how-to-deal-with-anger-SimpleHomeschool.net_. The following is a guest post written by Charity Hawkins, author of The Homeschool Experiment. It was a late Wednesday night after church. I had planned to give my three ...
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Is Homeschooling a Universal Human Right? - Oath Keepers
This video is about a case of a German family fleeing their homeland and requesting asylum in the US, because they faced huge fines and the potential.
Our Busy Homeschool: My Essential Homeschooling Tools
Having these three things you can homeschool successfully through high school. The scriptures are essential and with them you could, if needed, learn to read, write, study poetry and grammar, and learn a good amount of ...
Obama Admin. Trying to Deport German Evangelical Family ...
Earlier this month, it was brought to light that a German family who immigrated to the U.S. seeking political asylum may soon be deported by the Department of Homeland Security -- and it all involves homeschooling. Uwe and ...
I Homeschool, But I Don't Teach My Kids | Talking Stick Learning ...
Homeschoolers have this great freedom to pick the best of the best of the best in terms of curriculum.
Homeschooling: The Empire Strikes Back at
Driven by bad public education, the threat of school violence, and a virtual prohibition against values-based learning in government schools, more and more Americans are taking advantage of their right to homeschool their ...
Friday, March 22, 2013
For the homeschool mom who wants to throw in the towel
My family and I are nearing the end of our seventh year of homeschooling. Throughout those years, we have used packaged curricula, an eclectic approach, unschooling, and everything in between to help facilitate the ...
Can a Math Textbook Be Fun?
I clearly remember being annoyed at one teacher I had in elementary school who wouldn't let me use my own way of solving her problems. The teacher had given us long columns of numbers to add. I went through the column, crossing off pairs of numbers that added up to 10. Then I counted the number of 10s I had, added what was left over, and voila, the correct answer! By comparison, the "keep a a running tally in your head" method seemed painful and unnecessary.
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Math Apps-Worth Their Weight in Gold!
10 homeschooling stereotypes (& their rebuttals)
I had a really long dental appointment, in which the dentist was grilling me on all things homeschool. One of the questions he asked was whether my kids get recess, which I found amusing. I said, "no", because I didn't want to ...
Math Apps-Worth Their Weight in Gold! - High School ... - Crosswalk
Math Apps—Worth Their Weight in Gold! - Free high school homeschooling resources, help, advice and more.
Homeschooling and the Parent-Child Socialization Divide
Lana over at Wide Open Ground has been hitting it out of the park lately with her posts on homeschooling. The most recent two, one by her and one a guest post, both bowled me over, because they put words to things I have ...
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Homeschooling - Business Circle
Increasingly, parents in Malaysia are opting to homeschool their children. Why? And what are the benefits if any? Our correspondent Tamanna Patel talks to Professor Bryan Rae, President of National Home Education ...
Homeschoolers stunned by donation to fight for liberty
Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after nearly three decades with the Associated Press, as well as several Upper Midwest newspapers, where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and ...
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up - The Spring Refreshmen Edition
Jamie is hosting this week's Carnival of Homeschooling at momSCHOOL.
She starts the carnival with:
I don't know if you are anything like me, but as a homeschooling mom of six… there are times that I just need a bit of refreshment. Schoolwork becomes overwhelming, housework becomes tedious, and patience runs thin… it is then that I know I need to get my "cup filled" back up. How can I continue to give to my children and my family when my cup is empty. Frankly, it's nearly impossible. That's where these carnival of homeschooling editions come in. There have been so many times that I have felt exhausted and my homeschool motivation level way past E… that I've opened up one of these Homeschool Carnival blog posts and have found refreshment and encouragement in so many areas of my life. It is my hope and goal to return the favor for each of you this week. I hope that somewhere in the posts of this blog carnival you will find the refreshment, motivation, inspiration, or just plain old laughter that will help you get through the next few months of school! It really is so great when the homeschool community helps each other…
So, sit back, relax… and get your cup filled today…
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
How To Homeschool Preschool, Part 1 - I Can Teach My Child!
Homeschooling preschool isn't hard! Part 1 of this series intends to convince you that are more than capable of homeschooling your preschooler!
Free Fun in Austin: Free Home School Day at Bullock Museum
Wednesday, March 20, 2013 is Home School Day at Bullock Texas State History Museum. From 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., admission to the Museum exhibits will be free to all homeschoolers, chaperones, and teachers, but you will still ...
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
How to Try to Convince a Parent to Try Homeschooling |
Public schools are not good for children; we need to understand that.
Reminder: Please send in a post for the next Carnival of Homeschooling
Please remember to send in a post about homeschooling for the next Carnival of Homeschooling. The next Carnival of Homeschooling will be held at momSCHOOL.
This will be the 377th edition.
Go here for the instructions on sending in a submission.
As always, entries to the Carnival of Homeschooling are due Monday evening at 6:00 PM Pacific Standard Time.
I have a reminder mailing list. If you would like email reminders, please tell me.
Introducing: Homeschoolers Anonymous
I grew up in the conservative Christian homeschool subculture of Michael Farris, Doug Phillips, Michael Pearl, and Doug Wilson. In college I left my upbringing behind and struck out on my own, embracing progressive political ...
Some of our best posts from March 2007
Janine and I have been blogging about homeschooling for over seven years. If you missed some of our early posts, you have missed some of our best thoughts. Here are some highlights from March 2007:
Janine shared some Baby steps to homeschooling.
I wrote about the Importance of Hard Work.
Janine was talking with her friends about Problems at my local middle school. It turns out an Algebra teacher hadn't been teaching algebra and the students were falling behind.
I attended my first Space Access, a conference for private small start-up companies trying to build sustaining space businesses. Here is the 2007 Agenda and here is my introduction.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Advice from the Homeschooling Mom of a Top Mathlete
A few years ago, the news was full of stories about homeschooling kids sweeping spelling bees and other major student competitions. Those kids weren't just myths -- but their parents aren't hyper-competitive stage moms, either.
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Court Hears Homeschooling Case | Thailand Law Forum
A German family is in court fighting for their right to homeschool their children.
Americans Warned: Home Schoolers Stripped of Rights - World ...
The Obama administration has stated in court that homeschooling is not a parental right -- an assertion some say should frighten American parents.
Obama Trying to Deport Homeschooling Family | Wizbang
In 2010 a federal immigration judge awarded political asylum to a family whose German government was persecuting for having the temerity to homeschool their children. Now, three years later, the Obama administration ...
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up - another graduation
Conni is hosting this week's Carnival of Homeschooling at The Foodie Army Wife.
Connie starts the carnival with:
"In a few short weeks, I'll have my second homeschool graduate. Holey Socks!!!! Where has time gone?!"
She shares some pictures of her son growing up, along with comments and then continues with:
Thankfully we aren't quite finished with our homeschooling adventure. Our youngest has a couple more years of homeschooling left, and so our journey will continue a little while longer, We're not the only ones traveling along on this road.
Learn about the homeschooling adventures and live lessons from these other great posts.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Americans Warned: Homeschoolers Stripped of Rights - World ...
The Obama administration has stated in court that homeschooling is not a parental right. It's a reality that some are saying should frighten American parents.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Today Only -- Free Marble Math app
Artgig Studio is offering its learning app Marble Math for free today, Friday March 8, in the iTunes store.
The game is billed as "an engaging way for upper elementary students to practice mental math." Players earn new marbles and collect bonuses while reinforcing key concepts in pursuit of a high score. If your kids are into electronics and need some math practice, give it a try!
...Read Full Post
Friday, March 8, 2013
A Moment with The Homeschool Minute~ Deborah Wuehler I Want ...
Click on the banner below to sign up for the Homeschool Minute E-Newsletter, and receive weekly encouragement to guide you along your homeschooling journey. Deborah's Picture Before you say, "I Quit!" I want to ...
Signing Time Your Way: Integrating Signing with Homeschooling
Families who homeschool their children have a wonderful opportunity to choose curriculum and activities tailored exactly to their child's needs and interests. Let's look at some of the ways that signing with your homeschooled ...
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Homeschool-iversary | Never outgrow your car
Pin It. We've survived a whole year of home schooling! Actually, I should probably say we've thrived through our first year of homeschooling. I've tried dozens of times to write this post, but by the time I find the time to write, I've ...
Friday, March 1, 2013
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up: What do homeschooler DO all day?
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is being hosted at Consent Of The Governed.
Judy starts with:
This week's theme answers the question, "What do homeschoolers DO all day?"
Black Americans Fastest Growing Segment of Homeschooling | All ...
Nationwide, more and more families are choosing to home school their children each year, and the fastest growing segment of the home school movement is African-Americans, experts say. Some 220,000 black children are ...