We are just one month into our homeschool year and I'm already dissatisfied with our learning space. Can a sister get some inspiration around here? Granted, with all of the end of the summer activities still happening and the ...
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Regan and Amy Barr - Great Homeschool Conventions
Regan and Amy Barr are Classical archaeologists, educators, published authors and homeschool parents with unique experience in Greek and Roman studies. After a decade of travel, research and excavation in the Mediterranean, including ...
love2learn2day: Homeschool Chicks Have Hatched!
a How-To Chick and a Reading Chick. I'm the "Math Chick." (Never in my wildest dreams...) On the site you'll find a homeschool blogroll (we'd love to add yours!), pinboards, linky parties, and lots of freebies. Spread the news!
Teaching with TLC: New homeschool blog!
Amazing homeschool bloggers that are overflowing with homeschool wisdom and advice have created a new site- www.homeschoolchicks.com. Check it out!
Perfect for Homeschool and Craft: Natural Earth Paints Review
Perfect for Homeschool and Craft: Natural Earth Paints Review. On the days we have preschool at home, we do a craft after story. This can include all kinds of things from drawing to cutting to gluing, but the one thing Bella loves the most is ...
Saturday, September 29, 2012
IT Coaching Training Center: Transitioning To Homeschooling
If you have got made the decision to homeschool and component of that selection will involve transitioning your child(ren) out from the community college system, there are some aspects worth considering. Once your young ...
The Nuremberg Trials...and Homeschooling?!
Lesson planning for Mac users | Simple Homeschool
Thanks for visiting Simple Homeschool. If you subscribe to the blog via RSS feed or via email, you'll get helpful tips for homeschooling sent straight to you, for free!Written by contributor Lora Lynn Fanning of VitaFamiliae As ...
Olabelhe: A Home School Field Trip
On Monday the kids and I spent the early part of the day doing school work and then I loaded everyone into the car to go get hair cuts and run a few errands and then yesterday our little homeschool group headed off on a fun ...
The Selfishness of Homeschooling | The American Catholic
They seemed very interested in our decision to homeschool, the book I'm writing about it, and the children we're raising. They both conceded that we appear to be succeeding in raising and educating children who are both ...
Homeschooling: Not always the answer
Oh there are so many reasons to hate this article on homeschooling. Like:
Friday, September 28, 2012
Learning at His Feet: Homeschool Legacy
Homeschool Legacy has designed Once-A-Week Unit Studies providing the opportunity for homeschoolers to enjoy fun unit studies each and every week without having to forsake other planned core studies. As their name ...
How to create meaningful goals for your homeschool | Simple ...
Thanks for visiting Simple Homeschool. If you subscribe to the blog via RSS feed or via email, you'll get helpful tips for homeschooling sent straight to you, for free!The following is a guest post by Donna Ashton of The Waldorf.
Reminder - send in a post for the next Carnival of Homeschooling
Please send in a post about homeschooling for the next Carnival of Homeschooling. The Carnival of Homeschooling will be held next week at: MrsMamaHen.com
This will be the 353rd edition.
Go here for the instructions on sending in a submission.
As always, entries to the Carnival of Homeschooling are due Monday evening at 6:00 PM Pacific Standard Time.
I have a reminder mailing list. If you would like email reminders, please tell me.
Homeschool Resources | LivingMontessoriNow.com
In honor of International Homeschool Spirit Week, I've organized my homeschooling posts so they'll be helpful resources.
Homeschool Foreign Language Made Simple | Hip Homeschool ...
When I was homeschooling, I thought teach foreign language was hard. From my perspective as a math/science gal, I can also say I thought it was icky, yucky and not my cup of tea. But, it's also possible. It's doable. Even I ...
To Help Homeschooling, I Changed Some of My Routines This Fall
In order to give myself more time working 1:1 with each of my kids I have changed some of my daily habits and routines. Some of these are things that may distract me and derail me from getting to the actual homeschooling.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Her.meneutics: A New Chapter in the Homeschooling Movement
Hard-and-fast numbers of homeschoolers are difficult to come by, since reporting rules vary by state. But reasonable estimates place the numbers between one and two million children – or at least 4 percent of the K-12 U.S. ...
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up - Fall Transition
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up at Corn and Oil.
Susan starts the carnival with:
Last Saturday our planet's northern hemisphere rolled into autumn. The autumnal equinox reminded us of the later sunrises and earlier sunsets. Cool autumn evenings with a bit of frost here and there prepare us slowly for winter in the northern states. Fall is my favorite season and sometimes it seems to pass too quickly. Digging up the spiked iris plants and magnificent cannas to pack away from the bitter cold, while troweling in garlic bulbs to root and settle in preparation for a late spring harvest is a usual pattern here on our Illinois farm.
Homeschoolers know how to tuck in and prepare in the comfort of home.
Homeschool Reflections Call Out
Any discussion of homeschooling seems to become extremely polarized* almost inevitably. When I was a child, I only ever heard good things about homeschooling – and my parents and the other parents around them would ...
Hip Homeschool Hop - 9/25/12 | Hip Homeschool Moms
Brighton Park is a homeschooling blog penned by Katie Sullivan, M.S., SLP-CCC a pediatric speech language pathologist and homeschooler who believes that anyone can be successful homeschooling and every child has ...
How I decided to homeschool | Penelope Trunk Homeschooling
SMATOOS: Could you give our readers a bit of background on why you decided to start homeschooling? Penelope Trunk (PT): It was in the back of my mind even before I had kids, but my first kid was autistic and I realized I ...
Ben and Me: Why Homeschooling an Only Child Rocks!
Why Homeschooling an Only Child Rocks! Pin It Now! I receive email quite often from blog readers and one question I get a lot goes something like this: Isn't hard to homeschool just one child? This question is usually ...
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Raised Quiverfull: Chryssie, Homeschooling
Question 2: Briefly describe your experience being homeschooled, including the amount of interaction you had with other homeschoolers or non-homeschoolers (socialization) and what sorts of textbooks or homeschool ...
The Nuremberg Trials...and Homeschooling?! - Christian ...
Read The Nuremberg Trials...and Homeschooling?! and be encouraged in your Christian homeschooling! Encouraging words and inspiration for homeschoolers.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Homeschooling Curriculum - Are You Making The
After deciding to homeschool your kid, you now to perform out what you will teach them. There are several curriculum choices you are able to make. You could obtain pre-packaged curriculum, make your own curriculum, ...
New Approach {Adventures in Homeschooling} - My Freshly Brewed ...
Being a full-time working, homeschooling mom is a rarity. I have spent hours searching for blogs of working moms who homeschool. I have found several moms who run a home-based business and school; but just one who ...
IT Coaching Training Center: Why Are Homeschoolers Criticized
Why Are Homeschoolers Criticized. Accreditation of your homeschool and loss of revenue are the biggest concerns of homeschooling. Public school districts get money for ...
Why Homeschool: The 8th Annual Homeschool Blog Awards has ...
Mission statement: On this blog we explore why homeschooling can be a better option for children and families than a traditional classroom setting. We'll also explore homeschooling issues in general, educational thoughts, ...
Sunday, September 23, 2012
The 350th Carnival of Homeschooling: Ideas You Can Use | Janice ...
Join us for a great Carnival of Homeschooling, featuring articles on time and what to do with it, words, nature, celebrations, and more.
Proposed daytime curfew in Raytown opposed by homeschoolers
At what length should a city go to, to ensure its school-aged children are in class? Raytown aldermen are considering a daytime curfew. However, there is heavy oppositions from parents who lead homeschools.
Why Homeschool: This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up ...
Mission statement: On this blog we explore why homeschooling can be a better option for children and families than a traditional classroom setting. We'll also explore homeschooling issues in general, educational thoughts, ...
How to homeschool tips | Daze of Adventure
Tips and encouragement for those new to or considering homeschooling.
Kids Creative Chaos: ART ~ Elementary Home School Projects from ...
ART ~ Elementary Home School Projects from our online lessons: Lesson One. SAMPLE ART WORK for CONNECTIONS ONLINE ACADEMY LESSONS We've been contemplating Homeschooling for a long time. We needed to find a house ...
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Why Homeschool: This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up - In ...
Mission statement: On this blog we explore why homeschooling can be a better option for children and families than a traditional classroom setting. We'll also explore homeschooling issues in general, educational thoughts, ...
5 Tips for Scheduling Your Homeschool Day
It's good and prudent to have a goal, and for a home school mom, scheduling our day is wise. But the reality is, things will happen in our day that can't possibly be planned. Having an expectation of accomplishing our ...
Library / Homeschool Network | Shelton Library System
At the Plumb on 9/14 at 2PM. Homeschooling or thinking of homeschooling your child(ren)? Meet other families at this open session – children are welcome.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
My early brushes with homeschooling
This weekend I was brainstorming for a homeschooling topic. I wanted something I could submit to the Carnival of Homeschooling. Sunday it hit me that in almost seven years of blogging I have never mentioned my first brush with homeschooling. I wasn't aware until I was in my late teens or early twenties that in the 1970s I might have homeschooled.
Education goes deep in my family. Both my parents and all four of my grandparents earned college degrees. My mother taught math and physics at a high school in Alaska when she and my father got married. Her mother taught home economics for decades. There are many others in my family who have taught over the years.
In the early 1970s there was a big push for busing. My parents didn't want to have their children spend an hour or more on the bus each day. They investigated the possibilities of private schools, but found them to be expensive. They knew of Calvert School. They bought the curriculum for a complete year to check it out. The school district got enough push back from the parents that they dropped the idea of busing children around and so my parents dropped the idea of using the Calvert system.
I have a cousin who was homeschooling in the late 1980s. When we got together for family reunions I was impressed with how his children were doing.
My younger sister got married several years before me. In the early 1990s as she started having children she fell in with a group of like-minded mothers. Many of these women homeschooled. As my sister's children grew older she decided to homeschool.
So when Janine and I started having children we were acquainted with the idea. We could see that it worked well. As our children started getting to the appropriate age we decided to give it a try, and as they say the rest is history.
Back in the early 1970s homeschooling was barely getting started as a movement and it appears my parents didn't even know about it. But they were considering it. I wonder how my life might have turned out if the school district had pushed hard for busing?
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Homeschoolers say treatment 'inhuman, cold, brutal'
It's into that atmosphere in Berlin, where the government has been known to describe homeschooling as child abuse and makes it a violation of the law, that the Global Home Education Conference 2012 is preparing to hold its ...
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Homeschool Journey: Week 2 | Homeschooling In Detroit
am excited to say that we made it through our second week of our second year as homeschoolers, yay! Things are going pretty well and we are looking forward to our schedule picking up next week.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
The republican Mother: Home School 2012-2013
Taking a break from the Stanley Kubrick-weird RNC play, "Springtime for Statists and Amerikka" to talk about homeschooling, free style. I just finished week four of this year's school and have gotten off to a rocky, yet typical ...
Saturday, September 1, 2012
All You Need To Know About Homeschooling Programs For ...
One more college preparatory option for a highschool homeschooling program is 'Laurel Springs'. Laurel Springs presents an personalized plan for each and every of their students. They also offer experience in working with pupil athletes and ...
Daily Kos: Homeschooling
If the state ever learned I was homeschooling in addition to sending my children to public school, they would have been expelled. So I had to homeschool them secretly. I told them we were playing games, doing chores, ...
Refuse Worry, Embrace Gratefulness - Christian Homeschool ...
Read Refuse Worry, Embrace Gratefulness and be encouraged in your Christian homeschooling! Encouraging words and inspiration for homeschoolers.
Northland CORE | Homeschooling information | Duluth ...
Download a registration form. FALL 2012 Homeschool Spanish classes. Great news! Once again I will be offering Spanish for Homeschoolers classes. The fall session will be held at the Central Assembly of God church and ...