According to the new rule, a student enrolled in a non-accredited private school or homeschool now has the opportunity to try out for a high school team under certain conditions. Besides the standards set by the school for all ...
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
When you're too worn out to pray | Contemplative Homeschool
Prayer takes energy. When you are stressed, you may find you can't use your imagination to meditate. You may be too worn out to converse with Go. This was the case with me last year, when homeschooling three kids with a ...
A homemaking library at your fingertips - Simple Homeschool
In some area of homemaking–health, fitness, homeschooling, motherhood, cleaning, whatever–we all have that overwhelmed feeling from time to time. Haven't you ever wished for a mentor who you could go to when you had ...
The latest Homeschool Showcase is up
The latest Homeschool Showcase is up at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.
Carnival of Homeschooling: Week 384 - Being Flexible
"In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable."
- Dwight Eisenhower
As the organizer for the Carnival of Homeschooling, Janine and I are the backup of last resort. This is almost never a problem. We have over thirty active hosts who take turns publishing the weekly editions of the Carnival of Homeschooling. They are all very reliable. But sometimes life throws curve balls and we have to be flexible.
Janice Campbell was going to host this week's carnival but life threw her a major fast ball when her beloved grandmother died. As such, Janine and I are stepping in at the last minute.
Carnival themes are always a bit of a challenge for me. I try to pick something interesting which can be used to weave the posts together so the carnival flows fairly smoothly. This morning, I reflected that often to be a successful homeschooler meant adaptable to changing situations. There is great value in making plans and preparing for the coming days, but we have to be wise and know when to toss the plans out the door.
I'll stop pontificating and move on to the carnival:
Sometimes our environment changes and we are forced to adapt. Rose writes about Homeschooling and the Common Core Standards at Learning at Home. Homeschoolers may need to make some changes in response to the Common Core Standards.
Sometimes we change as we move through a major event and process it. Barbara writes that her Post Election Depression Lifting, Finally! at Barbara Frank Online.
One of the big changes homeschoolers face is having a child finally be done with homeschooling. Economics Done! - a review is about what a soon to be graduated young lady thinks about economics; posted at Notes from a Homeschooled Mom.
In Homeschooling High School: End of School Year Review Heather writes about some of the changes they've made in how they teach their children, and let the children teach each other; posted at Sprittibee.
Monique shares some thoughts about It May be Time to Quit Homeschooling. She makes the point that sometimes we, homeschooling parents, forget to take off our teacher hats and just be our children's parent. Posted at Living Life and Learning.
S is for Schedule by Harvest Moon by Hand reminds us that there's value in having a predictable rhythm to each day - especially when homeschooling seems to be taking place more away from the home than in it. This post show ways to incorporate some of the Waldorf philosophy about a grain, color, and activity of the day.
In Top of the World by Homeschool Atheist Momma we read about a plan that has gone well. We are invited to join them as they explore a local iconic mountain...and live the homeschool dream!
With Young Students and "the Fairyland in Geography", Celeste takes thorough look at Charlotte Mason's suggestions for making geography come alive for elementary students. Posted at Joyous Lessons.
When making plans for your children, you might remember that Pets are Beneficial for Your Children! Chris makes the point that pets are important for helping your child deal with a world that continues to be scary and confusing! Posted at Home School vs. Public School.
Being Flexible
The next three posts didn't really address change or planning, so we'll be flexible and make a category just for them.
A lot has changed over the last five thousand years. The Mesopotamia Song posted at Highhill Education shares a song which makes Mesopotamian History easier to remember. It's to the tune of The Ants Go Marching.
Christine shares two charity download-able patterns (one knit, one crochet) to benefit her public library in The Knitted Library Window Watchcap is here, posted at Our Curious Home.
In Things to Learn About....May Edition Jennifer has a list of links to free internet resources, such as lesson plans, worksheets, crafts, printables, coloring pages and more for special holidays and/or events in May. Posted at Good Work Academy.
If you have enjoyed this carnival, please spread the word. Please mention the carnival on your blog, Facebook, Twitter, and other appropriate places. You can also help promote the carnival by adding the carnival images. Learn how by going here.
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Monday, April 29, 2013
How Homeschoolers Get Letters of Recommendation for College
Homeschooling families with kids who are considering college can find several useful online support groups to help them. One that I have found helpful for my own family is a Yahoo Group email list called Homeschooling Toward College -- usually referred to as hs2coll. The group is polite and respectful, and discussions stay on topic.
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Q&A Friday: What's your favorite book about homeschooling?
Without many real life homeschooling friends at the time, the books I read kindled my interest, answered my questions, and fueled the dream I was mentally crafting about what learning could look like for our family. I love this ...
Homeschool parents have 1 shot to see son again - WorldNetDaily
Michael Farris, the chairman of the Home School Legal Defense Association, says it's among the most brutal cases he's ever seen. His parents haven't seen Domenic Johansson for almost three years. He was abducted by ...
Reminder: Please send in a post for the next Carnival of Homeschhooling
Please remember to send in a post about homeschooling for the next Carnival of Homeschooling. The next Carnival of Homeschooling will be held at: Janice Campbell - Taking Time For Things That Matter.
This will be the 383rd edition.
Go here for the instructions on sending in a submission.
As always, entries to the Carnival of Homeschooling are due Monday evening at 6:00 PM Pacific Standard Time.
I have a reminder mailing list. If you would like email reminders, please tell me.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Some of our best posts from May 2007
Janine and I have been blogging about homeschooling for over seven years. If you missed some of our early posts, you have missed some of our best thoughts. Here are some highlights from May 2007:
I shared some thoughts about government waste in public schools and Why does public education cost more in some states.
We took a family trip in May. I wrote about why We love Colonial Williamsburg. One of my favorite times in Colonial Williamsburg was listening to Patrick Henry.
What makes a dad a homeschooling dad? | Penelope Trunk ...
In a few cases there are men who stay at home and homeschool while their wives go to work. But this is not the norm for many reasons, like boys play war and girls don't and women want to be with a guy who earns more than ...
Homeschool parents have 1 shot to see son again - WorldNetDaily
Michael Farris, the chairman of the Home School Legal Defense Association, says it's among the most brutal cases he's ever seen. His parents haven't seen Domenic Johansson for almost three years. He was abducted by ...
We're Not A Homeschool Band, We're Homeschoolers In A Band
Sometimes my mind goes strange places, such as perfect band names for homeschoolers. As one who was homeschooled from K-12, I know homeschooling inside and out. So for all you homeschoolers and homeschooler ...
A Project to Help Homeschooling Humanists - Patheos
There are a lot of atheist parents who homeschool their children (for any number of reasons) but there's a major problem with that: A lot of the material made for homeschooled kids is written from a Young Earth Creationist, ...
Homeschool parents have 1 shot to see son again - WorldNetDaily
Michael Farris, the chairman of the Home School Legal Defense Association, says it's among the most brutal cases he's ever seen. His parents haven't seen Domenic Johansson for almost three years. He was abducted by ...
Friday, April 26, 2013
Homeschooling in Philly: An Unofficial and Irreverent FAQ | Talking ...
If you are new to homeschooling and worried about socialization, or tired of the giving the same answers to the same questions, here is something fresh.
Homeschool parents have 1 shot to see son again - WorldNetDaily
Michael Farris, the chairman of the Home School Legal Defense Association, says it's among the most brutal cases he's ever seen. His parents haven't seen Domenic Johansson for almost three years. He was abducted by ...
Homeschool Versus Public School: A Few Thoughts | Writing and ...
Homeschooling is no guarantee of righteousness. Nor does sending your kids to public school guarantee that your kid will be a light to the world. In other words, raising kids is devoid of guarantees. Yes, there are principles ...
Homeschool Reflection: Fundamentalist Homeschooling Is a Poison
I have mixed feelings about homeschooling, to say the least. While I find many, if not most, of the common criticisms of homeschooling to have some kind of validity, I still feel myself cringe when homeschoolers are caricatured ...
German Family Seeking Asylum to Continue Homeschooling Kids in ...
In 2008, Uwe Romeike fled Germany after facing imprisonment and the threat of his children being taken away. His crime? Romeike wanted to home school his five kids, which is illegal in Germany. The United States granted ...
HSLDA and the Deregulation of Homeschooling - Patheos
In this series examining the actions of the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), we've discussed HSLDA's efforts to minimize child abuse reporting, stonewall child abuse investigations, and keep excessive ...
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Famous homeschoolers you may not know about [VIDEO] | The ...
Homeschooling was illegal in most of the 50 states back in 1983. Today it is legal in all 50 states.