Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spending On Public Education 44% Higher Than Reported.

As Henry's brother I've had a lot of exposure to home schooling, but have yet to take the plunge. Part of it is the thought of home schooling with six kids sounds overwhelming. Part of it is the schools in our area are pretty good.

Now the school district is facing budget cuts at the moment which made this article "Spending On Public Education 44% Higher Than Reported" by Cato. The schools here are saying they are spending $12,000 per student, and now will have to make do with $10,000. If a classroom has 20 kids, it seems like they should be able to survive on $200,000 per classroom. But now the question after this article is, how much are they really spending, and where does it all go?

The schools are asking for input, suggestions, but without disclosure of where the money is going, I wonder how effective it will be. It feels a bit like they want parents to buy into the fix and then say, "There is no solution but to raise taxes!" but then maybe I'm too cynical. So perhaps the district will do something stupid, the education will suffer, and we'll finally take the plunge into homeschooling.

In any case, Cato has a video which is kind of an executive summary of the paper, I found it worth watching:

I like the close quote of "It is impossible to have a public debate about education policy if public schools can't be straight forward about their spending."


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