In today's social environment parents are opting to enroll their children in home school programs rather than keeping them involved with both public or private educational programs. Homeschool offers students and their ...
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
If You Are Serious About Homeschooling - Issues You Should Be ...
Homeschool has become a viable option to today's parents who are looking for alternatives to the public and private school programs. There are quite a few advantages to home schooling, both for parents and children, yet ...
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Graduation Homeschool Announcements - Home School Grad ...
Most Affordable Homeschool Graduation Announcements for Homeschoolers! Enjoy 10 FREE Home School Graduate Announcement and Homeschooling.
Ways To Determine If Homeschooling Is Something Your Child ...
Although these are obvious differences, some parents do not take them into consideration before trying the homeschooling option. Home schooling is not only a very different experience for your kids, but it also means many ...
Friday, January 27, 2012
How To Choose Whether Or Not Homeschooling Is Right For Your ...
Many parents today are considering the option of home schooling more than ever. Homeschooling is more popular as parents become more aware of the dangers at public schools; some of them also want to spend time with ...
Homeschoolers React to State of the Union Education Demand ...
Contact: Jeremiah Lorrig, Home School Legal Defense Association, 540-338-5600 WASHINGTON, Jan. 25, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Last night in his State of the Union address President Obama called on all states to ...
Thursday, January 26, 2012
SWAC Girl: 'Tebow Bill' for homeschool sports access advances in ...
A House Education subcommittee meeting was overflowing this morning in the General Assembly as homeschoolers crowded in to show support for Delegate Rob Bell's (R-58th House) HB 947 advocating that homeschool ...
Ways To Determine If Homeschooling Is Something Your Child ...
As an alternative to public and even private school programs offered today many parents are thinking about homeschooling their children. Homeschool offers students and their guardians a great deal more advantages than ...
Homeschooling an Only Kid | Free Education Online
Looking about at the homeschool households you know in your co-op, assist team, or church, you might observe that most consist of a lot more than a single child. In simple fact, a 2006 National Middle for Training report ...
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Before You Decide To Homeschool Consider These Things ...
In today's social environment parents are opting to enroll their children in home school programs rather than keeping them involved with both public or private educational programs. Both parents and children are seeing a ...
Homeschool Makeover and Great Homeschool Conventions - Life ...
one of the things I keep pining for is a place to go hear speakers like Susan Wise Bauer and to flip through these books before I buy them, a homeschooling convention!
A Hip Homeschool Moms Birthday Gift
HLA provides homeschooling families with every legal service that any other homeschool legal organization provides. Additionally, they provide a free will for both Mom and Dad, represent homeschool organizations, help ...
Carnival of Homeschooling: Wintery Mix Edition
This weeks Homeschooling Carnival is up over at Janice shares a wintery theme with the submissions. Enjoy your visit with Janice and other homeschool bloggers.
The next carnival will be hosted at Amy Bayliss. Send in your submissions by Monday at 6 p.m.
Blog Cruise: Favorite Apps at TOS Homeschool Crew
Welcome to this week's Blog Cruise! With the explosion of all things "app" related including the iPod Touch, iPad, Kindle Fire and a host of Android tablets, homeschooling, and education in general, is reaching new heights of ...
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Why Homeschool: Aspects of a homeschooling life
Mission statement: On this blog we explore why homeschooling can be a better option for children and families than a traditional classroom setting. We'll also explore homeschooling issues in general, educational thoughts, ...
How Homeschooling Ruined Us For Public School
When my husband and I lived abroad, we made the decision to homeschool our daughter. Local schools were out of the question because of their competitive and.
Inspire Me Heather: project: homeschool rooms
For those of you who educate or wish to teach your children at home, here are some very inspiring homeschool spaces posted by bloggers. They sure taught me a thing or two! Learn all about the home school room here: ...
Seven Lies about Homeschoolers - A Bloggy Mom
Seven Lies about Homeschoolers. Author: Tiffany Noth | Posted at: 10:28 AM | Filed Under: Home School, Homeschool |. The lovely Nicole Morgan shared this earlier on Facebook...and I just love it!
Fitting in the Arts When Homeschooling
One of the things I really liked about beginning our adventure as homeschoolers was the ability to add in different artistic studies that would enrich the experience. What I didn't realize is how hard it can be to truly nurture the ...
Aspects of a homeschooling life
Homeschooling is more than merely teaching your children how to read, write and do their sums. It is a way of life. Our oldest daughter is seventeen. She will be going off to college this fall. None of our children have ever taken a public school class.
I've been thinking recently about how homeschooling families differ from families which send their children off to government schools. A couple main areas jump out:
Responsibility: Homeschoolers take complete responsibility for the education and welfare of their children. When parents send their children to public schools they surrender many decisions to teachers and school officials. And if the parents disagree too often the courts say tough. Homeschoolers make the decision to be in charge. They may hire someone else to help with certain subject, but we have the final say.
Freedom: It is so cool to be able to do things when you want. This can range from the subjects the children study, the order of the subjects to how long you spend on a subject. But there is flexibility beyond education, for example we love being able to go on vacation when everyone else is in school.
Character: We are not in a constant battle with dozens to hundreds of conflicting messages which tell our children to ignore their parents on issues like integrity and honesty. Our children have never been pressured to cheat on a test. They are not being constantly told to experiment with sex or alcohol. With homeschooling we control the turf and the message.
Homeschooling is a challenge. At times it is a lot of work. Overall I think we put in about the same amount of time as parents who use the government schools. But even if we spend more time I'm glad to do it.
Monday, January 23, 2012
| Hip Homeschool Moms
Over the six years that I've been offically homeschooling, we've ranged from workbookers to unit study enthusiasts to online curriculum lovers to unschoolers. As the seasons of our family life have changed, so have our ...
Homeschool TMI
I'm recovering from a month-long bout of Homeschool TMI. TMI means "too much information." Homeschool TMI is the name I've given to the fact that there are SO many good resources available to homeschoolers. How do ...
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Taking a Home School Break
One of the great things about homeschooling is the freedom to just take a break when it is needed. This can be when YOU need it, when the kids need it, or when a special opportunity comes up that just can't be worked in any ...
Happy Birthday, Hip Homeschool Moms!
Hip Homeschool Moms is turning a year old! Our fabulous community of moms got its start through the Hip Homeschool Hop, the weekly link-up where ALL homeschoolers or those interested in homeschooling can come and ...
Monty Pelerin's World - If Possible, Home School Your Child
Homeschooling is growing by leaps and bounds as people realize the tragedy of the "12-year sentence" imposed by government schools. Unfortunately, the students who would benefit the most from this alternative are apt to ...
Accidentally Homeschooling...: Wordless Wednesday: Homeschool ...
Wordless Wednesday: Homeschool Gym Outside the Box. Thanks for stopping by,. Welcome homeschoolers! Enter your email address to ensure you never miss a post again: Delivered by FeedBurner. Posted by TerriG ...
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Why I Don't Homeschool, And You Shouldn't Either | What She Said
People throw around a lot of silly reasons for homeschooling. I bet you've heard them too. Homeschooled kids win all of the spelling bees. The Ivy League schools are overrun with homeschoolers. Homeschooled kids are ...
Some of our best posts from August 2006
Janine and I have been blogging about homeschooling for over six years now. If you missed some of our early posts, you have missed some of our best thoughts. Here are some highlights from August 2006:
Janine posted Reasons to Avoid Government Schools: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4.
We shared some links on John Stossel with Stupid in America.
In Respect and choices Janine addresses the question of do homeschoolers show disrespect towards public school families.
Richard Feynman on the textbook review process is both insightful and scary.
Janine wrote about our first day of 'school'.
Henry shared some ways to Promote Your Blog.
Janine wrote about a typical crazy day in What a Day!
Do you think there is any difference between Schools and Prisons?
I posted one of my favorite quotes:
"You say the little efforts that I make will do no good; that they never will prevail to tip the hovering scale where justice hangs in the balance. I don't think I ever thought they would. But I am prejudiced beyond debate in favor of my right to choose which side shall feel the stubborn ounces of my weight."
- Bonaro Overstreet
And I posted this great story on The importance of Mathematics:
From: (Tom Duff)
Taylor Series - a matter of life or death
Mathematics can even be a matter of life or death. During the Russian revolution, the mathematical physicist Igor Tamm was seized by anti-Communist vigilantes at a village near Odessa where he had gone to barter for food. They suspected he was an anti-Ukrainian communist agitator and dragged him off to their leader.
Asked what he did for a living he said that he was a mathematician. The skeptical gang-leader began to finger the bullets and grenades slung around his neck. "All right", he said, "calculate the error when the Taylor series approximation of a function is truncated after n terms. Do this and you will go free; fail and you will be shot". Tamm slowly calculated the answer in the dust with his quivering finger. When he had finished the bandit cast his eye over the answer and waved him on his way.
Tamm won the 1958 Nobel prize for Physics but he never did discover the identity of the unusual bandit leader. But he found a sure way to concentrate his students' minds on the practical importance of Mathematics!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Teaching Blog Addict: Homeschool Evaluation
Although most homeschoolers do a homeschool evaluation at the end of the school year, I wrote a post about doing an informal semester evaluation. There are categories and questions you can ask yourself about how your ...
Why Homeschool: This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up ...
Mission statement: On this blog we explore why homeschooling can be a better option for children and families than a traditional classroom setting. We'll also explore homeschooling issues in general, educational thoughts, ...
Teach Them Diligently: Homeschool Convention Discount Code ...
This March I am really excited to be speaking at a homeschooling convention called Teach Them Diligently. This convention will be held in the Spartanburg Expo Center in Spartanburg, SC from March 15th-17th. I do believe it ...
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up - The Organized Homeschool
Dee is hosting this week's Carnival of Homeschooling at the Homeschool Online Blog.
She starts the carnival with:
So, did you know that January is officially "Get Organized" month? That's probably pretty timely when you figure just how many of us have created New Year's resolutions with some form of the word "ORGANIZE" in them. And we homeschoolers - - especially - - have more than a few things lying around the house that we'd like to bring order to, don't we? So this 316th week of the Carnival of Homeschooling is going to be dedicated to tips and tricks that homeschoolers can use to curb the chaos and get organized for 2012!! Shall we get started???
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Illinois Review: Major victory for homeschool graduates enlisting in ...
Paeonian Springs, VA - Home School Legal Defense Association is pleased to announce a major victory for homeschool graduates. A new law guarantees the equal treatment of homeschool graduates who seek to enlist in ...
Homeschooling Laws And Their Importance | Dating Advice Singles
There are different reasons why parents may decide to homeschool their children. With homeschooling, an enhanced learning experience that far surpasses anything available in a public or private school system can be ...
Sweden Crushing Homeschoolers
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Jan. 17, 2012 – A leader of Sweden's Liberal Party last week called for a change in the country's social services law so that the government can take children away from home-schooling families more ...
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Homeschooling for Eternity - HomeHearts
What roadblocks have kept you from making the decision to educate your children at home? Hopefully, by addressing some of the common homeschooling issues your roadblocks will become pebbles under your feet! ...
Why Homeschool: Mises article on homeschooling
Mission statement: On this blog we explore why homeschooling can be a better option for children and families than a traditional classroom setting. We'll also explore homeschooling issues in general, educational thoughts, ...
Mises article on homeschooling
In Praise of Homeschools starts:
The most admirable group of entrepreneurs is perhaps the least appreciated. Homeschool parents, or parentrepreneurs, are not waiting for politicians and technocrats to fix broken systems of education. Rather, they are eschewing the status quo and finding innovative ways to advance the intellectual, emotional, and spiritual growth of their children. Unlike their counterparts in the public sector, parentrepreneurs have achieved astounding results with humble budgets.
Hat tip: The Libertarian Homeschooler
2012 Homeschooling Readers' Choice Awards
I am excited to announce the 2012 Homeschooling Readers' Choice Awards. The Readers' Choice Awards showcase the best products, features and services in dozens of categories across all of Although the Readers' Choice Awards Competition is in its 5th year, this is the first year that the Homeschooling Site will be participating!
Read Full Post
Why Homeschool: We homeschool so the world will be ...
Mission statement: On this blog we explore why homeschooling can be a better option for children and families than a traditional classroom setting. We'll also explore homeschooling issues in general, educational thoughts, ...
Monday, January 16, 2012
We homeschool so the world will be comprehensible by our children
These last couple weeks I have been distracted by a local political issue. I've spent hours and hours gathering signatures to put this issue on the ballot.
As I have gone door to door one of the things which has become clear to me is many people don't really understand the issues. As we talk about the issue they cannot seem to connect cause and effect. Some believe programs funded by the government are somehow free and without cost.
One of the reasons Janine and I homeschool is so our children are grounded in history. They know how various programs in the past have worked and understand why, at least in part, the effects. They understand basic economics and recognize the value of delayed gratification.
I don't want the world to be incomprehensible or unfathomable to our children. Life is scary and confusing when things just "randomly" happen. If both good and bad things just "happen" and someone doesn't understand why they happened, then life is an enigma. It is baffling.
By homeschooling we are able to make sure our children have some understanding of cause and effect. And maybe more important, they have an attitude of continuing to learn and to try to understand cause and effect to a greater degree.
Tackling The Issue of Socialization and Homeschooling | deeply ...
For families who opt to homeschool their children, there are several different approaches from which they can choose. As homeschooling evolves over time, there may be several misconceptions about it. Many proponents of ...
United States and North Carolina homeschool population ... - TypePad
The population of homeschoolers in the United States continues to grow according to new research and the report,2.04 Million Homeschool Students in the United States in 2010, recently published by the National Home ...
At Home School Programs |
Are you and your children cut out for home school? Homeschooling your own child has its advantages and disadvantages, but with total control you have the flexibility to teach your child values that cannot be taught in a public ...
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Homeschooling Hearts & Minds: Our Homeschool Week: Seeing the ...
Homeschooling Hearts & Minds. A new topic each Monday in January. For more info, read about the 2012 Virtual Curriculum Fair. 21 bloggers participated our first week! January 2--- Playing with words: The Language Arts ... 5 Advantages Of Homeschooling
What makes homeschooling better than traditional schooling? Lately, there is a rising trend in families choosing to homeschool their child than send their child to a traditional educational institution. Let's look at some of the benefits of ...
Homeschooling - Is It for You? | Home Schooling
Call your local Board of Education to find out what their requirements are for homeschooling your children. I'm sure the laws have changed since my children were homeschooled. Some districts have quite a bit more oversight ...
Influential Homeschoolers Coalesce Behind Ron Paul
Homeschoolers for Ron Paul is a nationwide coalition of influential homeschooling advocates who support Ron Paul's campaign for President. By Joe Wolverton, II.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Gifted Exchange: Supporting homeschoolers
Obviously, some people who are homeschooling for political reasons may want nothing whatsoever to do with a public school system, but many families homeschool for other reasons. I know many Gifted Exchange readers do ...
Mike Farris Claims Ron Paul Bad on Homeschooling | Tom Woods
Mike Farris of the Home School Legal Defense Association recently criticized Ron Paul's constitutional position. Conservatives, particularly homeschoolers, should reject Ron Paul's position, said Farris, because Farris's court ...
Thursday, January 12, 2012
2012 Printable Coloring Calendars
The 2012 Printable Coloring Calendars are up and ready for your use. As a special gift to grandparents, one homeschooling family printed the calendars, had the children color them, and then personalized the calendars with birth dates. I love the idea!
Read Full Post
This week's Carnival is up - the Gemstone Edition
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up at Alasandra's Homeschool Blog.
The theme for this edition is Gemstones.
The carnival starts off with:
Welcome to the Gemstone Edition of the Carnival of Homeschooling. Below you will find not only the wonderful submissions for this carnival but gemstones commonly used for birthstones and the history behind them.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Of homeschool blogs and conferences - In Our Write Minds
Today's homeschoolers have so much more at their disposal! With the advent of the Internet, the world has become a smaller place. Now, with the click of a mouse or the swipe of a finger, homeschool moms can access ...
Curriculum Options for Homeschooling - How to Choose - EraNostra
Increasing budget cuts have more parents opting to homeschool their kids. It used to be very rare for a child to be homeschooled but more families are choosing this option. Studies have shown that homeschooled children do ...
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Free Homeschool Printables & Planners - Freely Educate
Donna Young, a former homeschooling mom, has created just about every homeschool form you could possibly need. All of the forms are free, from transcript to homeschool diploma, from attendance records to science lab ...
Influential Homeschoolers Coalesce Behind Ron Paul
Homeschoolers for Ron Paul is a nationwide coalition of influential homeschooling advocates who support Ron Paul's campaign for President. By Joe Wolverton, II.
7 Beneficial Homeschooling Points -
7 Beneficial Homeschooling Points. If you're a parent who is responsible for planning for you to homeschool your children, you needn't just helpful tips, but advice that will work. The pursuing homeschooling tips are generally ...
7 Precious Homeschooling Recommendations -
If you could be a parent who's planning towards homeschool their own children, you don't need to just helpful tips, but data that performs. The soon after homeschooling tips have been completely compiled belonging to the ...
Monday, January 9, 2012
Prison - Influential Homeschoolers Coalesce Behind ...
On Saturday, the Ron Paul campaign issued a statement announcing the naming of several new members of the "Homeschoolers for Ron Paul" coalition. The formation of the group was originally announced in August and since then has been ...
Does Homeschooling Develop Effective Socialization Skills ...
A Look at the Impact of Homeschooling on Children's Social Skills.
Choosing the Right Homeschool Curriculum | Cheap Home Ideas
Homeschooling children is becoming more popular. Once a rare choice, more parents are opting to homeschool their children. Homeschooled children don't let.
Tips for Choosing Your Homeschool Curriculum - EraNostra
Those who select to home school their children generally have a tighter bond than families who send their children to school. Leaving your reasons for homeschooling aside, do you know what kind of curriculum you want to ...
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Does Homeschooling Have a Harmful Effect on the Social Skills of ...
Is Socialization a Problem for Homeschooled Children.
Curriculum Options for Homeschooling - How to Choose | EzinePR ...
How to Find the Right Homeschool Curriculum for You.
Choosing the Right Homeschool Curriculum - EraNostra
Choosing the Right Homeschool Curriculum. More and more parents are choosing to homeschool their kids. Some time ago homeschooling was though of as only for religious families. Homeschooling is now being chosen by ...
Figuring Out How to Choose Homeschooling Curriculum | Cheap ...
There are many good reasons for deciding to homeschool your children. Maybe it's that your public school is run differently than you would like. Is it the.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Homeschool Wisdom (worth interrupting the blog break) - Like A ...
I was talking with my friend and mentor Sally about homeschooling this morning and what my days look like. I told her that I recently realized I have been overwhelming my six year old, and we aren't even doing that much. ...
5 SPECTACULAR EVENTS: Everything GREAT About Homeschooling
We LITERALLY have 100's of SESSIONS scheduled! GREAT HOMESCHOOL CONVENTIONS strives to help you along the way on your homeschool venture by providing a FANTASTIC list of FEATURED SPEAKERS! ...
Homeschooling Reflections | Homeschooling In Detroit
Happy New Year fellow homeschoolers. This week I thought it would be the perfect time to reflect on my homeschooling journey thus far. I will resume with our journey (week 17) next week as I am making some changes in our ...
Friday, January 6, 2012
Rod Dreher - Homeschooling as craftsmanship
We are sticking with homeschooling in our new place, a decision that puzzles some of our new friends. The local public schools are good (people relocate from Baton Rouge to this parish because of the quality of the schools), ...
HappilyDomestic: Homeschool Organization Tips
And we, as homeschooling mommas (or any momma for that matter) know how important this topic is and how much easier our life is when we apply our organization skills. So here are my top 5 homeschool organization tips ...
When a Friend Stops Homeschooling
Angie shares ideas to help you deal with the situation of what may happen when you're still homeschooling but a close friend decides to stop homeschooling.
Consider These Home School Statistics - Public School In USA
Numbers don't lie, and a variety of homeschool information show the positive impact that teaching your kids at home can have. Let's consider some of these numbers. First, you should know that in 2007 (that last year we have ...
Homeschool View|Will Homeschoolers Be a Political Force in 2012 ...
Learn what you can do as a Christian homeschool parent to teach your children how to affect a positive change on government with godly values.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Notes From A Homeschooling Mom: Homeschoolers and the GED
This blog is the journal of a mom and family in our 9th year of homeschooling. I am passionate about education as a whole and feel that homeschooling can also be used to prevent struggling high school students from being ...
On the Hunt for Homeschooling Curriculum that Fits your Family ...
Parents who are new to homeschooling can be overwhelmed by the number and variety of curriculum options available today. Even experienced homeschoolers who are searching for a new curriculum can be daunted by the ...
We don't look like homeschoolers.. | Wayzley Academy
I'm always left wondering exactly what they think a homeschooling family looks like. Long denim skirts? Kids in matching clothes? Us merrily making our own food and clothes and singing together every night? Oh I know there ...
Homeschooling Your kids |
Homeschooling Your kids. You've opted that home schooling is the way to train your youngster and now you have got to prepared yourself and your children for all the trial offers plus tribulations that include that. You know that ...
Free Homeschool Planning Program & Schedule Creator - Freely ...
Homeschool Skedtrack is a schedule creator and tracker, especially useful for homeschooling teachers and private tutors. Here is a screenshot of the planning program... Here is a description from the site's owners: ...
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
New Perspective - The Homeschool Village
Wife of 17 years and homeschooling mom of a tween & two teens, life is abundantly overflowing. You can often find her sharing life on her blog Rambling with Grace, making blogs look pretty at Simply Inspired Designs, and ...
Homeschooling Your little one
You've opted that homeschooling will be the way to instruct your youngster and now you should ready yourself and also your children for all the trials and also tribulations that are included in them. You know that the trail ...
New Industry Blog - Homeschooling Your Child
You have decided that homeschooling would be the way to train the child and now you should completely ready yourself as well as your little ones for all the tests plus tribulations that accompany this. You know that the highway ahead may be ...
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Marsha's Spot: Homeschool Journey--Still On Christmas Break
I'm always changing something in the way we homeschool. Nothing new here, I've been changing and changing again since I started homeschooling my children in 1998. I started this week by sitting down and writing out ...
Homeschool Spanish - The Crafty Classroom
"New and unique to homeschoolers, Real Homeschool Spanish takes the entire family on the journey of language learning. Our easy to use curriculum is made specifically for the Home Educator and the home learning ...
Carnival of Homeschool: Week 314 - The 6th Anniversary
Welcome to the sixth anniversary of the Carnival of Homeschooling. It is one of the longest running weekly blog carnivals. This is the 314th edition!
My wife and I are very grateful that are so many people who participate, help promote the carnival, and give us encouragement. We are especially appreciative of the several dozen people who take turns hosting the carnival.
The theme for this carnival is "Starting the New Year." We've just entered 2012 and many homeschool bloggers are thinking about their plans for the New Year.
Goals and Resolutions
With a New Year, we often step back and reconsider what we are doing and what we might want to do differently.
With Reminders, Christy provides a new way (and a helpful way) to look at New Year's resolutions, posted at Eclectic Momma.
In Looking Back Before Looking Ahead Pamela reflects on 2011, which included a five week road trip with her children, posted at Blah, Blah, Blog.
Jen writes about the process of Goal setting for the Whole Family, posted at Forever, For Always, No Matter What.
In God's Will for Your Homeschool, Vicki shares ideas for seeking God in your homeschool as 2012 begins, and a FREE download to help you set priorities and handle your calendar accordingly, posted at 7 Sisters Innovative Homeschool Helps.
The Homeschool Dad lists five of his goals for the New Year in Resolved.
Kelly reminds us that along with making goals for our children, we should have our own Personal Learning Journey, posted at The Homeschool Co-op.
As homeschoolers, we put a lot of focus on the education of our children.
In the post A Self-Taught Couple Who Dabbles, Susan includes snippets from a news article about how long-time homeschoolers deal with the economy and their lifestyle, posted at Corn and Oil.
In Just for Us Homeschool Parents, Chris encourages us "To take a look at what we are worth! Believe in the value of what we add to our children, community and society as a whole. We are the ones who will guide the best of the next generation." Posted at Home School vs. Public School.
My Daughter Does Not Have Bieber Fever is a fun story by a proud NerdMom, posted at NerdFamily Blog.
Michelle presents The Face of Homeschooling: Interview with Jennifer posted at Holistic Homeschooler.
Reading is very popular with homeschoolers. My family has started the New Year with everyone reading books. Out of the 30 posts for this carnival, seven of them have to do with reading. I'm sure homeschoolers will do a lot of reading in the New Year.
Jimmie has Three Reasons Why You Should Read Aloud to Your Independent Readers, posted at Help You Manage Your Life.
Along with reading we, teach our children to spell. Jennifer shares her experience in Spelling Lessons with Explode the Code, posted at Adventures in Mama-Land.
Susan has a weekly "Virtual Curriculum Fair" for the month of January. This week's post, On Learning to Spell, has several ideas for helping children to be better spellers, posted at Homeschooling Hearts & Minds.
In Shakespeare and Audio Books, Nadene recounts how she read aloud Julius Caesar with her tenth grade daughter and greatly enjoyed it. Now she is considering having her younger children listen to other works by Shakespeare, posted at Practical Pages.
Karyn wrote a book review on America The Last Best Hope. This is third book in a series about history and also covers recent history. It is posted at Teach Beside Me.
The Read Aloud Dad provides a fun story with his review of Dinosaur Cove: Attack of the Readaloudsaurus.
Carol reminds us about the important of writing in Teach Your Child to Write, posted at Everything Home With Carol.
Art, Music and Geography
Education is more than just the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic. Homeschoolers know this and will spend time in the New Year helping their children learn other topics.
Jimmie has materials and ideas for studying the artist Pieter Bruegel, posted at Jimmie's Collage.
Mary provides some resources and links for nature study/artist study highlighting John James Audubon, posted at Homegrown Learners.
Cristina shows off some cool presents her son created in Crafting Christmas the Guy's Way, posted at Home Spun Juggling.
Regena p
How to Select Curriculum for Homeschooling - ArticlePodcat ...
Homeschooling your kids is becoming more and more common. Homeschooling used to be done in rare cases but it is becoming more common place. Studies done on homeschooled children show that they perform better on ...
Monday, January 2, 2012
Ways to choose between homeschool curriculums. | Articles Caravan
Homeschooling children is becoming more popular. Once a rare choice, more parents are opting to homeschool their children. Studies show that kids who are homeschooled do better in college and work independently ...
Reminder - send in a post for the next Carnival of Homeschooling
Janine and I are hosting the 6th anniversary edition of the Carnival of Homeschooling this week. This will be the 314th edition.
Please send your submissions to the carnival via email. You have just seven hours!
Blog Carnvial is partially broken. It is accepting submissions, but not forwarding them. It would be easier if you just submitted your post directly via email. for the instructions on sending in a submission. Go here for the instructions on sending in a submission.
God's Will for Your Homeschool |
This week, we're talking about seeking and planning in our homeschooling. PERFECT for New Year, right? Let's start with seeking God as we plan our homeschooling adventures for 2012. How do we seek God for His will ...
Aps-Cs.Com - Blog Archive - Tips for Choosing Your Homeschool ...
Homeschooling is becoming more and more common place. Homeschooling has long been thought of as only for strict religious homes. Many different types of families are now making the choice to homeschool their kids. There are also alot ...
Curriculum Options for Homeschooling - How to Choose - EraNostra
Families that choose to home school their children have a tighter bond than those that don't. Besides your purpose of opting for home schooling, have you considered what know of curriculum you want to abide to? Have you ...
The Thinking Mother: Courage and Homeschooling
Years ago I read in Home Education Magazine, a request to think about what it takes to homeschool and what makes homeschooling parents different from other parents to allow them to take the plunge and do such an ...
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Top Christian Homeschool Curriculum | Homeschoolcurriculumzone ...
For children, art right now is expression and by adding a Christian home school art curriculum in a home school curriculum, the child might not be able to produce fine art yet, but it would help them be inspired about things and ...
Homeschooling: Educating for Success - Extreme volunteer: Patty ...
Our family chose to use both the homeschool and public school settings, depending upon our own child's passion. However, my heart had a special place for homeschooling because it gave our family a special bond and ...