Jen is hosting this week's Carnival of Homeschooling at Forever, For Always, No Matter What.
She starts the carnival with:
I'm at The Homeschool Village today, writing about some ideas that might help make life easier. As homeschoolers we have a lot to do each day, here are 10 Ways to Lighten the Load and maybe make the day go a bit more smoothly!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up
Geaux Teacher - Read Here For Homeschooling Ideas That You ...
Homeschooling is a great option, so keep reading to get more information. Go to your local library. One of the most important skills for your child to develop is reading. In fact, your kids need practice reading so that they can ...
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Eagle Forum Blog: Back to School, or Homeschool?
Many Americans recently rushed to put their children back in public school for another year, but approximately one in 30 students returned to homeschool instead of a public school. A mere 30 years ago, homeschooling was ...
'Homeschooling Should Not Be Restricted Anymore!' - Christian ...
German Bundestag member to speak at Global Home Education Conference 2012. Contact: Jeremiah Lorrig, Home School Legal Defense Association, 540-338-5600 PURCELLVILLE, Va., Oct. 22, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ ...
Friday, October 19, 2012
6 things I love about homeschooling | Simple Homeschool
Homeschooling has its challenges, but I love the time and quality of relationships it affords our family.
Favorite CM or homeschooling books? - Simply Charlotte Mason
I haven't been to a conference in years for homeschooling. Everyday is becoming like the the previous, which is okay mostly, but I could use some inspiration. Does anyone have a favorite homeschooling book that gives them ...
Geaux Teacher - Homeschooling Techniques For The Parent ...
Homeschooling your kids can be frustrating sometimes because of other issues going on at home. Do your best not to bring any issues you have into the learning environment. When things get too tough, you are capable of ...
Concerns of Homeschooling Moms
No matter how good a teacher you are to your children in the homeschool class room it is natural to wonder if you are indeed doing justice to the education of your child. A homeschooling Mom wants her child to have a rich ...
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Homeschooling and ADHD or Other Special Needs : What Type of ...
If you're reading this you're either curious about homeschooling because you think it will help your child, actively homeschooling and looking for tips, or Googling in desperation because you're sick and tired of whatever ...
Six Flags Homeschool Read to Succeed Program | The Wired ...
The Six Flags Read to Succeed program is back and there are some changes to the program for homeschoolers. My family participates every year. It's a great way to encourage the kids to read and we can visit the Six Flags ...
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up at As For My House.
Tiffany starts the carnival with:
The biggest "news" in our homeschooling life is that one chapter of it has closed. My eldest, Nick, graduated in May, and is in the process of moving out as I put this post together.
There are plenty of issues surrounding that in all areas of our life, but for the Carnival, naturally, I'm going to focus on those related to homeschooling.
But "the end of the road" is really a dramatic exaggeration, because my homeschooling days are far from over! I have a 2nd grader and a four year-old still "enrolled".
Having one coming out the far end does make for a natural point of reflection – a "post-mortem," you might say. But you don't have to wait until then to pause and take stock.
Homeschool Hopscotch | iHomeschoolNetwork
The premiere homeschooling blog hop, a first of its kind in the homeschooling community… Join us October 15-19 and 22-26 for another round of over 300 posts full of homeschooling activities and advice, Biblical ...
Bridgeway Academy Provides Assistance for Hesitant Homeschoolers
(October 13, 2012) Allentown, PA - Bridgeway Academy offers help for homeschoolers with their toll free Homeschool Help hotline and their free Learning Style.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Homeschool Hopscotch | iHomeschoolNetwork
The premiere homeschooling blog hop, a first of its kind in the homeschooling community… Join us October 15-19 and 22-26 for another round of over 300 posts full of homeschooling activities and advice, Biblical encouragement, and much ...
Geaux Teacher - The Ultimate Tips On How To Do Homeschooling
What does it take to do a great job of homeschooling? Determination, research and organization are the main tenets of a great home classroom. This article will walk you through many other tips and tricks which will help you ...
Interview with Jason Bean the Homeschool Daddy | The Wired ...
Today features and interview with Jason Bean, a fellow homeschooling dad and geek. Jason Bean is a husband, father of 2 and homeschool dad. A prolific blogger, covering topics like technology, current events, TV, music ...
Why don't more parents homeschool?
My wife and I are strong believers in homeschooling. We see great value that homeschooling provides in areas like the individual attention, the strong family relationships and the better moral environment. At one point I had a list of over fifty reasons why people should homeschool.
Every year there are more and more articles about the problems with public schools in the United States. Many children never graduate from high school and many of those who do graduate are functionally illiterate. Public schools are rarely a positive environment often including gangs, bullying and drugs. These government schools have become hostile to religion and basic Christian values. For a great summary of the dozens of problems with government schools check out Thomas Sowell's Inside American Education.
With all the problems in public schools why don't more parents homeschool?
It seems like many parents don't take the plunge because: It is too hard.
Because homeschooling is unknown many people feel like it is an incredible amount of work. There are a couple issues here. One is a concern over the amount of time needed to homeschool. A second is a belief by many parents that they are unable to homeschool their own children.
I am sure that many parents would be surprised at how easy homeschooling is, maybe even easier than public schools.
Having children in public schools today is a lot of work, from the constant fund raisings, the carpooling, all the late evening homework sessions and so on, having children in government schools takes a lot of time. Most parents would be surprised by how little time it takes to homeschool.
Much of the challenge teachers face in public schools is learning how to control a class of 25 plus students. Parents shouldn't have this problem. (An out of control child is a bigger problem than education.) There are dozens of ways for parents to get help. There are local support groups. There are online aids. There are blogs and magazines.
Janine and I have blogged for almost seven years now. One of the reasons we keep going is we want to provide support and encouragement so more parents recognize that they can and should homeschool their children. Hopefully over the next decade or so more and more parents will come to see the value of homeschooling and save their children from the cesspool of government schools.
Monday, October 15, 2012
FREE McGuffey's Readers & Spelling Book! | How To Homeschool ...
The McGuffey Readers are must-have items for many homeschooling families. You can buy the physical books for around $51 on Amazon OR you can print them out for just the cost of paper from Google Books! But if you want ...
K12 has been misleading Homeschoolers
K12 has been misleading Homeschoolers has been trying to dominate the homeschooling industry over the last several years, portraying themselves as a true home schooling alternative. Many in the homeschooling industry have pointed out that they are merely I'm not very good alternative to public schools. And it was just another way for parents to be uninvolved in their [...]
K12 has been misleading Homeschoolers
Simply Living...For Him: Homeschooling With the BIBLE as Your ...
Welcome to the 10 Days of Homeschooling with the BIBLE as Your Main Text series. I will be sharing all that we have been doing this fall since we have decided to use our Bible as our main textbook. I am joining the ...
The Cork Board - Over at the Homeschool Classroom
Over at the Homeschool Classroom. by Melissa on October 14, 2012. Our local field trip co-op has been a huge blessing in our homeschooling adventure. Click here to read a guest post I wrote about how to start on of your own. Related Posts ...
Living simply at Maple Valley Farm: all about homeschooling at ...
With our school in session now for a month and a half, I finally can answer some question about our Maple Valley Homeschool - Sorry it has taken me so long. For the record, our style has not changed to much from the ...
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Teaching State History: An Outline With Projects
Teach Beside Me: Carnival of Homeschooling
Carnival of Homeschooling. I am happy to be the host of the 347th edition of the Carnival of Homeschooling! I always love sharing what other homeschoolers are doing- because we all need fresh ideas sometimes. Be sure to ...
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Weekend links | Simple Homeschool
Doing the math behind homeschooling :: How talking to your kids about their interests can make them better writers :: Wonder Farm On homeschooling, socialization, and religion :: Mama of Letters At-a-glance day ...
Homeschool News | Homeschooling Parent
Homeschooling Parents Mobile Page · Homeschooling ... What's Happening in Homeschooling - News · Homeschool News ... When my oldest was a baby, I had planned to homeschool all my children. After the birth of my ...
Monday, October 8, 2012
A Day in Our (Home)School.
in A Day in the Life,Actually Possibly Informational,Homeschooling: Not just for the socially awkward anymore. One of the most common questions I get is "what does your day look like?" And after that, "What curriculum do you ...
How much does it cost to homeschool? | Penelope Trunk ...
Homeschooling is a lifestyle decision, for sure. But so is sending kids to school. The real question, I think, is for each parent to ask themselves, would I rather be at work all day or would I rather be home with my kids all day?
Weekly Wrap-Up - Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers
I do have a post up at The Homeschool Classroom today: 5 Homeschool Bible Study Resources, which highlights five resources that we've enjoyed over the years. How was your week? Be sure to post about it and link up.
Someone to Lean On
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Taking the Fool's Leap into Homeschooling - ChildWild
We've decided to homeschool Rio. School is no longer a crisis but it's not good either, and we kind of want the main thing Rio does with her time to be actively awesome as opposed to just tolerable. She'll probably.
Homeschooling is Not for All: Listen to your friends
The mother is simply not in an emotionally settled state to home school, and the children are somewhat isolated even from other children by being house bound and not taking part in group activities with other homeschooled ...
Sparkling Adventures -- Open homeschool day in Nimbin
A well-publicised Homeschoolers Open Day is an excellent opportunity for interested parents to meet a variety of homeschooling families and ask questions about how homeschooling works and what it can look like.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Blocking the Shots: Should Homeschoolers Avoid Vaccines ...
Blocking the Shots: Should Homeschoolers Avoid Vaccines? - Daniel James Devine - Read Christian homeschooling help and advice with home school resources and Biblical guidance for home education.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Talibiddeen Jr. Homeschool Center: Homeschooling High School
If you are homeschooling high school, or considering it for the future, I highly suggest you stop by the HomeScholar website. It has been of tremendous benefit to me in helping to homeschool the high school years. This site is ...
Texas Homeschool - Simply Charlotte Mason
I am moving to Texas and would like to know where would be the best place to homeschool? I am considering Austin, Houston and Dallas. I am looking for a conservative community, Christian believers, homeschool families, ...
Homeschool Science Share & Tell - September Edition | Apologia ...
Join us the last the Tuesday every month as we share something science or tell how we did science in our homeschool. Post a blog entry about a science book, a science-related field trip, or a fun science activity or experiment ...
Hybrid Homeschool - Life Rearranged
So, on Henry's homeschool days Lucy goes to preschool in the morning. Jill is also off at preschool. So that leaves us with the mornings…just the three of us. To get work done. Without corralling the others. Focused time.
There is some truth to this
From my Franklin Covey planner:
Teach the young people how to think, not what to think.
Sidney Sugarman
In general I do agree that it is more important to teach children how to think so they will be able to evaluate and figure out truths for themselves; however, there are some basic principles, like it is wrong to steal or to kill an innocent person, that I think it is OK to just teach them. As they get older we can re-examine these ideas and hopefully they will agree.