool happenings
I am a homeschooling momma of 7 children. I deeply love Jesus and strive to follow his Word and bring honor to the Father. I love to sew, scrapbook, cook/bake, read & drink coffee. One of my favorite things to do is shop for ...
What Children Gain from The Homeschooling Environment | Article ...
A proven method of education for children has become the act of homeschooling. Some countries, including the US, have given parents this choice and it is legally accepted. There are many reasons why some parents prefer ...
The Carnival of Homeschooling is up - Homeschool Open House
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up at NerdFamily Blog.
This is the 309th carnival!
The NerdMom is hosting a Homeschool Open House:
I am so honored to be hosting this week's Carnival of Homeschooling! Welcome to my Homeschool Open House!!! So come on in and relax for a while. There are some great entries into the carnival this week.
Homeschooling - Preserving Family Values At Home | Articles ...
An accepted method of education for children is homeschooling. Some countries, including the US, have given parents this choice and it is legally accepted. There are many reasons why some parents prefer this as a sound ...
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Saxon Math concepts Homeschool | Cheap Home Ideas
It is a well-known fact in which mathematics is one of the the majority of difficult topics to home school. Numbers students get various styles regarding.
How To Choose Whether Or Not Homeschooling Is Right For Your ...
Prior to taking your kids out of school to homeschool them, you should know a few things. To help you make the right decision, we have written this article to address certain specific details about homeschooling that you ...
November Homeschooling Wrap-up
There are new blog posts, articles and updates added to the homeschooling site all month long. Here's a wrap-up for November including reader submissions to different topics.
New Articles and Features:
- May Holidays and Events, May 16th - 31st
- Thanksgiving Studies and Activities
- The Spanish Armada Coloring Page
- Pogo Sticks Coloring Page
- Hand Print Turkey Craft
Read Full Post
Advent Calendar - Countdown to Christmas
An advent calendar contains reminders each day that Christmas is coming. Advent is a term from the Latin word adventur which means arrival. Here is an online Advent Calendar for kids filled with activities for you to countdown to Christmas while you're waiting for the big day.
Read Full Post
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
NaNoWriMo and the value of quantity
Each November thousands push many activities to the back burner to focus on writing a novel. The National Novel Writing Month challenge is to write 50,000 words in 30 days.
Four in my family accepted the challenge. My second daughter is doing the best. She is up to about 45,000 words. She is determined to make the full 50,000 words by the end of this Wednesday.
This experience had an unexpected side effect. She told my wife she has noticed that both her spelling and writing has gotten better.
This reminds me of a favorite story of mine:
The ceramics teacher announced on opening day that he was dividing the class into two groups.
All those on the left side of the studio, he said, would be graded solely on the quantity of work they produced, all those on the right solely on its quality. His procedure was simple: on the final day of class he would bring in his bathroom scales and weigh the work of the "quantity" group: fifty pound of pots rated an "A," forty pounds a "B," and so on. Those being graded on "quality," however, needed to produce only one pot - albeit a perfect one - to get an "A."
Well, came grading time and a curious fact emerged: the works of highest quality were all produced by the group being graded for quantity.
It seems that while the "quantity" group was busily churning out piles of work - and learning from their mistakes - the "quality" group had sat theorizing about perfection, and in the end had little more to show for their efforts than grandiose theories and a pile of dead clay.
From Art & Fear: Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking by David Bayles, Ted Orland
I am often critical of public schools which assign two and three hours of homework each day to students in elementary school. Studies have found that boring repetitious homework does nothing to improve the long term education, and can often destroy a child's interest in learn.
But I recognize that there is a time and place for volume. It is nice that as homeschoolers we have the option to pick and choose what works best for our children.
Free Homeschool Curriculum
Most folks consider home school is expensive which is just for the rich. Homeschooling needn't be costly, as an example no cost homeschool curriculum - blogReaction.
Monday, November 28, 2011
A Homeschool Program With regard to Dyslexia Can Educate Your ...
When faced using the problem regarding educating a new dyslexic child to be able to study, quite a few mothers and fathers would likely opt to homeschooling.
Uncover Low-cost, Excellent Excellent Utilised Homeschooling ...
There tend to be numerous items that you are capable of doing when you are homeschooling or instructing your own youngsters at home. Given that property school.
5 Reasons Precisely why Individuals Homeschool His or her ...
Homeschooling trends are altering. New factors to be able to homeschooling are usually rising, and together with these, fresh people along with families which.
three Methods In order to Homeschool The Children | Cheap Home ...
There tend to be nearly as many ways in order to home school as there are mothers and fathers starting homeschool nevertheless in the years various basic.
Vocation Preparing for Homeschoolers | Cheap Home Ideas
As home schoolers, we all function, feel, plan, manage and reorganize our houses, curricula, as well as each of our daily agendas in order to serve directly.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Large Family Mothering: Homeschool Sanity--the book
It's not easy being a homeschooling parent today. Educating one's children is a huge responsibility. There seems to be more "answers" than there are questions! Everyone has a textbook, or a method, or a philosophy. But how ...
How To Design A Homeschool Curriculum
Homeschooling is currently being a preferred selection for several parents nowadays. Countless parents think that their kids aren't getting the top quality education they will need to be able to built their foreseeable future and ...
Homeschooling Gives an Enhanced Schooling Experience and ...
An accepted method of education for children is homeschooling. Parents have been given this choice by the US as well as other countries since it is legally accepted. This is a sound alternative to either public or private school ...
ASSIGNMENT 13: Exploring homeschooling
In this Assignment 13 project we explore homeschooling in Taylor, Wisconsin. Why do parents choose that path and how do they overcome certain stereotypes.
school of rock . Homeschool High School - Math Is Fundamental ...
Because there isle a deficit of engineers, additionally fundamental math talent may well remain unskilled within cultural organization graduates, homeschoolers have the advantage. We will certainly deliver the math students ...
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Why Homeschool: A homeschool mention in the comics
Mission statement: On this blog we explore why homeschooling can be a better option for children and families than a traditional classroom setting. We'll also explore homeschooling issues in general, educational thoughts, ...
Our Homeschooling Journey | KitchenAid Mixer Review
In the fall of 1998 we began homeschooling. we had 4 children at the time: a 6-month-old, kindergartener, 2nd grader and 4th grader. The oldest 2 had been in a private school up to that point. we didn't start homeschooling ...
The Advantages of the Homeschooling Environment
Homeschooled children profit with the strong link between them and the parents. The majority of the child's manners and outlook on life are made when they are in school. Undeniably, different aspects should be viewed in ...
Friday, November 25, 2011
Computer Training for Homeschool Parents | Homeschooling In Detroit
The Plymouth Library offers one-on-one computer training for teachers of homeschoolers.
The Freedom of Homeschooling | Hip Homeschool Moms
The answers to the question of, "Why home school?" are as varied as the families homeschooling. Many families choose to home educate as a means to live out their faith as fully as they are able. The scriptures certainly lead ...
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Home School Curriculum For Preschool | The Preschool Worksheet
One of the most difficult distinct features of homeschooling preschool is settling what homeschool preschool curriculum to use. Before looking at the galore programs on the market, think when it comes to your family's needs. How much time do ...
Home School Legistlation Alert - Family Foundation | Culpeper ...
However, to fully understand why this result is especially frustrating to homeschooling advocates, you must first understand the multi-year struggle that led to this point. Several years in a row, bills on access to public school ...
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Types of Distance Learning Available for Homeschoolers | EzinePR ...
Homeschooling is growing in large numbers each year.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Types of Distance Learning Available for Homeschoolers | EzinePR ...
Homeschooling is growing in large numbers each year.
This Cosy Life: Waldorf Inspired Home School Themes-Harvest
Waldorf Inspired Home School Themes-Harvest. We are Waldorf-inspired homeschoolers, just starting out in kindergarten. Each week follows a theme, inspiring our work and play and learning. This theme is chosen based on ...
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
How Commitment to Homeschooling Grows - Homeschooling ...
Safran, a British researcher who has written a few other works on homeschooling and in 2008 completed her doctoral dissertation, titled Exploring identity change and communities of practice among long term home educating ...
Homeschool Math Blog: Class Dismissed - a film about ...
As homeschoolers ourselves, we are constantly reminded by the degree to which the public misperceptions of homeschooling are far removed from reality. With this documentary we hope to both educate the general public as ...
Great Homeschooling Links: November 19, 2011
Sheri shares some great Thanksgiving links for your homeschool.
Homeschooling: Educating for Success - Phoenix Children's Chorus ...
The Phoenix Children's Chorus has been welcoming of homeschool students over the years, and they are recruiting now for the spring program. Auditions are coming up very soon, so mark your calendar. Excerpts from their ...
The Homeschool Family -
The household in which prefers to function with each other inside home school work will find that it's sturdy along with specific. Weight loss folks become GB0-283 mindful of this kind of as well as the all kinds of other positive ...
Friday, November 18, 2011
Some common homeschooling questions
I know you homeschool, and I'm not too familiar with how that process works in the long term. I feel it could be brilliant for kids while they're young, as schools are often overcrowded and underfunded, but what are your long ...
Please Join ... - | Homeschool Under Siege | Homeschool Under Siege
Hi homeschoolers, I'm busily writing a second book about education, this one covering universal private education and how we can successfully get there,...
A Help guide to Discovering Top quality Homeschooling Books and ...
A Help guide to Discovering Top quality Homeschooling Books and Supplies.
Reminder - send in a post for the next Carnival of Homeschooling
Next week's carnival will be held at momSCHOOL.
This will be the 308th edition.
Go here for the instructions on sending in a submission.
As always, entries to the Carnival of Homeschooling are due Monday evening at 6:00 PM Pacific Standard Time.
Flexibility: One of Joys of Homeschooling!
Every time I have to give a reason for why I choose to homeschool, flexibility comes to mind as one of my biggest reasons. There are plenty of other, more.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Six Reasons to Homeschool Your Children | Alive in the Now
Academic excellence by homeschoolers is greater than you might think. Academically, homeschoolers far surpass publicly educated students. In one recent study, standardized test scores of homeschooled students were 37 ...
Homeschooling Statistics Numbers Do Not Lie - hot news
Homeschooling statistics show the obvious advantages of homeschooling. In fact, any form of home schooling, whether it is Christian homeschooling or even homeschooling online with homeschooling software, research ...
Homeschooling through the Holidays
Overwhelmed by busy Decembers of the past, Jen decided to try something new in their homeschooling last year to make it through the holidays with (relative) ease.
My Home School Room : Wanna Be Balanced
Since making the decision to homeschool, I've been putting together this little school room. It's been ... I've already spent way too much time on that thing, but I'm loving all the great homeschooling ideas I've found. Go check ...
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Homeschooling ABCs - Homeschooling How-to's from A to Z ...
Are you brand new to homeschooling? Or perhaps just frustrated and need direction and encouragement? This is absolutely a MUST TAKE class for all homeschoolers.
Home School Dad: COH #307 Tweeting The Carnival
Earlier this year it dawned on me that about the only time I read all the carnival of homeschooling articles is when I host the carnival. I even read other hosts say the same thing. Each time I have hosted I get so much out of the ...
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Welcome to our Good life!: Loving Our Homeschool
We are a new homeschooling family, so each day brings new challenges and blessings. Here are my top ten favorite reasons for homeschooling {so far}. 10. Reading Bible stories over and over at Sophie and Bella's request. ...
Homeschooling - Where to Start | Harmonic Mama
Tips on having a successful beginning in homeschooling with information on homeschool curriculum, homeschool laws, support groups and more.
Homeschooling in Nova Scotia - Blog Archive - The Decision to ...
We are currently in our seventh year of homeschooling. My research on homeschooling started years before we began. When my firstborn son was still a baby, I heard about a homeschooling presentation at the local library. I attended, baby in ...
Monday, November 14, 2011
NYT column on homeschooling
Margaret Heidenry write about being homeschooled in the 70s. Her column My Parents Were Home-Schooling Anarchists starts:
Tired of the constraints of the 40-hour workweek, my father, in 1972, quit his job in publishing. My parents were in their early 30s, and they had four children under 7. "But we still wanted to explore the world," my father recalled recently. They bought six one-way tickets to Europe, leaving only a laughable $3,000 to subsist on. Young and idealistic, they thought they could easily educate us along the way. "Life itself would become a portable classroom."
And kind of fun, her father responds with I Was That 'Home-Schooling Anarchist'
Hat tip: CA HSC mailing list
Good article about the benefits of homeschooling
How to Raise Your Child's ACT Score and College GPA starts off talking about how so few graduates from public high schools are ready for college. The article has this startling line:
Across America, 75 percent of high schoolers will need one or more remedial classes before they are ready for college.
I had known it was bad, but I hadn't realized it was this bad.
Then the article points out that homeschoolers do not have the same problem. It reports on a study done by Michael Cogan. CBS News listed some of the findings of Mr. Cogan's study:
Homeschool students earned a higher ACT score (26.5) versus 25.0 for other incoming freshmen.
Homeschool students earned more college credits (14.7) prior to their freshmen year than other students (6.0).
Homeschooled freshmen were less likely to live on campus (72.4%) than the rest of the freshmen class (92.7%).
Homeschoolers were more likely to identify themselves as Roman Catholic (68.4%).
Homeschool freshmen earned a higher grade points average (3.37) their first semester in college compared with the other freshmen (3.08).
Homeschool students finished their freshmen year with a better GPA (3.41) than the rest of their class (3.12).
The GPA advantage was still present when homeschoolers were college seniors. Their average GPA was 3.46 versus 3.16 for other seniors.
Homeschool students graduated from college at a higher rate (66.7%) than their peers (57.5%).
It is a good article. And the comments are also pretty positive.
Mommy Life: Home School bundles 75% off
Home School bundles 75% off. Lisa sent this for anyone interested in saving a bundle of money on homeschool bundles: bundles_sale_header.jpg. Are you stepping out in faith this year. and homeschooling your children? ...
Sunday, November 13, 2011
How to Pick Your Homeschooling Program |
The number of homeschooled children is on the rise. Homeschooling kids is more common than ever before. Studies have shown that children who are homeschooled benefit from an ability to work independently and not let ...
Homeschooling: Getting Ready for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving falls in the midst of the holiday season. It's a controversial celebration, although the spirit of the day can be embraced by most people.
Six Reasons to Homeschool Your Children | Victors Post
Academic excellence by homeschoolers is greater than you might think. Academically, homeschoolers far surpass publicly educated students. In one recent study, standardized test scores of homeschooled students were 37 ...
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Surely Success Making Exams - Christian Homeschool Curriculum
There are numerous explanations why somebody would want to home school their kids with a Alfredia homeschool program. Plenty of home school applications possess some of the finest programs about available on the ...
Veterans Day 11/11/11
Precisely at 11:00 a.m. on November 11th each year, a wreath is laid at the Tomb of the Unknowns marking the beginning of the Veterans Day Ceremony at the Arlington National Cemetery. Veterans Day is a day to honor and show our gratitude to all those who have served in the United States Armed Forces.
Read Full Post
Day in a Life of a Homeschooler - Penelope Trunk Homeschooling
I'm pretty sure the reason more people don't homeschool is because it's so, so hard. And my situation is no exception. I am the primary breadwinner, we live 90 minutes from a city, and I am much better suited for the relatively ...
Great Homeschooling Links: Encouragement for the Homeschool Mom
Links to posts that offer needed encouragement to homeschooling moms.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Finding the Best homeschool Curriculum |
So you are choosing to put your kids through homeschooling. Terrific for you! Children who have been homeschooled have proven to be more successful with their test scores, grades, with their performance in college and in ...
Surely Success Making Exams - Homeschoolers along with ...
Home school students are most likely a lot more adept within social situations compared to most of their own colleagues in public educational institutions IC3-2 . Home schoolers aren't walking around using indications filing ...
Ask a question
This article from the New York Times solicited a bunch of comments with a similar theme.
The article asked students to reply to the following question:
Would you like to be home-schooled, whether abroad or where you live now, or would you prefer to go to a traditional school? What do you think are the benefits and drawbacks to home-schooling?
No I would not like to be home-schooled. I don't think you learn as much and get the skills needed to survive in the real world. One of the huge real world skills is being able to socialize and when you're home-schooled you don't really get any social activity. Therefore, you really wouldn't have many friends and it would be hard to apply for a job and speak well at an interview.
— Jacob H
In my opinion, i would never turn to home schooling. When you are home schooled, you automaticly loose the whole social experience of school. In the real world you need to be social. Otherwise you're going to get know where....I would never home school my child because I would be holding them back from friends and the social life they will need in the feature. I would never even consider home schooling.
— Macie P.
My best friend is home schooled and is doing good. I think that home schooling is not as good when it comes to the real world because it doesn't give you the human interaction that you need to succeed in life with. it might better than public schools because they can learn what they want and not what they don't want to learn.
— Gage T
In my opinion, I am not in favor of home schooling. I think that it is important for a student to attend a regular school. This is because it will allow them to become more prepared for the real world. For example, it will allow them to work either by themselves of within a group of people. It will teach students important social skills that they will need late in life, such as making friends or learning how to compromise with others....— Mike D.
I believe that home-schooling doesn't prepares children and teenagers for the " Real world". It doesn't let children that chance to be in a social community with more kids or people. I think Home-schooling has his dos and dont's.
— Ilenia P
I think home schooling can be benificial to the children but then its not always. Homeschooling wont really prepare the children for the world because they are not around many people and I think going to a traditional school is better because they will be more used to other people and the world or learning and with with others. I think the children would miss out on social skills and learning because all depending on the teacher depends on what the children learns.
— Eileen
I could go on, but they mostly all said the same essential thing: Homeschoolers don't have any friends and aren't prepared for the "real" world. I will have to let my children know when they get home from band, soccer practice, community college, babysitting, play practice, church, a friend's house, co-op, or choir practice.
I find it interesting how peer dependent most of the respondents sounded. I hope more homeschooled youth respond and set them straight.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Surely Success Making Exams - Home school, A Different Path
Homeschooling is a type of replacement for public or perhaps personal schooling for students from school for you to twelfth level. Home school is a superb choice for youngsters which learn finest with their very own tempo, ...
Reminder - send in a post for the next Carnival of Homeschooling
Next week's carnival will be held at Home School Dad.
This will be the 307th edition.
Go here for the instructions on sending in a submission.
As always, entries to the Carnival of Homeschooling are due Monday evening at 6:00 PM Pacific Standard Time.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up - The Quotes to Ponder Edition
Richele is hosting this week's Carnival of Homeschooling at Under the Golden Apple Tree.
Interspersed in the carnival are a number of thoughtful quotes. For example:
I suppose it is because nearly all children go to school nowadays, and have things arranged for them, that they seem so forlornly unable to produce their own ideas.
- Agatha Christie
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Homeschool Art Basics
Homeschooling art work might be effortless, fun as well as does not have to cost that you simply a lot of extra cash. With this post My spouse and i would like to speak with regards to art work, homeschooling, along with ways ...
Will Dropouts Save America?
Michael Ellsberg has an interesting column in the NY Times. He askes Will Dropouts Save America? His column starts with:
I TYPED these words on a computer designed by Apple, co-founded by the college dropout Steve Jobs. The program I used to write it was created by Microsoft, started by the college dropouts Bill Gates and Paul Allen.
And as soon as it is published, I will share it with my friends via Twitter, co-founded by the college dropouts Jack Dorsey and Evan Williams and Biz Stone, and Facebook — invented, among others, by the college dropouts Mark Zuckerberg and Dustin Moskovitz, and nurtured by the degreeless Sean Parker.
American academia is good at producing writers, literary critics and historians. It is also good at producing professionals with degrees. But we don't have a shortage of lawyers and professors. America has a shortage of job creators. And the people who create jobs aren't traditional professionals, but start-up entrepreneurs.
Michael makes several interesting points. For example in reference to a recent study he says most jobs are not created at small businesses, but at small businesses with are startups. Old businesses which happen to be small are not creating lots of new jobs. The new jobs are created by small businesses which are young.
He points out how traditiona public schools discourage students from become entrepreneurs.
It would be interesting to see how the percentage of homeschoolers who become entrepreneurs compares to those from government schools.
Hat tip: Pat Farenga.
Homeschooling: A deliberately controversial post - Grumpy ...
We are not against homeschooling. A lot of people who don't do it are. Their arguments include: Lack of social interaction. Not being with same-aged peers. Home schoolers can't possibly get all the academics they need. ...
The Core - Quick Start Homeschool
For the most part, homeschooling families can decide on their own what to learn and do. Except for kids enrolled in study-at-home programs (degree awarding or private schools), homeschoolers may study or assign anything ...
Monday, November 7, 2011
Homeschool Driver's Ed Classes | Homeschooling In Detroit
homeschool driver's education in michiganEfforts are underway to coordinate another Driver's Education class for homeschoolers in the Metro Detroit area.
Home School Programs In Louisiana | School of Development
Homeschooling Curriculum For High School 7 - top picks for homeschool curriculum choosing the right curriculum and approach for your childs learning style cathy.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Thinking of Homeschooling? How to Connect with Homeschoolers ...
Are you thinking of homeschooling your children, but you don't know where to find reliable information about homeschooling in your area?
Ways to choose between homeschool curriculums. | Katherines ...
So you are choosing to put your kids through homeschooling. Good for you! Kids who gain their education in the comforts of their home have proven to have better.
Curriculum Options for Homeschooling - How to Choose | Families ...
Curriculum Options for Homeschooling – How to Choose. Filed under: — admin @ 7:47 pm. Homeschooling is gaining in popularity as schools see continued budget cuts. While it was once very rare to choose to teach your ...
Homeschoolers look to PU for P.E. class | WLFI - West Lafayette ...
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. (WLFI) - Many parents homeschooling their children want to make sure their kids are getting a well-rounded education. That's why some are choosing education majors to help. Physical education is ...
Saturday, November 5, 2011
WildIris: Why Blog About Homeschooling?
For several weeks I've started writing a post about my homeschool week, yet I find myself deleting these posts. Who cares? Why read these types of blog posts? Do these types of posts really help other homeschoolers? ...
Homeschoolers and Higher Education - Homeschooling Research ...
Most findings show homeschooled students tend to do just as well as conventionally schooled peers, and they may even have some advantages. Even without graduating PhD programs or receiving any formal training, ...
4 Moms: Getting started on homeschooling
Like many early homeschoolers, we stayed indoors during traditional school hours, trying not to raise suspicions of truancy. Our school day looked very much like it had the year before: school hours were spent at the table ...
"Dear Christian Parents: An Appeal for Homeschooling" - Home ...
Dear Christian Parents: An Appeal for Homeschooling. HOME SCHOOL BOOK REVIEW. Book: Dear Christian Parents: An Appeal for Homeschooling. Author: Stacey Durham. Publisher: CreateSpace, 2011. ISBN-13: 978- ...
Homeschoolers Respond, Recap #6
Homeschoolers are notorious for supporting each other and helping each other succeed. Enjoy the latest reader responses, then share your stories and tips too!
- Supportive Family: Grandma Loves Homeschooling
- Make Homeschool More Fun: I'm Sneaky
- Socialization: Social or Not
- Charlotte Mason: Charlotte Mason Can Grow on You
- Homeschool Challenge: Kids with quirks
- Counting the Hours: Learning is Everywhere!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Your most basic homeschooling questions answered
If you've never homeschooled before, your questions are probably pretty basic. It can be ... Bookstores, homeschool suppliers, used curriculum sales, and online retailers are some of the most common. Homeschoolers also ...
Back to Homeschool Party | ALSC Blog
We've been providing programming for homeschoolers for awhile now and it's a bit hit with our community. This fall, one of my homeschooling moms requested that we do a program for the kids and allow the parents to meet ...
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers: Homeschool Showcase #84
Homeschool Showcase Happy Halloween! Welcome to the October 31, 2011 edition of Homeschool Showcase, where we spotlight all the encouraging, inspiring and just plain fun ways that homeschooling families live and ...
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Reminder - send in a post for the next Carnival of Homeschooling
Next week's carnival will be held at Under the Gold Apple Tree.
This will be the 306th edition.
Go here for the instructions on sending in a submission.
As always, entries to the Carnival of Homeschooling are due Monday evening at 6:00 PM Pacific Standard Time.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
National Home School Soccer Championships - The Denim Kit
HOMESCHOOL DESIGNATION: Players shall be homeschool students, with the majority of their education managed by their parents/gaurdians. [EXPERIMENTAL RULE FOR 2011: Each team is allowed two roster positions ...
Find the Best Homeschool Curriculum with These Tips | Families Rock
Homeschooling is fast becoming the popular choice. People who were strictly religious used to be the only ones who took on the task of homeschooling their kids. Today however, many different family types are choosing to ...
Monday, October 31, 2011
When Criticism Hurts the Most
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Sarah's Biggest Homeschooling Mistake: Not Traveling More
Thanks for visiting Simple Homeschool. If you subscribe to the blog via RSS feed or via email, you'll get helpful tips for homeschooling sent straight to you, for free!Written by contributor Sarah Small of SmallWorld at Home One ...
Ways to choose between homeschool curriculums. | Gabe Nieto
Homeschooling is becoming more and more common place. Homeschooling has long been thought of as only for strict religious homes. However that has changed, many.
Managing your time when using homeschool programs
When you take up homeschooling the success of the exercise will lie in how you manage your time. When following homeschool programs you need to find enough time to do all the activities that they suggest and at the same ...
Homeschool Magazines - Free Resource for Homeschoolers ...
Homeschool is produced by one of the oldest, family-owned homeschooling companies in the country. We have been homeschoolers since 1993 and have been professionally serving the nationwide, ...
Saturday, October 29, 2011
The Benefits of Homeschooling Your Kids... | News Flip
Many parents have wondered about the benefits of homeschooling. Homeschooling has been the fastest growing educational alternative in this country for several years for one very excellent wits: it facility. Maybe you're tired ...
Magazine subscriptions for homeschoolers
Homeschoolers have many choices when it comes to subscription publications that arrive by mail. Although parents may also access homeschool information online, there is still something to be said for leafing through a ...
Great Homeschooling Links: Favorite Fall Ideas
Lauren shares some wonderful Fall-themed homeschooling links.
5 Things Homeschooling has Taught Me
Jen shares five things that she has learned from homeschooling her six children, but you'll find that many of these are some universal truths for homeschoolers.
The Homeschooling Debate: Where do You Stand? - Homeschool ...
Making the decision to home school children is not an easy task. There are plenty of positives and plenty of negatives, weighing on each side. To get an idea of the pros and cons, I have compiled a list of those most commonly ...
Friday, October 28, 2011
Organizing Our Homeschool, Part 1: Meet the Binders |
I have had several people ask me lately about how, exactly, we coordinate two different grades, plus preschool, and keep ourselves sane. I have one answer: Binders. This is only my third year homeschooling, so I am sure ...
Starting off A Homeschool | McNasty Online
You've as a final point used the hop and are ready to start out homeschool. The one question is how does one start out? You needn't be afraid of the thought of commencing a home school. You don't need lots of high-priced ...
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Surely Success Making Exams - How Homeschooling Impacts ...
Fingers down, among the greatest concerns about homeschooling will be the worry that homeschool college students aren't studying successful social capabilities or aren't being effectively socialized. The presumption is, the ...
Reasons to Try Abeka Homeschool |
Abeka Homeschool is a great program that parents can use to home school their children. The homeschooling program is one where children can get a Christian.
Statue of Liberty's 125th Anniversary
October 28th is the Statue of Liberty's 125th Anniversary. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France as a sign of friendship and was dedicated on October 28, 1886. The Statue of Liberty symbolizes freedom throughout the world. I visited the Statue of Liberty for the first time last weekend. It is an awesome site.
Read Full Post
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Homeschool Information | Stone Circles School
Homeschool Information. Getting Started With Homeschooling. Before jumping into all the decisions surrounding the actual teaching and homeschooling of your child such as: what curriculum, what books, what materials, the home school ...
Some Benefits To Homeschooling | Stone Circles School
Some Benefits To Homeschooling. Homeschoolers by definition have chosen the alternative method to educate their children over public schools. Homeschooling is legal in all 50 states, but you will need to know your local state's regulations ...
Some recent homeschooling carnivals
Homeschool Showcase #83 is up at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.
The latest Homeschooling on the Cheap is up at 3 Boys and a Dog.
The most recent Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival is from the Fisher Academy International, in Peru!
The latest edition of a homeschooling carnival is up at Garden of Learning.
Homeschool Gym Time in Troy | Homeschooling In Detroit
The Hertiage Homeschool gym time is open to any home school family. They meet in the gym at Woodside Bible Church (6600 Rochester Rd, Troy) on Thursdays from 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm.
Evangelical Iowa homeschoolers could be important to Bachmann ...
Bachmann may have edge with Iowa homeschoolers.
Cajun Corn Maze Homeschool Field Trip | Social Savvy Mom
Cajun Corn Maze Homeschool Field Trip. Last week we visited Cajun Country Corn Maze for our homeschool filed trip with our group, Bayou Cajun Homeschoolers. It is always a bit dusty for my taste but there is no doubt that ...
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Some of our best posts from March 2006
Janine and I have been blogging about homeschooling for over five years now. If you missed some of our early posts, you have missed some of our best thoughts. Here are some highlights from March 2006:
Henry shared some thoughts on a Good article from on The Multitasking Generation.
In response to a column by Richard Cohen, Henry wrote about The importance of math.
Parents might enjoy: The best gift for your kids: responsibility.
Homeschoolers have many reasons for homeschooling, here is: One of our first reasons for homeschooling.
The Carnival of Homeschooling is up - Rollerskating in a Buffalo Herd Edition
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up at Dewey's Treehouse.
Mama Squirrel starts the carnival with:
In honour of singer/songwriter Roger Miller, who died nineteen years ago today...
And in celebration of some really unusual homeschool activities...or maybe they're just the usual, for homeschoolers...
We welcome you to the 304th Carnival of Homeschooling.
Creative Suggestions Pertaining to Taking the actual Home school ...
Homeschooling can be a trip as well as the document than it, both graphic (movies as well as photos) along with cement (awards, function binders, and so on.) almost all have to have to be kept in a realistic and also ordered ...
The value of homeschooling
On a 12 day trip with my parents visiting relatives from Texas to Tennessee, my dad said that he felt that my grandkids (his great grandkids) have a better chance of turning out okay since they're being homeschooled. I was floored when he said that. He has never verbally supported homeschooling in all the years I was homeschooling my children. But over the years, he's personally seen the value in homeschooling. We never really talked about homeschooling while my kids were young. He knew I was doing it, but we never really had a conversation about it.
...Read Full Post
Monday, October 24, 2011
Education vs. Schooling
I think one of the things homeschooling parents have is a crystal clear understanding of the difference between education and schooling. It seems like the vast majority currently assume that the only place children can learn is at school.
Near the end of the classic movie "Wizard of Oz" Dorothy's companions are given what they were searching for. The wizard gives the scarecrow a diploma and somehow magically it makes the scarecrow smart.
In real life merely giving a student a piece of paper does not grant him an education. Putting in your time at a public school does not make children smart.
Because often students who attend school do in fact learn, people get confused about the process. Without thinking too much about it a belief develops that sitting in a classroom will make children educated.
Parents who homeschool have a much sharper focus on what constitutes an education. They know that some of the things that make a person educated are:
1) Having useful knowledge: We teach our children math facts, historical knowledge and practical things like how to run a house.
2) Knowing how to think: We teach our children logic and consequences.
3) How to find and learn what we need to know: We teach our children had to search the internet and how master new subjects.
4) Striving for wisdom: We teach our children to continue learning and working to understand the world more and more.
Clearly there are parents with children who see a difference between an education and spending time at school, but my experience is way too many parents see the two as the same basic thing.
Big Family, Small Budget | The Classical Scholar | Teaching ...
Homeschoolers take a triple whammy when it comes to funding education. How's that?
Wrestling to Get Back into School Mode
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Homeschool Textbooks | News Flip
So you have chose to home school your kids rather than send them to a private or public school. Or perhaps you are only considering the option. Whether you've already made up your mind about homeschooling your kids or ...
Homeschooling: Parenting from Galt's Gulch -
That is not to say that homeschool children are denied opportunities to form friendships with a diverse and varied group of other children. Homeschooling associations are more popular than ever, allowing parents to network ...
Public schools tap homeschoolers :: CSTHEA
By Jan Bontekoe. The Hamilton County School Board revisited their July decision to not allow home educated students to participate on area school teams and voted this time to allow home educated students to participate ...
A homeschool grad looks back :: CSTHEA
Paige Coker Rekers (homeschool class of 1999) answers the question, "How has homeschooling prepared you for life?" span class="byline"By Paige Coker Rekers/span. At 15 my life revolved around one person – me. ...
Great Homeschooling Links: October 22, 2011
Don't you love that as homeschooling families we are generally afforded more time with our children? That time translates into deeper relationships, better understood feelings and more acceptance. Homeschooling is so ...
Saturday, October 22, 2011
All About Homeschooling - Staying Connected | Democracy PLC
Be a mum or dad first, and then a teacher.~The teacher is the key to the success of home school. In most cases, the teacher is a parent or a close relative. In some cases, mums and dads may divide the subjects between them. ...
How homeschooling helped me fall in love with my daughter again ...
How homeschooling helped me fall in love with my daughter all over again | love, parents, daughter, want, fall, helped, homeschooling.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Spiritual Woman: The 2012 New England Catholic Homeschool ...
I am a writer, artist, and homeschooling mom. Here you will find musings on life, readings, and a relationship with God. To add a RSS feed to this blog, go to ...
How to Choose Your Homeschooling Curriculum | Cease Fire ...
More parents are making the decision to homeschool their kids. Homeschooling kids is more common than ever before. Studies show that kids who are homeschooled.
Reminder - send in a post for the next Carnival of Homeschooling
Please remember to send in a post about homeschooling for the next Carnival of Homeschooling.
Mama Squirrel will be hosting the carnival at Dewey's Treehouse.
This will be the 304th edition.
Go here for the instructions on sending in a submission.
As always, entries to the Carnival of Homeschooling are due Monday evening at 6:00 PM Pacific Standard Time.
Homeschool Curriculum - Choosing between the many options ...
Homeschooling is fast becoming the popular choice. Homeschooling has long been thought of as only for strict religious homes. Many different types of families are now making the choice to homeschool their kids. You also ...
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Tweet Preachers - Famous Homeschoolers who Helped Change ...
Recommended Tweet Preachers Tweet FROM Famous Homeschoolers who Helped Change the World #homeschool #homeschooling #homeschoolers ...
The Carnival of Homeschooling is up - The Great Smoky Mountains edition
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is being held at SmallWorld.
Sarah starts the carnival with:
Welcome to the Carnival of Homeschooling #303! I always enjoy hosting the carnival. I get to "meet" a bunch of new bloggers, visit some old favorites, and, more than anything else, see what is going on in the lives of other homeschoolers.
Here at SmallWorld, we've been doing a lot of hiking in our big backyard, also known as the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Interspersed with these excellent posts from fellow bloggers are pictures of our most recent outings in the Smokies. The fall colors are just beginning, the weather is perfect, and my oldest is home from college for fall break (and yes, we homeschooled him all the way)!
So grab a cup of coffee, breathe in that good autumn air, and start reading!
Curriculum Options for Homeschooling - How to Choose | Audit ...
There are a number of purposes for deciding to homeschool your children. Perhaps you don't like how your local public schools are run. Perhaps you don't like.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Talk & Listen -Homeschooling is Not the Gospel | HEDUA Blog
My wife and I decided a few years ago to homeschool our kids. Since they are very young, we were able to start teaching our first child in kindergarten. We were very excited (and continue to be) to be able to teach our children according to the ...
Homeschool News - 7 Surprising Facts About Home-Based ...
What do you think of when you hear the word "homeschoolers"? Do you think the spelling bee and a large family? Do you think socially awkward? Well, here are some statistics that may surprise you. But be careful, this could ...
Thursday Evening Keynote | Cincinnati Homeschool Convention
I am pleased to be a part of the education discussion with our new project Learn Our History and am looking forward to speaking at the Midwest Homeschool Convention in Cincinnati. I hope to see all my homeschooling friends there! ...
Research Revelations about Homeschooling
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
The History of Candy Corn
October 30th is National Candy Corn Day! Candy corn has always been a favorite of mine. As I was munching on some candy corn a few years back, I decided to find out the history of candy corn. The history is more interesting than you might imagine. Now that I know what I know, I order my candy corn from the originators, the Goelitz family. Print this history and worksheet for a sweet homeschool study. Do a taste test, see if you can tell the difference in the brands. Try some of the recipes by guides, even try making your own candy corn.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Homeschool Performance Review - Casteluzzo
I realize that this first term of full-time homeschooling has prompted more than the usual number of posts about homeschooling. Fortunately, you're all just dying to hear every infinitesimal detail about our homeschooling life. ...
4 Ways to Avoid Homeschool Animal School | 7sistershomeschool ...
In my 20+ years of homeschooling, my kids and I (and usually our co-op or support group) have taken field trips to historic sites, wastewater treatment plants, plays, dress rehearsals for operettas, museums, dams, apple farms, ...
Home School vs Public School | Lissette Flores Blog
Many homeschoolers share this sentiment when it comes to public schools, believing that the moral relativism, violence, peer pressure, drugs and promiscuity found inside their gates provide an inadequate setting to properly ...
Tweet Preachers - Nominate the #homeschool blogs that inspire ...
Nominate the #homeschool blogs that inspire you to be a better homeschooling mom. We want 2 help homeschoolers connect! : Follow Tweet Preachers Tweet here- Nominate the #homeschool blogs that inspire you to ...
Parents and Homeschool |
With many parents homeschooling their children, the question that should be answered is, should parents teach their children academics?
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Homeschool Curriculum - Choosing between the many options ...
More parents are making the decision to homeschool their kids. Homeschooling kids is more common than ever before. Studies show that kids who are homeschooled.
How To Start off Home school My Kid? - Discount Hobbies
There are several mother and father today which have been asking, In .Just how do i get started homeschool the kids?In ., with valid reason. That is a fantastic concern and it also should get some attention to have a significant ...
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Come and meet other families interested in homeschooling, and get the answers to all your questions from guest speakers who already homeschool in Italy. This meeting will be friendly and informal, open to all, held a bit in ...
Friday, October 14, 2011
Newly Added Homeschool Support Groups
I've posted more support group profiles. If you're group isn't listed, submit your support group information for inclusion on your state page.
Check out the newly added support groups:
- The Harmony House - Home of the Arts - Georgia
- K.I.A. Homeschool Co-op (Kids in Action) - Kentucky
- M&M Community Home Educators - Michigan
- Tri-State Homeschoolers - New York
- Homeschoolers of Wake Forest - North Carolina
- Schuylkill County Homeschool Group - Pennsylvania
- Open Door Homeschoolers - Texas
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Some recent homeschooling carnivals
The latest Homeschool Showcase is up at Weird, Unsocialized homeschoolers.
The recent Homeschooling on the Cheap is up at 3 Boys and a Dog.
The latest edition of a homeschooling carnival is up at Garden of Learning.
The recent Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival is up at Fisher Academy International Teaching Home.
And the latest Classical Homeschooling Carnival is up at Baby Steps.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Reminder - send in a post for the next Carnival of Homeschooling
Please remember to send in a post about homeschooling for the next Carnival of Homeschooling. Sarah will be hosting the carnival at SmallWorld.
This will be the 303rd edition.
Go here for the instructions on sending in a submission.
As always, entries to the Carnival of Homeschooling are due Monday evening at 6:00 PM Pacific Standard Time.
4 Reasons Why You must Homeschool Your Child
A current survey indicated that practically 30% of American parents tend to be seriously considering home school their children rather than transmitting them to school. Homeschooling is a different strategy for education for ...
Great Homeschool Convention Registration Giveaway
If you're a homeschooling family (or even discerning the call to begin homeschooling), you'll definitely want to check out The Homeschool Classroom, where we're giving away five family registrations to the regional Great ...
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
How Unschoolers Learn Through Television - The Homeschool ...
Thanks for visiting and Happy Homeschooling! Bohemian Bowmans. Five Year Old: "Mom, I know how bwicks (bricks) are made. They mix up mud and sand and stuff and then they fire them up." Me: "Where did you learn that? ...
31 Days of Real Life: Homeschool Attendance Reports (a giveaway ...
Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.Powered by WP Greet Box WordPress Plugin The monthly attendance reports that homeschoolers are required to submit in ...
A benefit to homeschooling - the flexibility
Last week I asked my youngest daughter what she liked about homeschooling. She said "Going your own pace."
Today I asked my oldest daughter what she liked about homeschooling. My oldest daughter is seventeen. She has never taken a class at a public school. She is now in her senior year taking a full load of classes while also taking three classes at two of the local community colleges.
She focused on one main benefit to homeschooling: The flexibility. She likes being able to work through the material in an order of her choosing. She also likes being able to choose her learning environment. She likes being able to work in the living room, kitchen or upstairs, depending on her mood.
She tossed in a second benefit to homeschool. She likes being a little weird. (I don't know where that came from. :-) )
Monday, October 10, 2011
Why I Chose To Homeschool : Wanna Be Balanced
I never thought I'd be the homeschooling type. Always admired the people who did it, but to be honest, I was looking forward to the time when all my kids would be in school. I'd daydream about the many things I'd ACTUALLY ...
Hard Questions About Homeschooling (Part Eight) - THE WORLD ...
Please read Part I of this article if you have not, first. We'll pick up where we left off. So who really hates homeschool? Let's skip over those who know nothing about homeschool, and who have "bought in" to the "bad press" ...
Homeschool Jitters
Homeschooling Jitters. October 10, 2011 By guest. Today we have a guest post from Trina Holden…. So you want to home school. You've researched, chosen curriculum, and made a schedule. But suddenly the school year is here and this is ...
A Beka HomeSchooling Guide - PEDSC
The The Beka homeschool curriculum is basically Christian based. The primary goal with the plan could be to ground young children within the Christian notion. All facets and also topic points toward the Christian worldview. It's actually a ...
Online Curriculum Homeschool | Homeschool Transcripts
Most humans think homeschooling is highpriced and is only for the well off. Homeschooling need not be expensive, for example free homeschooling curriculum materials may be received rather without apparent effort if you ...
Sunday, October 9, 2011
How to Use Girl Scouts in Your Homeschooling |
Girl Scouts - GraceFamily. Homeschooling and Girl Scouts can be a great fit. Homeschoolers can participate in Girl Scouts in a number of ways. They can join an existing Girl Scout troop, form a troop of local homeschoolers, ...
Great Homeschooling Links: Perfect Fall Apple Recipes
Cheryl shares apple recipes, perfect for your apple unit studies or just for some fun snacks.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Homeschooling Preschool: Fun with Beans!
mamaliof4 shared how she uses beans with her preschooler while working with her other kids. It's a great idea and and provides some sensory fun for little ones. My daughter sent this picture of her 1 year old playing with beans in a kiddy pool in her kitchen. What fun! I love second generation homeschoolers, things just come naturally to the moms.
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Guest blogger Anthony Garcia on Lessons Homeschoolers can ...
Homeschooling continues to gain popularity as families seek to provide optimal learning experiences for their children. While homeschooling provides many educational and emotional benefits, there are also challenges that ...
Friday, October 7, 2011
Being a Home School Family | Daddy Life
Using home school to educate our children is another thing that makes our family unique. Homeschoooling adds to our family identity. Certainly homeschooling is not for every family, but what ever your education method, that ...
Homeschool Graduations Announcements for the Graduate ...
In some cities, you can find home school graduate programs that allow students to go through a ceremony similar to that experienced by traditional graduates. The ceremonies are usually small and are sometimes held at local ...
Homeschool Days at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex ...
Mark your calendars and homeschool days from NASA's Kennedy Space Center Vistor Complex. For homeschoolers, the Visitor Complex for NASA has special programs for the days in each year, where children can participate in practical activities and ...
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Homeschool Family Question of the Week~Autumn Activities ...
Every Thursday Christian Homeschoolers Taking a Stand will be posting a Homeschool Family Question of the Week. <a href=""><img title="Homeschool Question of the ...