Mike Donnelly, adjunct professor of government at Patrick Henry College and a staff attorney at the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), joins the podcast to talk about homeschooling. We begin our discussion with a brief ...
Monday, February 28, 2011
Little Sprouts: Homeschool Mother's Journal (for February 25)
I am still keeping up with my homemaker journal because it ties in with my bible devotionals and housekeeping but wanted a separate journal for homeschooling so this is my first entry for The Homeschool Mother's Journal. ...
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Carnival of Homeschooling
After hearing this week about a family in Spain being sentenced to jail for successfully homeschooling their child, it was a pleasure to see homeschoolers fighting for their rights in Illinois. Read more… Leave a comment or trackback. ...
AIMS Scholarship: Full tuition for 2011, 2012 only-homeschoolers ...
AIMS Scholarship: Full tuition for 2011, 2012 only–homeschoolers may qualify – Phoenix Homeschooling | Examiner.com; Homeschool mom as guidance counselor helps students enter honor societies; Homeschool Events: Spring 2011 activities ...
Why Homeschool: This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up ...
Mission statement: On this blog we explore why homeschooling can be a better option for children and families than a traditional classroom setting. We'll also explore homeschooling issues in general, educational thoughts, family issues, ...
Homeschoolers Respond - Recap #5
Homeschoolers are notorious for supporting each other and helping each other succeed. Enjoy these reader interaction links, then share your stories and tips too!
- Why Homeschool: Frustrated with lack of challenge
- Socialization: Proper socializing
- Homeschool Dads: Dads helping out homeschooling
- Organization Tips: Color Code
- Sound of Homeschooling: The Sound of Learning
- Counting the Hours: Home school hours
- Elementary books: The 39 Clues
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up - Liberty and Freedom
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up at Raising Real Men.
The carnival starts with:
Welcome to the Carnival of Homeschooling!
Liberty, and especially the freedom to parent our children as we choose, is something that can't ever be taken for granted. After hearing this week about a family in Spain being sentenced to jail for successfully homeschooling their child, it was a pleasure to see homeschoolers fighting for their rights in Illinois. Dave at Home School Dad is rejoicing It's done! It's done! The home schoolers won! After all, the research proves Homeschooling Works! as Barbara Frank of Cardamom Publishers says at Barbara Frank Online.
Home School Book Review · "Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty"
A blog devoted to book reviews, primarily of children's literature and books for teens/young adults, from a Biblical worldview by a homeschooling father.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Homeschooling conventions
Spring into summer is often the time when homeschoolers gather for conventions and book fairs. From coast to coast, families join together for information, shopping and – above all — supporting one another. ...
Barbie's Babies: How's that Homeschooling thing going?
I know it's been a while since I've blogged about the kids homeschooling activities here so I'm going to attempt to catch up. I am so grateful for the opportunity to homeschool my kids and that gratitude grows each and every day. ...
Friday, February 25, 2011
Homeschooling & More! -
The student workbook, teacher's guide and answer key can be download on the Christian Home School Hub. (There is a $1 a year subscription fee which allows for unlimited downloads from the CHSH site.) ...
Homeschool Education Free Online Home School Resources For Young ...
Homeschooling education has been accepted and adapted by many families across the globe. Our home is actually a good training ground to start teaching kids principles that they will certainly use in life. Parents choose to teach their ...
Thursday, February 24, 2011
a homeschooling carnival - February 23, 2011 :: Garden of Learning
Priya Florence Shah presents Education In India: Is Homeschooling Your Child An Option? posted at Loving Your Child Parenting Blog – Care, Cherish, Celebrate, saying, "In the modern day context, most parents cannot conceive of not ...
Marriage vs. Homeschooling? It Shouldn't Have to be a Tug-of-War,
In this interview, Home School Enrichment writer Kimberly Williams talks with Heidi St. John, author of the new book The Busy Homeschool Mom's Guide to Romance.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The Guide To Simple Homeschooling
About the author, Jana Miller is a home school mom of 2, from Orange County, CA. She has been homeschooling for over 9 years and blogging about simple home schooling for the past three years. She has successfully sent one son off to ...
Support Groups Gone Missing - Please Help Us Find Them! | HEAV's ...
Over the past few months, we've been updating the support group listings on our website. New homeschoolers frequently consult our website to find local support,
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Homeschooling Groups, Events, and Resources on Facebook
Homeschoolers can use Facebook social networking tools to plan events, gain support, and find free homeschooling resources.
Meadow Creek: Thinking,Thinking and more Thinking of a Homeschool Mom
I THINK all the time and know I am not crazy I am a stay-at-home Homeschooling mother of one.I have been wondering WHY do people think/assume that when you say Homeschool Family that you are of a certain religion or that you have a big ...
The Advantages of Homeschooling | Kindergarten Lifestyle
The pros and cons of homeschooling are many, but do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? With total control over your child's homeschooling needs you have the flexibility to teach your child values that cannot be taught in a ...
Marriage vs. Homeschooling? It Shouldn't Have to be a Tug-of-War
In this interview, Home School Enrichment writer Kimberly Williams talks with Heidi St. John, author of the new book The Busy Homeschool Mom's Guide to Romance.
Homeschooling the Precocious Preschooler : The Official HSB ...
I know a lot of homeschoolers say "better late than early", and I don't want to push her, but I don't want to ignore her interests, either. Do you have any suggestions for beginning academic work for a young, but eager, preschooler? ...
A Guide to Finding High Quality Homeschool Textbooks and Supplies ...
A Guide to Finding High Quality Homeschool Textbooks and Supplies As homeschoolers, we naturally want the best home schooling supplies and curriculum.
Monday, February 21, 2011
As For Me And My Home: Our Homeschool
Its been a while since I posted an update on our homeschool, so I thought I'd share a wee bit about how its going. Basically we are LOVING it... We are, what is known in the homeschooling world as, eclectic homeschoolers.. which means ...
Homeschooling to college
We are long-term homeschoolers. Since we are outside the norm, we often get questions like, "What about high school?" and "How will they get into college?"
Our oldest daughter is in the "11th grade" (what ever that means for a homeschooler). So, the college question is very much on our minds. Since she is our first, she is also our learner child. If our strategy doesn't work well for her, we can try something different for the next kid.
This is our college strategy:
She will attend community college for a year or two and then transfer to a 4 year university. Our oldest has started her second class at a local community college and we plan for increasingly more classes during her "senior" year of homeschooling.
Our local community college system allows concurrent enrollment. High school juniors and seniors can take up to 6 per semester for free. I think they can take even for than 6 per semester if their principal (me) signs a waver.
However, our oldest daughter is also taking all the standardized tests (SAT, ACT), so that she could apply as a freshman. The universities that she would like to attend will take homeschool students with reasonable SAT or ACT scores. These universities require higher scores for the homeschool students than the traditional students. Our oldest tests well, so it shouldn't be an issue.
A friend's son ran into problems applying to a university we are considering. He scored high on the SAT but they wouldn't accept his CHSPE (California High School Proficiency Exam) as proof of high school completion. The wanted him to pass the GED. However, students are NOT allowed to take the GED until they are 18 years old, which is a little late for the regular application period. There is an exception to the GED testing age. Youth who have been incarcerated can take the GED early. We joked that he needed to get himself arrested so that he could take the GED, so that he could go to college on track with his friends.
We hope to avoid this issue with a transcript from the community college. However, we also hope to get scholarship offers from the SAT and ACT scores.
In addition to the community college classes, we are encouraging our daughter to take a few CLEP tests. I started university as a sophomore because of CLEP credits. However, the universities that are on the top of her list don't accept CLEP credits. Since many of the California Universities do accept the credits and we don't know where she will end up yet, we figure it can't hurt to have the credits. If the school doesn't accept the credit, it can still make her homeschool transcript look more impressive.
Our goal is for our daughter to get accept to a good university with a scholarship of some sort. We will keep you posted on how well this plan works for us.
Illinois Review: New York arrests homeschool couple for not ...
Illinois homeschoolers are committed to keep on the pressure and not allowing their freedoms erode as these homeschooling parents found in New York recently. As the news report below shows, after seven years, this couple was found to ...
The Thinking Mother: Dual Credit for Homeschoolers Leads to ...
A neighbor who doesn't know much about homeschooling was asking about a mutual acquaintance that started homeschooling her son at the start of grade nine. She wondered what ever happened to him. I explained to my friend about dual ...
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Homeschooling Curriculum Bundles - Wonderful Offers That Anyone ...
Finding the very best homeschooling curriculum on your baby could be difficult in particular for mother and father who are new in homeschooling. As mother and.
Your Daughter's Hormones | Homeschooling Girls Day 7
free digital photos. Could I really write a series about homeschooling girls and not discuss hormones? I don't think so. Hormones on their own are perfectly normal, essential part of our body's makeup. But it's not really hormones I'm ...
0 comments - The Homeschool Chick
On a weekly basis, I'm apart of a a really fun blog hop just for homeschoolers called the Hip Homeschool Hop. I have met sooooooo many new homeschoolers though this popular hop each week, it's hard for me to keep track of them all! ...
Monday, February 14, 2011
Homeschooling for Black Families | mothering
When my older daughter, then five, finished reading her first full-length novel—entirely on her own initiative—I knew at that moment that my husband, Michael, and I had made the right decision to homeschool our two children. ...
Start an American Girl Book Club | Homeschooling Girls Day 6
Thinking of starting an American Girl Book Club? Here are some tips and ideas to get you started.
Chocolate on my Cranium: Homeschool Planning
As any homeschooling mama knows it takes a lot of planning, researching, and following through on our part to make sure our children are learning everything they need to know. Multiply that by lots of children and one can be overwhelmed ...
Homeschooling - Benefits of using textbooks, college level ...
However, the situationsome of the homeschooling community and the concerns — what their future success. So all parents — and focuses especially homeschooling parents — have the quality and homeschoolers homeschooling their mathematical ...
Sunday, February 13, 2011
College Depot offers great college prep workshops for ...
Phoenix Homeschooling | Examiner.com; Homeschoolers build reading skills with free pizza as incentives; Great read-to-me program for pre-K homeschoolers is offered by Pizza Hut; Homeschool College Prep: Scholarship + testing credits ...
Chicago Daily Observer - Blog Archive - Homeschoolers not the problem
In a time when the burdens of Illinois are staggering, the menace of unregistered homeschoolers seems to rank — oh, maybe 145678 on the list of things that need fixing, somewhere after rules on toilet paper ply-strength and gerbil ...
Little Treasures: Homeschooling
Was reading my friend, Dana's blog the other day & found myself saying 'AMEN' to her little tid-bits of homeschooling wisdom & thought it would be worthwhile to share her tid-bits here too along with some of my own. ...
Methods to Pick Curriculum for Homeschooling | Choose 4 Me Best ...
More parents are making the decision to homeschool their kids. While it was once very rare to choose to teach your kids at home, now lots of families choose to do just that. Studies have shown that kids who are homeschooled do better on ...
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Homeschooling in Nova Scotia - Blog Archive - Homeschooler Wins ...
Today, February 12th, the 2011 Cape Breton Regional Spelling Bee was held at Cape Breton University in Sydney. Three homeschoolers participated (one was my son). Homeschooler Paryse Broussard of Port Hawkesbury was the winner. ...
Homeschooling Vs. Public School - Pros And Cons | Home School Programs
Homeschooling and public schooling co-exist successfully today! But one question that often comes in to the mind of parents when the time has come for.
Faith-Homeschooling-Family Life - Blog Archive - Spellquizzer Review
So recently I had a chance to use the SpellQuizzer software for homeschoolers and I really like it so far! I was skeptical because it involves using the computer and I am not computer savvy but to my surprise this was so simple even I ...
Home school programsThe Advantage for the homeschoolers to ...
Before knowing about the Home school programs you have to know what Homeschooling is. Homeschooling is one of the best alternative educations provided by parents or tutors to their children at the comfort and safety of their home. ...
Friday, February 11, 2011
A few other homeschool carnivals
This week's Homeschool Showcase is up at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.
The Valetine Edition of the Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival is up at Mountaineer Country.
And a homeschooling carnival is up at the Garden of Learning.
Home*School*Home: More Homeschool Stuff.
We also love enriching our school with 4H activities, field trips and getting together with our homeschool group. We're having a valentine party today at a pizza restaurant. Is it any wonder we love homeschooling? ...
Homeschool PE Ideas | Homeschooling Girls Day 5
Ideas for working Homeschool PE into your day and keeping it fun, plus my top ten tips for homeschool PE.
InfertilityMom: Homeschooling with Chronic Illness
Look into local homeschool support networks and connect with other homeschoolers online. You can typically find support groups ranging from regional, to teaching style, to curriculum specific. Rest Ministries Sun Room offers a group ...
What About Free Homeschool Curriculum? | Gremlins Gizmo
Well, a big part of individuals consider homeschooling to be quite expensive and also just for the well off. But homeschooling is not necessarily expensive, for.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Homeschooling High School
Two words that are likely to strike fear in the heart of a homeschooling mama "High School." For some reason we (and I am speaking of myself too) consider ourselves perfectly capable of teaching during the younger years, ...
HomeSchool Reviews | Home School Programs
Homeschooling was a popular concept in the United States prior to the introduction of compulsory school attendance laws. Homeschooling is the system.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Homeschool Conference: Schoolhouse Expo
Schoolhouse Expo. This is a flexible and convenient, online homeschool conference! Homeschooling encouragement and inspiration—. when and where you need it! May 16-20th. Early Bird ticket price of $19.50 ends Today, Wednesday, ...
Ezines Articles - Article Drectory - Tips To Make Homeschooling ...
If opting to homeschool, it is cardinal that parents should understand the policies and laws regarding home based education in their particular state. This is to be certain of complete adherence to the law governing home school ...
8 Tips for Choosing a Homeschooling Curriculum
Finding the right home school materials can be overwhelming for new homeschooelrs. Here are 8 tips that have helped me along the way.
Homeschoolers with goal to teach science may qualify for 13K+ ...
Phoenix Homeschooling | Examiner.com; Homeschoolers build reading skills with free pizza as incentives; Great read-to-me program for pre-K homeschoolers is offered by Pizza Hut; Homeschool College Prep: Scholarship + testing credits ...
Homeschooling: Educating for Success - Homeschoolers with goal to ...
The country is hurting for science teachers, and for science minded homeschoolers, that could be a huge boon. Arizona State University is actively recruiting potential science students wanting to be educators and has scholarship funds ...
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Homeschooling an "Only"
Deciding to homeschool an only child is a scary thing. Not only do I want to quash the myths, but I also want to let worried would-be homeschoolers know that it's completely doable without ruining your child. ...
The way to Find the Appropriate Homeschool Program for You
It is quickly becoming popular for parents to homeschool their children. People who were strictly religious used to be the only ones who took on the task of homeschooling their kids. Homeschooling is now being chosen by all types of.
No Comments - Home School Online
Some things are certain: taxes, death, and the steady growth of new homeschoolers. To help these refugees from the school system, there's lots of tools and documents. Here's a new page called How to Homeschool that talks about how to ...
10 Days of Homeschooling Enrichment: Day 2
We are called as homeschoolers to minister to our children on 24/7 basis, if it helps we can consider them as disciples. As a homeschooler we can be challenged from all kinds of external and internal sources. We can doubt ourselves, ...
Monday, February 7, 2011
our.windowfarms.org | Blog | Home School Curriculum Proposal 1
We eventually could host a windowfarm workshop, where we invite others in our local homeschooling community and help them make their own windowfarms. I would write up detailed lesson plans for some of the activities our family did, ...
Williams Lake Homeschool Community - Update to schedule
2011 Williams Lake Homeschool Community is proudly powered by WordPress MU and WPDesigner.. Hosted by HomeschoolBlogger.com · HomeschoolBlogger.com · Log In · Sign Up · Blog Authors · Avatar Image WL Homeschooling ...
Home School Families FOUND in Lincoln City! | Petra School
We moved from Central Oregon to the Central Oregon Coast – From Homeschoolers a Plenty to Homeschoolers a Few. It was quite the adjustment for the boys and I – but it has been good. We have made many friends in the community – of all ...
Beyond the Silver and the Gold - A Filipino Family's Homeschool ...
I've visited each of the blogs featured this week and it's fun to see what different families are up to. I've also seen some really great blogs that are full of information about homeschooling. Expect to see homeschool reviews and some ...
Sunday, February 6, 2011
web-home-school.com- Homeschooling on the Web - - reluctant ...
Web Home School - Read about personal journeys through the trials and successes of homeschooling, including finding solid homeschool curriculum, educating special needs children and more from military familes, homeschooling parents, ...
North Laurel Home & School: Virtual Nerd Discount -for Homeschoolers!!
Homeschool and Life. We use Ambleside Online, Charlotte Mason, and an eclectic mix of things. Here you'll find randomness aplenty! Also look for reviews of products and books, for homeschooling and otherwise :) ...
Homeschooling: Educating for Success - Homeschoolers get bonus on ...
There is another honors organization which is open to all qualifying students–whether homeschooled or from public or private schools. National Society for High School Scholars (NSHSS) was founded by Claes Nobel, of the Nobel Peace Prize ...
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Homeschool Events: Spring 2011 updated February 4, 2011 ...
Phoenix Homeschooling | Examiner.com; Homeschoolers build reading skills with free pizza as incentives; Great read-to-me program for pre-K homeschoolers is offered by Pizza Hut; Homeschool College Prep: Scholarship + testing credits ...
Homeschooling: Educating for Success - How do homeschoolers get ...
Homeschool students have been strictly excluded from National Honor Society, unless they are enrolled at least part time in a public or private school. Fortunately, Joann Juren, a homeschool mother near Houston, Texas, decided that she ...
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Used Homeschool Curriculum - What You Need To Know? | Home School ...
Homeschooling, for some parents might seem to be a costly affair. But reality is not! You need not have to worry about the cost involved. Families.
Reminder - send in a post for the next Carnival of Homeschooling
This is your weekly reminder to send in an entry to the next Carnival of Homeschooling, which will be held at Bugs, Knights, and Turkeys In the Yard.
Go here for the instructions on sending in a submission.
As always, entries to the Carnival of Homeschooling are due Monday evening at 6:00 PM Pacific Standard Time.
- Homeschool Blog Hop Begins Soon! My Quivers Full
Homeschool Blog Hop Begins Soon! Posted by Kathy under Homeschooling Resources, miscellaneous · No Comments. Yes, I'm still working on the next installment of my bloggy-catch-up posts. We've had mucho computer problems as well as hectic ...
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Groundhog Day Fun
Shadow or no shadow? Punxsutawney Phil? Candlemas Day? How much do you know about Groundhog Day? Learn all about groundhogs and Groundhog Day with these fun printables, activities and quiz
A ...
Read Full Post
February 2nd Trivia - Groundhogs, Zeppelins and Treaties
Here's a more detailed list of February Holidays and Events with homeschool worksheets, coloring pages and activities to provide teachable moments for February 2nd:
- Groundhog Day - Shadow or no shadow?
- Zeppelin Crashes into North Sea...
Read Full Post
February 1st - February 1st Trivia - Robinson Crusoe, Space Shuttle Disaster and Baked Alaska
Here's a more detailed list of February Holidays and Events with homeschool worksheets, coloring pages and activities to provide teachable moments for February 1st:
- Robinson Crusoe Day - What five things ...
Read Full Post
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Homeschool & Family | Times Alive! Review
Homeschool & Family. With 6 children currently being home educated, we do a lot of different styles. :). ← TenMarks Review · Times Alive! Review ... Homeschool Buyers Co-op · Homeschooling's #1 Way to Save. Companies I Review For ...
Two million homeschooled, new study estimates - No Soul Left Behind
Michael Smith, president of the Home School Legal Defense Association, called the latest numbers "remarkable," noting that "just 30 years ago there were only an estimated 20000 home schooled children." ...