I'd like to share some food for thought in regards to making curriculum choices, in hopes that it may help someone avoid some of the struggles I've been facing.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
The ULTIMATE Homeschool Pinterest Party - The Happy Housewife
I'm excited to be teaming up with my friends Jamerill, Jenn, Tricia, and Stacie to bring you the ULTIMATE Homeschool Pinterest Party. Capture98. If you are a blogger this is a great way to share your content, increase your ...
Homeschool home run: Education News report tells us ... - EAG News
Additionally, CTA, which never misses an opportunity to bolster its ranks (parents and children be damned), filed a brief claiming that allowing parents to homeschool their children without having a teaching credential will ...
Homeschool Chicks: Homeschool Videos
Catch these informative homeschool videos from a veteran homeschool mom. Get all the information you want about choosing homeschool curriculum and whether Abeka curriculum is the right choice for you.
Top Private Schools Adopt A Homeschool Model
Some of New York City's elite private schools are now adopting the homeschool model as their primary learning foundation. Why? Because it works.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
The Romeike Homeschooling Case - Eagle Forum
These words close the invitation inscribed on the Statue of Liberty, which for so long has beckoned to persecution victims around the world. But does America still genuinely offer this sanctuary to persecution victims from other ...
Hate Group Leader Cited By Terrorist to Headline Catholic ...
Kolbe Academy, a Catholic homeschool program has invited hate group leader Robert Spencer to speak at its conference Sacramento.
SWAC Girl: Back in the homeschool classroom: A chance encounter
I ran into an old friend today while shopping at Martin's in Staunton ... a homeschool mom who joined our local homeschool organization while I was in leadership. It was good to see her and brought back memories of the ...
Q&A Friday: Do you homeschool year-round? Why or why not?
Yet as we progress on our homeschooling journey we slowly become more comfortable with our new freedom as a family. It feels empowering to realize we set the schedule. We start to question all those "norms" and ...
When life change affects your homeschool choose a gentle ...
After homeschooling a while we may find ourselves unexpectedly dealing with a life change that forces us to rethink our homeschool approach.
Ten things people ask me all the time - Quick Start Homeschool
As a homeschooling mamma for the last couple of decades, you can just imagine how many questions and comments I have heard over the years. Honestly, it is really fun for me to answer homeschooling questions, because I ...
Friday, June 28, 2013
Wow. Some People Really Hate Homeschooling.
When I set out to debunk some homeschooling myths I found elsewhere on About.com, I didn't realize what a hornet's nest I'd stir up. Yikes!
Jerry Webster, who runs the Special Education site on About.com, has a real grudge against homeschoolers. What makes this all the more puzzling is that Webster proudly notes that he took advantage of the educational alternatives available in this country by sending his son to an "elite boarding school" for high school. Why he feels this choice should be denied to families who -- because of finances or preference -- choose to homeschool rather than send their children to private school remains a mystery.
...Read Full Post
Reminder: Please send in a post for the next Carnival of Homeschooling
Please remember to send in a post about homeschooling for the next Carnival of Homeschooling. The next Carnival of Homeschooling will be held at: Dewey's Treehouse.
This will be the 392nd edition.
Go here for the instructions on sending in a submission.
As always, entries to the Carnival of Homeschooling are due Monday evening at 6:00 PM Pacific Standard Time.
I have a reminder mailing list. If you would like email reminders, please tell me.
Free Fun in Austin: Schlitterbahn New Braunfels Homeschool Days
Did you know Schlitterbahn New Braunfels offers Home School Days? Purchase Home School Days admission online with no minimum purchase required. Admission is valid for ages 3 and up and is valid on the designated ...
Homeschool Relationships in the Purity Culture - Patheos
Because a simple friendship is not allowed, and there is no getting together to hang out unless it is a group setting, and when homeschoolers get together in a group setting anyways, the guys and girls always naturally ...
Five Things About Homeschooling I Didn't Expect : Stacy Trasancos
I hadn't planned to homeschool, but that changed rather suddenly. We had no choice but to move last year, and thus found ourselves leaving behind a cul-de-sac neighborhood in the Boston suburbs, where the kids were ...
Shoved to Them: Homeschool Monday - Homeschooling Preschool
Homeschool Monday - Homeschooling Preschool. I got a question from a reader (I love questions, more people should ask them) about what I do for preschool. I answered her over at the new place. Come and join us over ...
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Do More Christian Homeschoolers Want Evolution in Textbooks ...
Magazine finds examples. And at least one Reformed publisher is responding.
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up - The Amazing Superpowers edition!
Cristina is hosting this week's Carnival of Homeschooling at Home Spun Juggling.
She starts the carnival with:
Mutant and meta-human. Born with it or developed special skills through some accidental event or sheer force of will. Superheroes have this in common: Superpowers.
Disputed Asylum for German Homeschoolers Heads to Sixth Circu ...
(Updated) The Christian Romeike family has been denied asylum, but plans to appeal the ruling.
Ideas for a homeschool mystery day - Simple Homeschool
This summer I'm reviving one of my favorite homeschooling traditions. Mystery Day. Mystery Day begins with a simple set of instructions. I tell the children what to wear (a swimming suit, a nice outfit, or maybe their muck boots) ...
Math in High School for Homeschoolers - Grateful for Grace
Different ways of addressing high school math for the homeschool.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Homeschooling in Real Life | Hip Homeschool Moms
My son was three when we decided that we would homeschool him once he reached school age. I had read books upon books and talked to many of my friends who were already homeschooling their children. I was literally ...
How to Find About.com Homeschooling on Facebook and Twitter
Do you like reading about homeschooling on Facebook? On the About.com Homeschooling page on Facebook, I post links to new blog posts every week, along with other articles homeschooling parents may find interesting.
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Thoughts about various curriculums, from a student's perspective
Hey this is the eldest child again. One of the great things about homeschooling is choosing your own curriculum. You can select the curriculum that works best for you.
Through the years my family has used several different curriculums for English, History, and Spelling.
For English when I first started I would read a chapter of a McGuffy reader and write a paragraph prompted by the questions. We had the Original McGuffey's Eclectic Reading Series. It was old and kind of worn.
Then we did IEW for English. This we actually did as a group at co-op. We would read through a paragraph, highlight the key words, put together a key words outline, and write two drafts. We then would read our paragraphs out loud.
Then I took English at Liahona Academy, a distance learning program. With Liahona I did many different assignments. I watched video clips and listened to music for metaphors and similes. I wrote papers on the heroic cycle, and compared and contrasted essays.
For Spelling I first started with a spelling work book that had word search, crossword, and other activities designed to help memorize the spelling words.
Then we moved to Spelling Power. Spelling Power gave a quick spelling quiz every day and then I practiced only the words I missed.
The first History book I had was this thick old book called History of the World. It read like a fairy tale and was pretty cool.
But for most of school we used the Story of the World series by Susan Wise Bauer. For a couple months we had a long butcher paper timeline on our wall in the hall. I really recommend the text book. It's engaging and easy to learn from.
Jumping Into The Homeschool Debate
Homeschooling isn't perfect -- nothing is, after all. But critics who talk about problems with homeschooling often seem to have little or no actual experience with children and parents who homeschool.
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Sunday, June 23, 2013
Homeschool Parents Need To Take Socialization Seriously - Patheos
I've been thinking more about socialization, and I think I've reached a point of clarity. Ever since writing my first post on homeschooling and socialization several years ago, many people who attended public school have told ...
Cultivating a Green Thumb: Why Gardening Should Be Part of Your ...
Cultivating a Green Thumb: Why Gardening Should Be Part of Your Homeschool Curriculum - Read about homeschooling. Free Christian homeschool resources for your home education needs.
Looking for a mini homeschool convention? - Not Consumed
Teach Them Diligently is bringing a unique homeschool experience to 7 more locations this summer! The Teach Them Diligently Marketplace is an inspirational new one day event affirming and inspiring homeschooling ...
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Make Room for Homeschoolers | American Libraries Magazine
Did you know there are an estimated 2 million home-educated children in the United States? According to a report from the National Home Education Research Institute, there were approximately 2.04 million American homeschoolers in 2010, ...
Homeschooling Family Shows that Children can Learn More and ...
The well-documented abysmal failure of government schools has prompted a homeschooling boom, as many parents have chosen to retain or regain control of their children's education instead of leaving it in the hands of the ...
Hip Homeschool Hop & Featured Blogger 6/18/13 - Homeschooling ...
And now, a few words from our Featured Blogger….. I remember the first time I started to think that I could teach my daughter at home. We were living overseas and were going to a special needs center twice a week for an ...
The First Difficult Year of Homeschooling - High School Homeschool
Whether your kids have attended school somewhere else, or you're starting to homeschool in the preschool or kindergarten years, adjusting to a homeschooling lifestyle does take some time.
Friday, June 21, 2013
How to Homeschool a Foreign Language
I went to college in Montreal, and my family goes back to visit every year. We love the Botanical Gardens, the Biosphere, the bike paths and the bagels. But we also go there to speak French.
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Some of our best posts from September 2007
Janine and I have been blogging about homeschooling for over seven years. If you missed some of our early posts, you have missed some of our best thoughts. Here are some highlights from September 2007:
I posted eight Reasons to Blog.
I shared Some of the benefits of homeschooling.
I challenged parents to teach their children to Keep looking after you find "The right answer."
Janine continued to write about our experience with music and homeschooling: What about Band? - Part 2, What about Band? - Day Three and Music lessons.
We had a few Thoughts about the Value of Education.
Ultimate Homeschool Link-Up #23
Anything applicable to homeschooling: daily life, stories, how-to posts, encouragement, curriculum reviews, giveaways…basically anything that another homeschool family might find useful or interesting. Link-up a few if you'd ...
Some of our best posts from October 2007
Janine and I have been blogging about homeschooling for over seven years. If you missed some of our early posts, you have missed some of our best thoughts. Here are some highlights from October 2007:
The cost of education has risen a factor of ten over the last 78 years is a post about how the real price of government schools, adjusted for inflation, has exploded over the last several decades.
Economics in one lesson has some resources.
I wondered if Sputnik the beginning of the end? for public education.
I have found that one of the benefits of homeschooling is children retain their love for learning.
September 2007 was also when we were still new to Foster Care. Here are some posts about our experiences: Update on our third foster care child, First Day of School and First Day of School - Part 2.
And September 2007 was when I first listened to The Day The Routers Died...
Even now I find this amazing.
Homeschooling Enrollment Skyrocketing as Parents Seek to Protect ...
homeschool. There is less faith now in the public education system than there ever has been. Homeschooling has increased by 75 percent in the last 14 years, according to a recent report in Education News. Homeschooling ...
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Staying motivated and avoiding burnout as a Homeschool Mom
Teach Them Diligently is hosting a blog hop this month to encourage Homeschooling Mamas! I will be joining them for several different topics throughout the month, and if you want more encouragement then go here to read ...
Getting Started Homeschooling - Grateful for Grace
After many emails from readers, I realized I haven't posted about an important topic in regards to homeschooling- getting started! I touched on it with these posts - Just Starting Your Homeschool Year is really for people who ...
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
3 Things We Like About Homeschooling
Reminder: Please send in a post for the next Carnival of Homeschooling
Please remember to send in a post about homeschooling for the next Carnival of Homeschooling. The next Carnival of Homeschooling will be held at: Home Spun Juggling.
This will be the 391st edition.
Go here for the instructions on sending in a submission.
As always, entries to the Carnival of Homeschooling are due Monday evening at 6:00 PM Pacific Standard Time.
I have a reminder mailing list. If you would like email reminders, please tell me.
Homeschool Home Run | Union Watch
An Education News report tells us that homeschooling is thriving. In a recent report, we learn that since 1999, the number of children who are homeschooled has increased by 75 percent. Though homeschooled children ...
Homeschooling in France: French Fibre Festival - Fairy Dust Teaching
For the last 3 weeks, I have invited you into our homeschool & daily life in rural France. You can see those posts here & here & here. I've been posting the "extra" photos that go along with those posts on my own blog – you can ...
Why I Plan to Continue Homeschooling Through High School ...
I have to say that I really enjoy summer break. I can focus undivided attention on my work and hobbies without any guilt over Emma's schooling. It is a real challenge to both work full-time at home, keep a house,
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
I'm quitting homeschooling - Mom's Mustard Seeds
It's time to quit homeschooling. It's time to find the path created for me both for homeschool and writing.
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up
ChristineTheCurious is hosting this week's Carnival of Homeschooling at Our Curious Home.
She has a theme of "Floods and Picnics" and starts with:
This is the time of year when my kids wish we didn't school year round (we do take off August and most of December, and random days we are grumpy in February, and you get the idea.)
Weighing College: Homeschooling Beyond the High School Years
It seems everyday you read another story about how much college costs, how much debt college graduates are burdened with, and how little a college degree helps when it comes to finding a job.
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I'm quitting homeschooling - Mom's Mustard Seeds
It's time to quit homeschooling. It's time to find the path created for me both for homeschool and writing.
Seven Lies About Homeschooling - High School Homeschool
A homeschooled high schooler addresses some of the lies and stereotypes that people often believe about homeschoolers and homeschooling.
Monday, June 17, 2013
I'm glad we can homeschool in the United States
I was reflecting today at just how glad I am we can homeschool in the United States. The public schools are so broken. They will arrest a young children for wearing a politically in-correct shirt or for drawing a picture of a gun. Hundreds of thousands of students drop out each year. And many of those who do "graduate" don't know how to read or write.
Recently I've been reading a few articles in the new about a bill in the California legilature. The bill may have a noble goal of providing equality between the sexes. But the approach seems so crazy. AB 1266 will allow students to students into the locker room of the sex they identify with. So if a guy says he feels like a girl it appears these bill will then allow him to take a shower in the girls' locker room. One article explains:
The cultural debate over "transgender rights" in public schools has moved to California, where a legislative committee passed a bill April 17 that would outlaw sex-segregated bathrooms and athletic teams.
Under the bill — which passed the Assembly Education Committee by a vote of 5-2 — a student will be "permitted to participate in sex-segregated school programs, activities, and facilities, including athletic teams and competitions," consistent with "his or her gender identity, irrespective of the gender listed on the pupil's records."
This means that boys who say they identify as girls can use the girls' restrooms and locker rooms, and vice versa. It also means that girls who want to play on boys' teams, and boys who want to play on girls' teams, will be allowed to do so. The key will be their "gender identity" — what sex they identify as — and not their birth certificate.
It is no wonder that homeschooling has exploded over the last decade and many expect it to continue to skyrocket.
In general the United States is pretty friendly to homeschooling. For example a recent ruling from the Nebraska Supreme Court says a homeschooling family can set their own school calendar, that they don't have to start in August or September.
It is sad that other countries persecute homeschoolers.
For example the Johansson family in Sweden was getting read to leave the country when officials boarded the plane and took Domenic, a 7-year-old boy, from his parents. It appears that in part the officials in Sweden took the boy because he was being homeschooled. The parents haven't seen their son in three years.
And the Roemeike family, from Germany, fled their country because they were not being allowed to homeschool. I'm said that the Obama Administration has denied the Roemeike's bid to seek asylum in the United States.
There are still many issues and problems with education and homeschooling in the United States, but I am glad we can homeschool here with relatively little hassle.
Homeschool, Immigration, and State Religion | Persevero News
Immigration has been a hot button issue for many years, yet it has taken an unusual twist in the realm of Homeschooling. The popular case about a German family that left their homeland so that they could homeschool in ...
Tim Hawkins - Homeschooling Is Something to Laugh About
Penn. Family Group Warns Homeschooling Families May Be Subject
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania -- A pro-family organization in Pennsylvania is expressing concern over a proposed bill that would require an investigation into.
My Color Coded HomeSchool Planner and Records | Are We Crazy ...
Introducing a homeschool planner that is color coded by student; each student is assigned a color which makes student identification easy. I've been homeschooling for over eight years and have yet to come across a planner ...
Sunday, June 16, 2013
All You Need To Know When Homeschooling Your Kids CAREERS ...
This can be resolved through homeschooling. When you homeschool your children, they will be receiving a proper education without you going broke. The following article will offer many techniques you can utilize while ...
Shades of Brown: homeschooling {starting a new adventure}
Last week we kicked off our homeschool adventure. We've been doing some "tot school" activities for years, but as of Monday, it's official that we are using a curriculum, doing it {most} everyday and homeschooling. Bates is ...
The latest Homeschool Showcase
The latest Homeschool Showcase is up at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.
Homeschooling Continues to Grow in Popularity Nationwide
The number of children being homeschooled in America has increased by 75 percent over the past 14 years, recent research shows. by Dave Bohon.
Court behavior in homeschool fight 'unconscionable' - WND
The comment came from Michael Farris, chairman of the Home School Legal Defense Association, which has been fighting on behalf of Christer and Annie Johansson, and their son Domenic. "It is very concerning that the ...
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Tim Hawkins - Homeschooling Is Something to Laugh About ...
Read Tim Hawkins - Homeschooling Is Something to Laugh About and be encouraged in your Christian homeschooling! Encouraging words and inspiration for homeschoolers.
Reminder: Please send in a post for the next Carnival of Homeschooling
Please remember to send in a post about homeschooling for the next Carnival of Homeschooling. The next Carnival of Homeschooling will be held at: Our Curious Home.
This will be the 390th edition.
Go here for the instructions on sending in a submission.
As always, entries to the Carnival of Homeschooling are due Monday evening at 6:00 PM Pacific Standard Time.
I have a reminder mailing list. If you would like email reminders, please tell me.
Make Room for Homeschoolers | American Libraries Magazine
Did you know there are an estimated 2 million home-educated children in the United States? According to a report from the National Home Education Research Institute, there were approximately 2.04 million American homeschoolers in 2010, ...
Homeschool Room: On the Road - The Homeschool Village
homeschooling on the road, always be open to the next adventure.
The Lowcountry Homeschool Network: Stay Connected This Summer
Glad you stopped by. Make sure to stay connected this summer by checking in regularly as we get new information about activities and events happening in the lowcountry for homeschoolers. We are always adding and ...
Some of our best posts from August 2007
Janine and I have been blogging about homeschooling for over seven years. If you missed some of our early posts, you have missed some of our best thoughts. Here are some highlights from August of 2007:
I strongly recommend that everyone read How to Read a Book by Mortimer J. Adler. Here is my Book Review.
In What about Band? Janine writes about how we have incorporated music into homeschooling.
And we shared an update on pets in our home, where we wrote about our corn snake.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Fairy Dust Teaching Kindergarten Blog: Homeschooling in France ...
For the last 3 weeks, I have invited you into our homeschool & daily life in rural France. You can see ... Her e-courses created a foundation upon which I was able to build a successful (& happy) homeschool life. Her deep ...
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up at Time4Learning Community Blog.
The carnival starts with:
It's here, it's here! The Carnival of Homeschooling has arrived at the Time4Learning Community Blog . . . and just in time for summer! Sit back with a cool drink while you check out these summer-related blog posts.
Get Organized with My Homeschool Grades - Homeschool Mosaics
This month – as lots of homeschoolers are either between homeschool years, or winding up one year and looking forward to the next – we are teaming up with an awesome vendor to help make your future homeschooling ...
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Check Out Some Of These Great Homeschooling Tips! | Blogs4mitt
While you might have heard some negative things about homeschooling and thought it wasn't a great idea for your family, there may be pause to reconsider.
Your Child's Future Is In Your Homeschooling Hands | Blogs4mitt
Without a solid education, your kids are unlikely to succeed. They just might end up in a lousy job or living in your basement. What is the best thing you can.
Latter-day Homeschooling: Question-Do you homeschool year ...
I was trying to come up with a post for this month, and I decided it would be neat to hear from our readers -. So I pose a question to all of you – Do you homeschool year round? Why or why not. My answer: We do homeschool ...
Single mom homeschooling her preteen son - Mommysavers.com
A conversation I overheard between two people over a mother I know of. Is it Ok for a single mom to homeschool her preteen son when he has no available father figure...
The fear and the funk of homeschooling - Simple Homeschool
This post contains affiliate links. the fear and the funk of homeschooling ~SimpleHomeschool.net. The Mindful Parenting eBundle sale ends TONIGHT (Monday) at 11:59 pm PT, so if you've had your eye on these resources, ...
Homeschool Notes: "What About Socialization?" | Boss Sanders
I've heard about homeschooling, and the idea seems great — but, what about socialization? Aren't most kids socially awkward? Great question! Or, questions… actually, this is like 3 different topics, so let me break out the ...
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Plans for "summer school" at home - Simple Homeschool
This week our family completed our eleventh year of homeschooling. Really? How did that happen?! The time has passed so quickly. It seems like just yesterday my son was doing beginning reading and now this week he ...
A Toddler in the House and Other Homeschooling Challenges
One of the biggest puzzles for me as a new homeschooler was how to work with my older son when my younger son was still a toddler. Luckily, I had a large community of homeschoolers nearby to consult.
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Court sides with homeschoolers in schedule fight - WND
In a dispute with state school officials, the Nebraska Supreme Court has ruled that a homeschooling family is free to set its own school calender, as long as it meets the requirement for class hours. As WND reported, school ...
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Congressmen Urge AG Holder to Grant Asylum to Homeschooling ...
A coalition of 27 Congressmen have joined together to sign a letter urging the Department of Justice and Attorney General Eric Holder to rescind an order to deport a German family whose only crime was to homeschool their ...
Saturday, June 8, 2013
9 Homeschool Apps We Wouldn't Be Without - Navigating By Joy
This week the Homeschool Help team are talking about our favourite homeschooling apps. I find it hard to ... Most come and go but a few have become an invaluable part of our homeschool routine. Here are nine of our ...
Court sides with homeschoolers in schedule fight - WND
In a dispute with state school officials, the Nebraska Supreme Court has ruled that a homeschooling family is free to set its own school calender, as long as it meets the requirement for class hours. As WND reported, school ...
Fight heats up on behalf of homeschoolers rejected by U.S. - WND
A German family seeking asylum in the U.S. to homeschool its children is asking a federal appeals court for a rehearing after the Obama Justice Department convinced a three-judge panel that the family should be deported.
I'm Glad I Was Homeschooled: "Do You Have Friends ...
While dealing with stereotypes is part of the homeschooling experience. I am glad to have been homeschooled, and I wouldn't trade my experience for anything.
25 Homeschooling Truths I Wish I'd Known - Homeschool Diaries
Homeschooling truths I wish I'd known before I started. A list of the top 25 things I learned my first year of homeschooling.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Homeschooling in a Foreign Land
Reminder: Please send in a post for the next Carnival of Homeschooling
Please remember to send in a post about homeschooling for the next Carnival of Homeschooling. The next Carnival of Homeschooling will be held at: Time4Learning.net.
This will be the 389th edition.
Go here for the instructions on sending in a submission.
As always, entries to the Carnival of Homeschooling are due Monday evening at 6:00 PM Pacific Standard Time.
I have a reminder mailing list. If you would like email reminders, please tell me.
Homeschooling parents, you can change the world! | Contemplative ...
Long-time homeschooler Ginny Sueffert spoke on "How Catholic Homeschoolers are Changing American Culture." She told the story of Catholic education in America, with a much more positive perspective than you often ...
Fight heats up on behalf of homeschoolers rejected by U.S. - WND
A German family seeking asylum in the U.S. to homeschool its children is asking a federal appeals court for a rehearing after the Obama Justice Department convinced a three-judge panel that the family should be deported.
Court sides with homeschoolers in schedule fight - WND
Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after nearly three decades with the Associated Press, as well as several Upper Midwest newspapers, where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and ...
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Court sides with homeschoolers in schedule fight - WorldNetDaily
In a dispute with state school officials, the Nebraska Supreme Court has ruled that a homeschooling family is free to set its own school calender, as long as it meets the requirement for class hours. As WND reported, school ...
Homeschooling and Sibling Relationships - Patheos
The homeschool literature that my parents read promised them that homeschooling would create perfect sibling relationships among us children, and make us all especially close and really good friends with each ...
Homeschool | My Korean Husband
Homeschool. This is another one of those times we realise the differences in our childhoods. I wasn't home schooled but I knew lots of people who were for at least part of their education. So that joke is quite funny to me.
When No One Else Is Homeschooling - Sam's Noggin
Do you worry about what the critics think about homeschooling? Here are the top questions from my area about homeschooling.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
End of Homeschool Year 1 | Strawberry Koi
For those of you who follow me through instagram or facebook, you might be a little more familiar with the fact that I've been homeschooling Lucien this last year (his first year). Although I've been completely open about it, I've ...
Using History to Learn About Music, Computers -- and Research Projects
When my kids hit the upper elementary years, every spring was devoted to a history research project. The projects started out simple -- just a few pages of homemade worksheets to fill out. As the kids got older, they became more in-depth.
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Homeschooling Year-Round - Homeschool Share blog
The Question: Our school year is coming to a close. However, many homeschoolers I know continue right through the summer months, choosing to school year round. What are the benefits, if any, of schooling year round?
Fight heats up on behalf of homeschoolers rejected by U.S.
A German family seeking asylum in the U.S. to homeschool its children is asking a federal appeals court for a rehearing after the Obama Justice Department convinced a three-judge panel that the family should be deported.
How I Teach History (With Thanks to The Well-Trained Mind)
I had the thrill of meeting Susan Wise Bauer, co-author of The Well-Trained Mind, the popular homeschooling guidebook that shows you how to build a curriculum around history, at Book Expo America in New York City last week. As I have already described, Bauer's book gave me a good start on figuring out how to created my own courses.
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Tuesday, June 4, 2013
10 Homeschool Science Books We Love - The Home School Scientist
This week at the iHomeschool Network 10 in 10 blog hop, we are talking our favorite homeschool books. Here are 10 of our favorite homeschool science books.
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up at Notes from a Homeschooling Mom.
The carnival starts with:
So it was my turn to host the Carnival of Homeschooling, I was so very excited, as I am officially a veteran homeschooling having recently graduated my second and last child from homeschooling. She attended a homeschool-hybrid program for the Arts and some literature, and did the rest of her academics at home. So anyway, I was soooo giddy from the sheer glut of all the submissions coming into my email box, but didn't open too many of them right away, because I was still planning the graduation party, so my attention was directed elsewhere.
Well, I can tell you that looks are deceiving, because when I did start digging into the submissions, I found a big-ole-mess of spam. Now correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think us homeschoolers need to read a dozen posts from nanny services on how to keep in-laws from babysitting, or summer activity suggestion. (If I'm wrong, let me know and I will add them in.) I also don't think our main focus here is creating a professional looking garden, from a gardening website. Perhaps these guys need to find the appropriate carnivals to participate in.
New Videos Coming -- What Topics Would You Like to See?
About.com will be producing some new videos for the Homeschooling site over the next few months, and the video team is looking for your input.
What topics would you be interested in seeing presented in a video format? The topics you suggest should be applicable year round.
...Read Full Post
9 Homeschool Apps We Wouldn't Be Without - Navigating By Joy
04 Jun 2013 No Comments · 9 Homeschool Apps We Wouldn't Be Without. favourite homeschool apps. This week the Homeschool Help team are talking about our favourite homeschooling apps. I find it hard to believe it's less than three years ...
What Would a Pluralist Say About Homeschooling?
Monday, June 3, 2013
Stop Saying Homeschoolers Are Brilliant! - Patheos
Growing up, I read HSLDA's Home School Court Report and various other homeschool newsletters. I attended homechool conferences and listened to my parents praise the virtues of homeschooling to people they met.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Fight heats up on behalf of homeschoolers rejected by U.S.
A German family seeking asylum in the U.S. to homeschool its children is asking a federal appeals court for a rehearing after the Obama Justice Department convinced a three-judge panel that the family should be deported.
homeschooling schtuff for 2013-14 - Ni Hao Yall
homeschooling schtuff for 2013-14. I've had to think about curriculum for 2013-14 extra early this year. Probably not early for most homeschool mamas, but I'm usually just getting packages into fall… in fact, just as the new ...
Congressmen Urge AG Holder to Grant Asylum to Homeschooling ...
A coalition of 27 Congressmen have joined together to sign a letter urging the Department of Justice and Attorney General Eric Holder to rescind an order to deport a German family whose only crime was to homeschool their ...
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Why Homeschool? - Dr. James Emery White Christian Blog
I think everyone who is able should consider homeschooling their child. There, I said it. Somebody needs to. I am sick and tired of reading diatribes against homeschooling from those who have never homeschooled, don't have children, ...
Ask a Homeschooler: Response to Robin - High School Homeschool
"I was planning to start homeschooling and my parents said as long as everything's free they have no problem with it. So I've been looking at online public schools and there's only tuition based private schools for my state.
Iowa Just Repealed ALL of It's Homeschooling Law - Patheos
Before this turn of events, Iowa law required homeschool parents to turn in a form with their children's names and ages and a basic outline of their plan of instruction to their local school districts each summer, and then ...
Fight heats up on behalf of homeschoolers rejected by U.S. - WND
A German family seeking asylum in the U.S. to homeschool its children is asking a federal appeals court for a rehearing after the Obama Justice Department convinced a three-judge panel that the family should be deported.
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up
This week's Carnival of Homeschooling is up at The HSBA Post.
Lisa starts the carnival with:
Welcome to The Homeschool Post's edition of the Carnival of Homeschooling! Since this carnival is full of a variety of topics we've decided to call it the "May Mashup".
Why Are Homeschooled Kids So Annoying? - Open Mic (be don't ...
My aunt-in-law is homeschooling my two cousins and one of them is graduating this year from high school. However, she has OCD and social anxiety and is FAR from being a good teacher. We really worry how they are going ...